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L49:这座豪华的山坡住宅公寓和俱乐部位于Sun Play项目的最高点,可以俯瞰泰国湾地平线上的日落美景。
L49:This luxury hillside residential apartments and clubhouse is situated on the highest point of Sun Play property, commanding a sunset view over the horizon in the Gulf of Thailand.

The clubhouse’s landscape design character was derived from the warm white tones of sandy beaches, wave lines of the seas, picturesque sand dunes and drying shallow pools at low tide.

The planting palette focused on small to medium seaside vegetation to accentuate the seaside atmosphere. These include Palm Trees, Screw Pines (Pandanus odoratissimus), Oleander, the colorful Bougainvillea and Fish Poison Tree (Barringtonia Asiatica). They fostered an open horizontal view towards the sea and sun set to be enjoyed from the residential units on higher ground.

Working together with the architect, the L49 thoughtfully set the buildings’ location and levels to maximize the best panoramic view for all units. In addition, the main drop off, lawn gathering space and parking platforms have been placed at different levels in the landscape to minimize excavating the existing landform.

Our design approach employs hillside potential, the green design and the ecologically sustainable concept design as a fruitful ground to grow localized ecosystem. Minimum impermeable hard surfaces were used for maximum porous surface, to allow the water to seep through the ground.

By seizing the advantage of hillside landscape, the natural surface runoff and natural swale drainage system can be used in collecting excess surface runoff. Then, the gravity will drain the water through designed channel downstream towards the designated ponds in the master plan.

项目名称:Sunplay Bangsaray
项目地点:泰国 Sattahip区 春武里
设计公司:Landscape Architects 49 Limited
首席建筑师:Predapond Bandiyanond
设计团队:Nattapong Meechaiya、Wattana Boonleang、Prachya Bausomboon、Puritat Prangsriarun
客户:Sunplay Asia Company Limited
图片来源:Rungkrit Charoenwat
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 1.8 ha (18,855 sq.m.)
Project location: Sattahip District, Chon Buri
Landscape Firm: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Website: www.L49.co.th
Contact e-mail: L49@L49.co.th
Lead Architects: Predapond Bandityanond
Design Team: Nattapong Meechaiya, Wattana Boonleang, Prachya Bausomboon, Puritat Prangsriarun
Clients: SSunplay Asia Company Limited
Architect : A49 (Phuket)
Architectural Engineering : AE49
M&E Engineering : ME49
Photo credits: Rungkrit Charoenwat
“ 设计师充分利用山地优势打造了多层次景观,形成多维度视野,并借由高差收集水源。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Landscape Architects 49 Limited