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Thanks Kengo Kuma and Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kengo Kuma and Associates.
KKAA:We renovated the Waseda University Campus Building #4 into the new Haruki Murakami Library as a “wooden tunnel” that penetrates through the existing building. The wooden tunnel transcends time and space, as we translated the “tunnels” in Murakami’s novels that connect different dimensions into architectural space.

We neutralized the original building by repainting the exterior walls white, adding emphasis to the addition of the three-dimensional wooden screen canopy. The canopy serves as an indication to the entrance of the tunnel, a representation of the boundary between dimensions. The wooden tunnel, which is created as a vertical cut through the existing slab, serves simultaneously as a bookshelf, theatre, and lecture hall.

▽设计细节 Detail

▽夜间灯光效果 Night view

20世纪的建筑是由混凝土主导的,兼具”硬 “和 “冷 “的特性。与此相反,我们通过使用精致柔软的木材,为这个图书馆构想了一条保护我们和培养梦想的隧道。
The 20th century was dominated by concrete, which has qualities that are “hard” and “cold.” In contrast, for this library we imagined a tunnel that protects us and cultivates dreams, by using wood which is delicate and soft.

▽馆内空间 Interior space

团队:Keita Watanabe、Yu Watabe
合作:Kanebako Structural Engineers
设施: Kankyo Engineering
储物架:Futaba Quantity Surveyors
外观设计:Placemedia, Landscape Architects Collaborative
出版刊物:Nikkei Architecture 2022/06 特别版、Shinkenchiku 2022/01、Ga Japan 174、Casa Brutus 2021/11 Vol.259
摄影:©︎Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
Project Name: The Waseda International House of Literature (The Haruki Murakami Library)
Location: Tokyo
Area: 2,147㎡
Stage: Completed
Complete: 2021.3
Category: Educational | Gallery, Museum, Cultural
Team: Keita Watanabe, Yu Watabe
Cooperation: Kanebako Structural Engineers
Facility: Kankyo Engineering
Accumulation: Futaba Quantity Surveyors
Exterior: Placemedia, Landscape Architects Collaborative
Publication: Nikkei Architecture 2022/06 特別版 , Shinkenchiku 2022/01 , Ga Japan 174 , Casa Brutus 2021/11 Vol.259
Photography: ©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
“ 在坚硬、冰冷的建筑上植入精致、柔软的木质“隧道”,将不同的维度连接到建筑空间中。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所