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Thanks BEHIVE Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by BEHIVE Architects.
BEHIVE Architects: The avenue of Jiaozi, is a grand boulevard in Chengdu that stretches two kilometers from east to west, with a 50-meter wide of landscape space on both sides. The restaurant is one of the twenty service stations that dots the boulevard.
▽沿街延展的轻盈屋面 Dynamic roof stretching along street

▽东南广场视角 View from plaza

▽沿街立面South façade along the street

01. 基地环境 The Site
The site is located at the heart of the city, facing the busy street on the south and the soaring high rises on the north, and looking afar the twin towers at the end of the avenue. The sense of place is busy and intense, on first visit we immediately envisioned a proposal that would bring a breath of nature. Working with materials and tectonics that evoke a sense of nature, we try to create a relaxing and approachable setting for people to sit down and enjoy the food.
▽餐厅与交子大道 Restaurant on Jiaozi Avenue

▽漂浮于场地上的轻盈屋面 Dynamic roof floating on site

02. 空间概念 The Architectural Concept
The restaurant consists of a double-story dining space on the south and a concentrated back-of-house space on the north. A reflection pool is designed alongside the south façade and becomes a transition from the street to the entry. The water reflects the roof and the sky beyond and calms the mind of diners.
▽东南侧鸟瞰 Southeast aerial view

▽西南鸟瞰 Southwest aerial view

▽低垂于镜面水池上的屋面 Overhanging roof over reflection pool

▽东南侧鸟瞰 Southeast aerial view

▽东南人视 Southeast view

The mass of the project plays with a dialogue between the vernacular architecture and the contemporary cityscape. The east façade celebrates the traditional pitched roof of Sichuan residence while the west façade responds to the context in a rectangle profile. A twisting roof bridges the two sides and acts as a dynamic transition in between. The sprawling surfaces of double-curved roof stretch along a curved ridge in the middle and hover over the dining space and landscape underneath. The profile of the roof is dynamic and light, like the spreading wings of a bird that gently falls on the street.
▽量体扭转 Twisting of mass

▽蜿蜒的屋脊线 Curved ridge

▽扭转的屋面 Dynamic twisting roof

▽起伏屋面与东侧山墙 Undulating roof and east gable wall

▽东侧倾斜的屋顶轮廓 Pitched roof on east

03. 结构体系 The Structure
The structure of the project integrates steel columns and timber roof. Laminated timber beams adapt to the double-curved surfaces and extend from inside to outside in a diagonally crossing grids. The continuous pattern of structure unifies the interior and exterior and creates a dialogue between constructed nature and the landscape. To enhance the stability of the structure, each steel column is connected to two center points on grid with cross-shaped transfer beams, resulting in a unique branch-like structural elements on second floor.
▽轴测 Axonometric

▽从室内延伸至室外的木结构 Extended timber structure from inside to outside

▽树枝状钢柱与木梁的交接 Joint between branching columns and timber beams

▽树枝状钢柱与木梁的交接 Joint between branching columns and timber beams

The biggest challenge of structural design is to achieve the over 4-meter cantilever on south, where the curtain wall recedes. Four inclined columns are added from the foundation of front columns to ensure that the roof floats upon the reflection pool without any support on the outside. The inclined columns also shape a linear void space along the curtain wall, through which visitors from the lower level have a chance to appreciate the dynamic roof.
▽动态的网格状木梁 Timber beams in a dynamic crossing pattern

▽倾斜的木屋顶与下方用餐空间 Dining space under the pitched roof

▽木梁下的动线 Circulation under the roof

04. 外围护表皮系统 The Envelop
The façade design aims to achieve maximal transparency to enhance the continuity of timber structure from inside to outside. The curtain wall on south and north follows the crossing grid of the timber beams resulting in a continuous zigzag profile. When the restaurant is illuminated from inside, the timber structure is revealed to pedestrians through the glass.
▽西南人视 Southwest view

