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Thanks Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch.


EID Arch姜平工作室:成都大熊猫繁育研究基地熊猫新舍位于成都市北郊的茂林修竹中,毗邻北湖生态公园、成都植物园,拥有得天独厚的原生态自然环境。熊猫新舍隶属于成都国家大熊猫研究繁育基地园区内的扩建项目,占地12,809㎡,涵盖动物行为研究、科普教育、旅游观赏等多样化的复合功能。​

Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch: The Panda Pavilions of Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding are located amidst verdant woods and bamboo forests in the northern suburbs of Chengdu, adjacent to the Beihu Ecological Park and the Chengdu Botanic Garden, boasting a unique natural environment. The expansion project within the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding covers an area of 12,809 square meters and has diverse functions, including animal behavior research, science education, and tourism.


▽项目视频 Video

▽熊猫和它的新家 The panda and its new home


EID Arch姜平工作室于2019年受邀参与熊猫新舍的设计,为促进生物多样性的有效保护,工作室立足于对环境友善与动物福祉的设计主旨,探索人与动物、建筑与环境自然连接的关系。依托场地内延绵起伏的丘陵地势,总体规划顺应在地环境,将四个几何圆形的母题空间融合于溪谷之间,创新性地打造一种人与自然、建筑与环境之间和谐共生的交互模式。熊猫新舍历经两年半时间竣工,目前已投入使用,并吸引了来自全国各地的访客。

In 2019, Atelier Ping Jiang | EID was invited to participate in the design of the Panda Pavilions to promote effective biodiversity conservation. The design team focused on environmental friendliness and animal wellbeing, and explored the relationship between humans and animals, architecture, and the natural environment. Based on the undulating terrain of the site, the overall plan follows the local environment and integrates four geometric circular spaces into the valleys, innovatively creating an interactive mode of harmonious symbiosis between humans and nature, and architecture and the environment. The Panda Pavilions, completed after two and a half years of construction, is now in use and has attracted visitors from all over the country.


▽顺应地势而为的低冲击设计策略 Low impact design strategies for terrain adaptation

▽设计师草图 Designer sketch




“It is intended as a convergence of architecture, landscape and land art. While the project provides a pedestrian friendly navigation experience for the visitors, it prioritizes an animal-friendly environment to minimize the alienation of ecology.”

——Ping Jiang, FAIA, Design Principal


▽规划布局 Planning layout

▽从天空俯瞰的大地艺术 Earth art from the sky

▽融于自然环境中的沉浸式体验 An immersive experience in a natural environment

▽设计师草图 Designer sketch


与自然共生的大地艺术 Land art that symbioses with nature

尊重原生地貌环境是本案着重考量的因素,EID Arch姜平工作室采用了回应气候条件的适应性策略,最初便从形态方位着手,顺应地貌特质进行形体布局。受成都平原自然环境的启发,经过建筑形态、体量与环境要素之间的多维度研究,最终敲定圆形是最适应灵活调整的母题语言,整体规划格局遵循低冲击的介入策略,将对山体的侵蚀和环境的影响降至到最低。

Respecting the original topography and environment is a key factor in this project. Atelier Ping Jiang | EID Arch adopts adaptive strategies that respond to climatic conditions, starting from the layout of the form and conforming to the terrain characteristics. Inspired by the natural environment of Chengdu Plain, through multidimensional research on architectural form, volume, and environmental elements, a circular shape was ultimately determined to be the most adaptable and flexible geometry. The overall planning pattern follows a low-impact intervention strategy, minimizing the impact on the terrain and the environment.


▽环抱自然的原生栖居环境 Surrounding the natural native habitat environment

▽溪谷林壑间的环境适应性建筑 Environmentally adaptable architecture between valleys and valleys



The Panda Pavilions cover multiple functions such as indoor display, panda housing, logistics area, and outdoor activity display area. The design revolves around the mother-theme element, embracing the Panda Pavilions that integrate new functions such as animal research, science education, and tourism in nature, blurring the boundaries between architecture and landscape.


▽静谧竹林里建筑与环境的互融 A quiet blend of architecture and environment in the bamboo forest



The central courtyard serves as the main outdoor activity area for giant pandas, allowing them to have the closest possible contact with nature. The indoor space is equipped with a constant temperature air conditioning system to simulate the natural ecological climate, providing a suitable habitat for giant pandas. The circular-shaped building is embedded in the natural terrain, creating diverse visual conditions and immersive scenery experiences for visitors. The Panda Pavilions integrate architecture and landscape between the valley and forest, extending into a continuous land art with the undulating terrain.


