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Thanks Ignacio Borrego for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ignacio Borrego.


Diala Hamed:这座球形住宅坐落在马略卡岛崎岖的地貌之中,体现了现代建筑与周围自然环境之间的对话。该建筑光滑的弧形结构与岛上橄榄树林和岩石露头的粗糙质感形成了鲜明对比,同时又保持了与场地的和谐统一。

Diala Hamed:Located amidst Majorca’s rugged landscape, this spherical residence exemplifies a dialogue between modern architecture and the surrounding natural environment. The structure’s smooth, curved forms create a deliberate contrast to the rough textures of the island’s olive groves and rocky outcrops, while maintaining a harmonious integration with the site.


▽住宅入口 The entrance



Expansive floor-to-ceiling windows allow natural light to permeate the minimalist interior, framing panoramic views of the Mediterranean and establishing a continuous connection between the house and its surroundings.




The design extends beyond the structure with thoughtfully composed exterior spaces that complement the natural terrain.




On the seaside-facing side of the house, an infinity pool is positioned parallel to the horizon, producing an effect where water seems to blend with the distant sea.




A built-in, round hot tub, nestled into the rocky landscape, offers a secluded spot to engage with the environment while immersed in water. The terrace, though limited to one side of the house, is an essential feature, composed of stone and wood that respond to the natural landscape, enhancing the visual and tactile connection to the outdoors.




This seaside terrace becomes a transitional space, linking the interior with the open landscape, encouraging engagement with the Mediterranean views. The spatial design balances privacy and openness, reflecting the rhythms of the climate and environment. The house exemplifies a thoughtful integration of form, material, and landscape, creating a refined architectural dialogue that responds to Majorca’s unique geography while offering immersive, site-sensitive spaces.



▽开放式厨房 Open-plan kitchen


▽卧室 Bedroom


▽浴室 Bathroom


▽立面图 Elevation


▽剖面图 Section


▽平面图 Plan




项目名称:The Orb House
竣工年份:2024 年
面积:1400 平方米

景观/建筑事务所:Diala Hamed
首席建筑师:Diala Hamed
设计团队:Diala Hamed
客户:Diala Hamed 完成的概念项目
图片来源:Diala Hamed

Project name: The Orb House
Completion Year: 2024
Project location:Mallorca – Spain

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Diala Hamed
Website: www.dialahamed.com
Contact e-mail: hello@dialahamed.com
Lead Architects: Diala Hamed
Design Team: Diala Hamed
Clients: Conceptual project done by Diala Hamed
Photo credits: (All images are 3D renderings done by Diala Hamed)



更多 Read more about:Diala Hamed