▽屋檐处裸露的木结构与曲折的玻璃幕墙 Exposed timber structure over zigzag glass curtain wall

▽屋檐处裸露的木结构 Exposed timber structure

The roof utilizes the aluminum honeycomb panels that reflects the environment and presents gradient color under the sun. The aluminum shell adapts to the form of roof and splits into multiple cascading layers. Translucent acrylic panels and LED lights are used at the splits between the layers and they render the roof with soft glow at night.
▽远望双塔 View to twin towers

▽层层叠落的铝板屋面 Multi-layered aluminum roof

▽扭转的铝板屋面反射环境 Twisting roof reflects the environment

▽从室内延伸至室外的木结构 Extended timber structure from inside to outside

▽低垂于镜面水池上的屋面 Overhanging roof over reflection pool

▽施工过程 Construction

▽总平面图 Plan

▽一层平面 1F plan

▽二层平面 2F plan

▽立面 Elevation

▽剖面 Section

项目名称: 都市中的自然栖息地——交子大道木屋顶餐厅
建筑事务所/公司/机构/单位: BEHIVE 致野建筑
事务所/公司/机构/单位网站: www.behive-design.com
联络邮箱: media@behive-design.com
公司所在地: 上海市静安区西康路608号3楼
项目完成年份: 2022
建筑面积: 600㎡
项目地址: 成都市高新区交子大道456号
主创建筑师: 张铭政,欧阳见秋
主创建筑师邮箱: dchang@behive-design.com, rouyang@behive-design.com
摄影师: 虚服摄影,陈尚儒
设计团队: 张铭政,欧阳见秋,李英博,上官缙文,陈祎珺,孙建彬
委托方: 成都高投建设开发有限公司
餐厅运营品牌方: 四川川西坝子餐饮管理有限公司
建筑施工图: 四川省建筑设计研究院
木结构深化设计及施工: 上海思卡福建筑科技有限公司
结构设计: 四川省建筑设计研究院
幕墙设计: 四川省建筑设计研究院
机电设计: 四川省建筑设计研究院
室内设计: HDC蜂鸟设计
景观设计: BEHIVE致野建筑,HDC蜂鸟设计
施工总承包方: 成都倍特建筑安装工程有限公司
Project Name: A Breath of Nature in City—— Timber-Roofed Restaurant on Jiaozi Avenue
Architecture Firm: BEHIVE Architects
Website: www.behive-design.com
Contact e-mail: media@behive-design.com
Firm Location: Shanghai, China
Completion Year: 2022
Gross Built Area: 600㎡
Project location: Chengdu, China
Lead Architects: Darcy Chang, Rachael Ouyang
Lead Architects e-mail: dchang@behive-design.com, rouyang@behive-design.com
Photo credits: xf-photography, Shangru Chen
Additional Credits
Design Team: Darcy Chang, Rachael Ouyang, Yingbo Li, Jingwen Shangguan, Yijun Chen, Sam Sun
Clients: Chengdu High-Tech West Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.
Restaurant brand operator: China·Sichuan ChuanHsi PaTzu Restaurant Management Co.,Ltd.
Architecture construction drawing: SADI
Timber structure design and construction: Shanghai SKF Arch Technology Ltd.
Structure consultant: SADI
MEP consultant: SADI,
Curtain wall consultant: SADI
Interior design: HDC
Landscape design: BEHIVE Architects, HDC
Construction contractor: Chengdu Beite construction installation engineering Co., Ltd.
Double curved aluminum honeycomb board construction contractor: Shanghai Shenfei new curtain wall engineering Co., Ltd.
Curtain wall construction contractor: Zhongzhi Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
“ 一栋充满自然气息的建筑,一个从建构形式到材料选择上都易于亲近的空间,在紧张忙碌的环境中为人们营造一个放松闲适的用餐场所。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: BEHIVE 致野建筑