▽环境及动物友善的设计策略为熊猫营造模拟原生态的栖息环境 Environmental and animal friendly design strategies create a habitat that simulates the original ecology of pandas

▽熊猫行为主导的室内游线及丰富的室内活动区 Panda behavior-led indoor tour lines and abundant indoor activity areas


动物友善的诗意栖居 Environmentally-Friendly Poetic Habitat for Animals


The Panda Pavilions not only focus on being environmentally friendly but also adheres to the design concept of animal welfare first to meet the conservation needs of endangered wildlife in the region. The architects took into consideration the living habits and psychological characteristics of giant pandas in their animal behavior research, optimizing the visitor’s route and view to provide diverse and interesting viewing scenes while reserving enough living space.


▽善意的视域调整尽可能减少对熊猫的干扰 Well-intentioned visual adjustments are made to minimize disturbance to the panda


▽多样化的参观游线 A variety of Tours



The pathways that connect the different venues were clearly planned to guide visitors through the indoor and outdoor areas of the Panda Pavilions along the terrain. The activity area creates a safe and comfortable living environment through suitable vegetation and facilities. The design incorporates various visiting methods such as underground tunnels, sunken platforms, and exploration channels to meet the diverse needs of different groups while increasing the intimacy between people and nature.


▽顺应地形的多维立体流线组织 Multi-dimensional streamline organization conforming to terrain



The service route uses a three-dimensional organization method, with researchers, logistics services, and animal care staff mainly arriving via the ground level, and multi-level platform configuration solves the problem of peak flow, avoiding the crossing of different flows.



回应环境适应性的建筑实践 Responding to environmental adaptability in architectural practice


To respond to the natural characteristics of the dense bamboo forest, the design of the building facade and walkways draws inspiration from the vertical rhythm, presenting a natural rhythm of variation and light and shadow texture in both longitudinal and oblique wooden gratings under all weather conditions. Sustainable building materials such as locally manufactured wooden grilles and aluminum materials are used in the exterior design, combined with local construction techniques to create a green, low-carbon building space throughout its lifecycle. The cast-in-place concrete walls create a natural environment for the giant panda, blending into the natural environment in terms of material and color, while also dissolving the volume of building.


▽建筑立面韵律回应竹林意象 The rhythm of the facade responds to the image of bamboo forest

▽建筑细节 Architectural detail



As an attempt at climate responvsive architecture, the design adopts innovative treatments for the building facade and roof. The public visiting and wandering spaces of the two venues use a semi-open design for natural ventilation, with efficient and low-energy zone control measures. In addition to fully air-conditioned areas, the indoor public spaces also incorporate semi-open and fully open natural ventilation designs. The proportion of naturally ventilated area in the four venues reaches 55%, effectively reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, and creating a breathing architecture that allows visitors to experience immersive interactions while enjoying the natural landscape of the valley.


▽气候适应性建筑的调节策略 Adaptive strategies for climate-resilient buildings

▽自然通风的可呼吸建筑 Breathable building with natural ventilation



The design of the Panda Pavilion concerns with the relationship between architecture, landscape, and environment, where the building itself can also become a part of the landscape and vehicle of the connection between nature and the environment. Its design process combines environmental friendliness with building sustainability, providing a solution to adapt to the current environmental demands.


▽茂林修竹掩映下的熊猫新家 The panda’s new home is surrounded by lush trees and bamboo trees



The Panda Pavilion is a cross-disciplinary design practice that integrates architecture, landscape, and land art. Architects use the natural environment as a creative medium, allowing the building itself to become a space of public activity that interacts with the natural landscape. Based on the principle of prioritizing environmental friendliness and animal wellbeing, this project re-examines the relationship between animals, humans, and the environment. The design of the Panda Pavilion will greatly contribute to promoting the recovery and breeding research of the giant panda population, while also raising public awareness of biodiversity conservation, represented by endangered and rare species such as giant pandas.


▽总平面图 Plan

▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽屋顶平面图 Roof plan

▽剖面图 section

▽立面图 elevation

▽外墙墙身细节 Exterior wall details




建筑师:EID Arch姜平工作室
主持建筑师:姜平, FAIA
建筑摄影:存在建筑/ Kuratnik Nikolai/西木建筑摄影/杨磊

Location: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Client: Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd. / Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Built Area: 12,809 Sq m
Type: Institutional
Architect: Atelier Ping Jiang I EID Arch
Design Principal: Ping Jiang, FAIA
Design Team: Michelle Bao, Sean Lu, Shuang Zhang, Xiaoxu Sun, Yunpeng Ma, Chendi He
Collaborating Local Design Institute: Chengdu Architectural Design & Research Institute
Collaborating Master Planning Consultant: Shanghai Tianhua Planning Co., Ltd. / Chapman Taylor
Landscape Consultant: Chengdu Landscape Architecture Planning & Design Institute
Curtain Wall Consultant: KTOP HK/ Chengdu Architectural Design & Research Institute
Photography: arch-exist photography/ Kuratnik Nikolai/ XIMUImage/ Lei Yang



审稿编辑  Maggie

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