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SLA:The City Dune is inspired by nature’s processes and built up as a Swedish hill side with a terrain that rises from street level to the second floor level, covering the side and the roof of the bank’s parking garage. The white concrete surfaces reflect the sun while all rainwater is collected and re-used for irrigation and cooling of the urban space in summer. The Nordic vegetation and trees provide shade on hot summer days and shelter when it rains. At the same time The City Dune provides SEB Bank and Pension with a strong and unique Nordic identity.
连接整个区域的绿色开放“门厅” A green open ‘foyer’ that ties the area together
多年来,哥本哈根的港口一直是低质量的办公大楼、冷寂的购物中心、糟糕的基础设施的代名词,几乎没有值得使用的公共空间,但瑞典SEB银行和养老金部(SEB Bank and Pension)选择在哥本哈根交通最繁忙的一个地下停车场上方建造其纳维亚总部后,委托给了SLA一个创建可将新总部与周边地区、港口和哥本哈根的其他地区连接起来的城市空间的任务。SLA认为银行前面的开放空间不一定要是寂寂无名的灰色肃清空间,相反,应该设计成一个绿色宜人的迎宾“开放大厅”。
The harbor front of Copenhagen has through the years been widely criticized for being the site of low-quality office buildings, introvert shopping malls, bad infrastructure, and few – if any – public spaces worth using. Here, above an underground car park on the most traffic-heavy corner of Copenhagen, the Swedish SEB Bank and Pension has chosen to build its Scandinavian headquarters. SLA got the assignment to create an urban space that could tie the new headquarter together with the surrounding area, the harbor, and the rest of Copenhagen. An open space in front of a bank does not necessarily need to be anonymous, grey, and void of people. On the contrary, SLA designed the area as a green and welcoming ‘open foyer’ for the public and employees of the bank alike.
The result is a sustainable and fully accessible urban space covering an area of 7,300 square meters. Like a giant dune of sand or snow it slips in between the buildings, thereby creating a spatial coherence in the design. Simultaneously, the urban space, elevated 7 meters above the surroundings, ensures the mobility of pedestrians and cyclists, leading from SEB and the harbor past The Danish National Archives and on to the Tivoli Congress Center.
从丹麦北部沙丘和斯堪的纳维亚冬季雪丘汲取灵感 Inspiration from the sand dunes of Northern Denmark and snow dunes of the Scandinavian winter
想要充分体验这个城市沙丘空间,你必须亲身穿过它才行。在你穿过这些区域时,向不同方向发散和开放的空间,会创造一种新的空间连接,当你走上伯恩斯坦广场,空间又会随着你行走的300米长而蜿蜒的斜面,逐渐变得开阔。回望这座城市时,这些建筑勾勒出哥本哈根的立体轮廓,再走上更短更陡的Kalvebod Brygge上坡,你会看到这海港的壮丽景色。
The City Dune, as the urban space quickly came to be called, is made of white concrete, borrowing its big, folding movement from the sand dunes of Northern Denmark and the snow dunes of the Scandinavian winter. The folding movement and the contour of the terrain not only handle functional and technical demands from drainage, accessibility and lighting to plantation and the creation of a root-friendly bearing layer. It also offers a variety of routes for customers and employees of SEB as well as ordinary Copenhageners, creating an ever-changing urban space.
To fully experience The City Dune, you must physically move through it. When passing through the area, the space evolves and opens in different directions, creating new spatial connections in the process. When ascending from Bernstorffsgade, the space gradually unfolds as you walk along the 300 meter long and winding incline. Looking back against the city, the buildings frame a solid cut of Copenhagen. The ascent from Kalvebod Brygge is shorter and steeper. Here one will soon rise to a splendid view of the harbor.
Acclimatization is the single most important principle in the design of The City Dune. Through the folding movements of the concrete, the surface reflects as much of the incoming sun’s radiation as possible, thereby creating a cooler microclimate during the hot months of the year. This is further enhanced by 110 water atomizers emitting out moist air, spread by the wind. The result is the experience of being in the middle of the lush Scandinavian nature. Narrow drains lead the rainwater from the concrete surfaces and into two large rainwater tanks. From here it is pumped to the plantation and the water atomizers through a fine-meshed network of tubes. As such, no rainwater ends up in the sewers or on the roads.
The trees and herbaceous borders are placed in fissures between the horizontal planes. Both deciduous and evergreen plantation has been utilized to achieve the metabolism of water throughout the year in addition to enhancing the microclimatic environment with wind and shelter. The trees and plantations are not arranged to emulate nature. It is a new manner of seeing and experiencing nature in the city. The ambition is to create an urban view of nature through a design that clarifies the presence of nature as a process, while simultaneously supporting acclimatization and other functional conditions. All in all, The City Dune provides not only acclimatization and utility through the sustainable use of concrete and plantation – it also gives a much needed recreational value to a part of Copenhagen long neglected by city planners.
景观设计:SLA Architects
合作伙伴:EFFEKT, COWI, Social Action, GAME和Boris Brorman Jensen
客户:SEB Bank and Pension
图片:Jens Lindhe and Torben Petersen
Project name: The City Dune
Design year and completion year: 2007-2010
Landscape Design: SLA Architects
Partners: EFFEKT, COWI, Social Action, GAME and Boris Brorman Jensen
Clients: SEB Bank and Pension
Project location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Landscape area: 7300 square meters
Photo credits: Jens Lindhe and Torben Petersen
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