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Thanks Landtek Group for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Landtek Group.
Landtek Group: In this old pedestrain street mixed with commercial and residential interfaces, we use basic landscape approaches,regrading and scales, to deal with site issues. A park with a series of flexible spaces was created on a grant slope.

In the densely-populated old town of Qingdao, this project is intended to create new public realm for both the neighborhood and citizens, and stimulate the center of the depressed distirct by revitalizing the public realm.

项目背景:曾经的德国殖民地,衰落中的商业街区 Background: A Historic German Colony, a Declining Commercial District
In the early 20th century, the German government established a district for Chinese laborers, where the 3rd Taidong Road is located now. Utterly different from the commercial street in hustle and bustle, the east section of the 3rd Taidong Road is an unfrequented grand slope 200M long with gradient of 5.5%.
▽项目区位 Project location

The 3rd Taidong Road is the most bustling commercial pedestrian street in the old town of Qingdao in east China.However, poor living conditions as well as a severe lack of public realm, have resulted in the continuous outflow, aging and impoverishment of the population in this district since the late 20th century. Under frequent conflicts between local residents and citizens over the allocation of the extremely scarce public realm, the crowded commercial district on the 3rd Taidong Road has gradually declined in the past decade.
▽改造前的台东三路步行街 Before the transformation of Taitung three Road pedestrian street
设计策略 Design Strategies
By renovating grand slope of Taidong, this project systematically balanced the use of the limited urban public realm by residents and citizens, while creating a series of flexible places to meet new needs emerging with revitalization of the district in the future.First, the landscape architect transformed 2/3 of the slope into terraces for people to stay and left the other 1/3 of the slope for trucks and logistic vehicles to pass.
▽改造前后对比 Before and after renovation(右下图©Chill Shine 丘文三映)
▽项目模型 Project model
The grant slope is surrounded by residential area, and a quarter of the street is occupied by a wall. Restricted by the slope and negative interfaces on both sides, there is a high demand for accessibility and opening. The designer turned the disadvantages into advantages, and create a series of slope activity spaces to fully activate the vitality of the site.
▽一系列斜坡活动空间 A series of sloping activity Spaces
▽场地活动空间动图演绎 Venue activity space GIF interpretation
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽改造前后对比 Before and after renovation(右图©Chill Shine 丘文三映)
A series of pavilions replaced the fence of the school, which not only provide an all-weather recreational space but also keep the slope active enough for the upcoming urban events, for example the artistic exhibitions.
▽亭子与凉廊为居民提供全天候的休憩场所 Pavilions and loggias provide all-weather recreation for residents

The identifiable pavement can reflect daylight in the day and neon lights at night, which along with the series of terraces makes the slope a new landmark in the commercial district of Taidong.

用弹性空间拥抱未来的多样性 Embrace the Unpredictable Future with Flexibility
Due to local traditional customs, the landscape architect eventually failed to persuade residents to accept any new tree in the slope.

With flexibility, the function of the large slope is not fixed, but a flexible space that can be transformed following the users and urban events.
After the reconstruction of the Taitung Slope, the elderly, children, surrounding residents, and citizens in the commercial block occupy and use the terraces at different heights in a formal or informal way; a series of seemingly blank elastic places actively embrace the unpredictable future of this block.
▽场地的更新为街道增加更多的活力与功能属性 The renewal of the site adds more vitality and functional attributes to the street

Even so, the project embraces the indetermination of the future, broaden vision for urban renewal of the district by revitalizing the public realm in the center of the old town in Qingdao.
▽充满烟火气息的老城公共空间 A public space in the old city full of fireworks

▽总平面图 Plan
摄影版权:Chill Shine 丘文三映
Project name: Taidong Grand Slope Renovation
Project location: Qingdao, Shandong
Project area:6400㎡
Landscape design: Landtek Group
Leader designer: Jingshi Diao, Shilei Lu
Designer: Shuwen Su, Jiawei Liang, Kangtai Feng, Peiyao Xiao, Zipei She, Haoming Lu, Ruiyang Li
Construction drawing: L&A Design
Signage Design: L&A Design
Lighting consultant: Lightingformula
Client: Qingdao RIM Group
Planning& Design Management: Wancheng Urban Design Research Co., Ltd
Design year: 2021-2022
Completion year: 2023
Photography:Chill Shine
“ 设计在有限的城市公共空间中,以留白创造包容,用细节丰富留白,在倾斜的步行街上雕刻出一个公园,创造一系列弹性的场所,在激活场地的活力的同时,重振老城区中心的公共空间。”
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