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CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati:国际设计与创意工作室 CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati 与已故设计师 Italo Rota(1953-2024 年)共同为 2024 年米兰设计周推出了 sunRICE 装置项目,将布雷拉植物园改造成了一条沉浸式体验的通道,探索稻米的多种用途——从食物到实验性建筑材料。sunRICE 作为 INTERNI Cross Vision 展览的一部分,将在 2024 年 4 月 25 日之前向公众开放。
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati:International design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, together with the late Italo Rota (1953-2024), unveils a project for Milan Design Week 2024 transforming the Brera Botanical Garden into an immersive pathway exploring the multiple uses of rice – from food to experimental construction material. Developed for global energy company Eni along with three Michelin-star chef Niko Romito, sunRICE will be open to the public until 25th April 2024, as part of the INTERNI Cross Vision exhibition.

稻壳作为稻米加工的副产品,通常被丢弃,该装置正是由一系列稻壳制成的几何单元组成。这些单元从一个基本的三角形开始,形成了天然材料的模块化细胞结构,让人联想到空间结构以及法国著名建筑师/城市规划师尤纳·弗莱德曼(Yona Friedman)的“新陈代谢结构”,这种结构可以在自然界中生长和转化,以适应新的功能。
该装置主要由建筑材料初创公司 Ricehouse 开发的硅基土工聚合物 RH-GEO 组成:一种暗示零废物生产过程的惰性材料。
The installation consists of a series of geometrical units created from rice husks – the byproduct of rice processing, which is usually discarded. Evoking the modular, cellular structure of natural materials, starting from a basic triangular form, the units evoke both spatial architectures and Yona Friedman’s metabolic structures, which can grow within nature and transform to accommodate new functions.
The installation is largely composed of silica-based geopolymer RH-GEO, developed by construction material startup Ricehouse: an inert material that hints at a zero-waste production process.

植物园本身是这个装置不可或缺的一部分:米其林三星主厨尼科·罗米托(Niko Romito)用鼠尾草、茴香和其他地中海风味的可食用植物来制作了一种“饼干”,调动了最后的感官:味觉。
The installation is part of a wider experience that starts with the values of skills and training, then exploring materials research while linking it to food.
The Botanical Garden itself is integral to the meaning of the installation: edible plants including sage, fennel, and other Mediterranean flavors are used by Chef Niko Romito to create a “cookie”, engaging the final sense: taste.

CRA 创始人兼 2025 年建筑双年展策展人 Carlo Ratti 解释道:“大米是世界上食用最广泛的食物,这正是它具有如此广泛而深刻的文化意义的原因,它开辟了如此多的用途和尚未开发的实验途径。当我们探索其他方法来养活地球上日益增长的人口时,我们也必须研究如何将这些材料用于可持续建筑。”
Carlo Ratti, founder of CRA and curator of Biennale Architettura 2025, explains that “Rice is the most widely consumed food in the world, and this is precisely why it has such an extensive and profound cultural significance, opening up so many uses and as-yet unexplored avenues for experimentation. As we explore alternative ways to feed the planet’s growing population, so too must we research the ways we can use these materials for sustainable construction.”

SunRICE 是与已故的意大利设计师 Italo Rota 生前共同构思的,Italo Rota 是近几十年来意大利最杰出的设计师之一,也是 CRA 的长期合作者。 Ratti 补充道:“Italo 是一位真正的创新者,他不仅能给出新的答案,还能不断向自己提出新的问题——这是最困难的事情。没有任何一项设计可以概括他的创造力广度,但在他离开后,我们完成这个项目时,他对循环性的构想给了我们深刻的启发。”
多年来,CRA 作为一个设计工作室一直在研究材料的创新。这些项目包括 2019 年米兰设计周“可循环花园 ”的蘑菇菌丝体结构装置、2020 年迪拜世博会意大利国家馆的“咖啡渣和橘子皮”制作的生态产品。2023 年,为了促进建筑行业的创新,CRA 创办了一家初创公司 Maestro Technologies,并推出了 AI Timber,可利用人工智能将 CLT 生产中的浪费减少 30%。
sunRICE was conceived alongside the late Italo Rota, one of the leading Italian designers of recent decades and a long-standing collaborator of CRA. “Italo was a true innovator,” adds Ratti, “capable not only of giving new answers but of asking himself new questions – the most difficult thing. No single design can sum up the breadth of his creativity, but his visions on circularity have been a profound inspiration as we finalized this project after he left us.”
For many years, CRA has been investigating materials innovation as a design studio. These projects include mushroom mycelium with “The Circular Garden” at Milan Design Week 2019, or coffee grounds and orange peels with Italy’s national pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020. In 2023, the objective of fostering innovation in the construction industry resulted in CRA launching Maestro Technologies, a start-up, whose projects include AI Timber, using artificial intelligence to minimize waste in CLT production by 30%.

Italo Rota (1953-2024) was one of the most important Italian designers of recent decades. In the 1980s he designed the renovation of the Musée d’Orsay, with Gae Aulenti, the rooms of the French School in the Cour Carré of the Louvre, the lighting of the Notre Dame cathedral and along the Seine and the renovation of the center of Nantes in Paris. In the 1990s he returned to Milan and with the new studio he created projects and architecture becoming one of the references of a new architecture. Symbolic are the Museo del Novecento in Piazza Duomo in Milan, the headquarters of Columbia University in New York, the Hindu Temple in Dolvy in India, the Media Library in Perugia. Over the years, Italo Rota has developed unrivaled expertise in the field of museography and exhibitions, creating countless iconic exhibitions and installations. With CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, he created the Italian Pavilion in Dubai for the EXPO Dubai 2020, the creative direction of the MEET Digital Culture Center projects in Milan, Casa Mutti in Parma, MAE Museum in Fiorenzuola d’Arda, AGO Museums Modena.
项目名称:米兰 sunRICE 装置
地点:意大利 米兰
设计师:Carlo Ratti Associati
首席设计师:Italo Rota, Carlo Ratti Associati
照片:Marco Beck Peccoz
Project Name: sunRICE IN MILAN
Year: 2024
Location: Milan, Italy
Architects: Carlo Ratti Associati
Lead Designers: Italo Rota, Carlo Ratti Associati
Photographs: Marco Beck Peccoz
“ 利用世界上最丰盛的食物——大米,能做多少事情?当米其林三星主厨 Niko Romito 在烘焙“饼干”的同时,CRA 和 Italo Rota 也在米兰植物园里推出了一个实验装置,他们从大米加工的副产品入手,创造了一个与树木互动的空间结构。 ”
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