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Lab D+H:TIMEWALK共享花园位于首尔明洞的一处酒店之中。为重振明洞作为购物与旅游区的声誉和活力,该酒店计划在以零售和共享空间为主的 一 楼,二 楼和 七楼添加景观要素,TIMEWALK由此诞生。
Lab D+H: The first, fourth, and seventh floors of landscape gardens were given to the hotel tower’s major renovation project to revive the reputation and vitality of Myeong-dong, which was the landmark place for shopping and tourism.
Bringing Myeong-dong’s unique experiential identity of “An urban area to enjoy while walking” into play in various ways to the landscape space on each floor, we propose a “walk in green” walking through green nature in the city center.
▽充满绿意的屋顶花园 A roof garden full of greenery
Walking through the shared gardens on each floor, open to all visitors, you can discover the beauty of vegetation that changes by season and the atmosphere of relaxation in a rest area with various settings.
▽屋顶共享花园鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of the roof garden
▽人们在共享花园感受四季变化 People feel the change of seasons in the shared garden
▽花园中的创意集市 Creative fair in the garden
▽举办形式不同的活动 Hold different forms of activities
The 7th floor is the concept of Walk through Meadow, where you can enjoy the experience of nature and the skyline of Seoul at the same time by traversing along the meandering deck path through a wide planting area with meadows of wildflowers and grass.
▽七楼共享花园 Seventh floor shared garden
▽穿行在蜿蜒曲折的木平台 Walk through the winding wooden platform
▽感受富有趣味的荒野自然气息 Wild nature

▽共享花园夜景氛围 Share night views of the garden
The fourth floor of the Walk into Patio concept is surrounded by green in the middle of a building forest, providing a space of walking and contemplating, and is a space of staying and slowness utilizing the identity of the middle floor connecting the upper and lower garden floors.
▽四楼庭院景观 Fourth floor courtyard view
一楼将“漫步街道”作为景观概念,有效连接了明洞东西方向的街道并与庭院相接。一楼的景观将与 F&B 和各种活动互动,激活当地的活力并与整个城市产生互动,成为充满活力的空间。
The first floor of the Walk along Street concept, where the East-West street passes through Myeongdong Street and meets the garden, will become a vibrant space that creates vitality of the place and communicates with the city along with F&B stores and various events.
▽一楼庭院连接街道 The ground floor courtyard connects the street
▽一楼庭院 On the first floor yard
▽总平面图 Plan

项目面积::2,802 m²
设计公司:lab D+H 首尔工作室
公司办公地址:京畿道城南市盆唐区板桥公园路2街 36 301室
设计团队:崔荣埈, 崔炳吉, 赵在衍, 赵祥恩, 金多情, 金镇焕, 金叡珍
客户:IGIS Asset Management
合作方:Androses/Nocknock (共享花园运营维护)
Project name: Timewalk Myeongdong Shared Garden
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 2,802 m²
Project location: Seoul, Korea
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Lab D+H Seoul
Website: www.dhscape.com
Contact e-mail: seoul@dhscape.com
Lead Architects: YoungJoon Choi
Design Team: YoungJoon Choi, Byeonggil Choi, Zaiyan Zhao, Sangeun Cho, Dajeong Kim, Yeajin Kim, Jinhwan Kim
Clients: IGIS Asset Management
Collaborators: Androses/Nocknock (Shared Garden Operation and Maintenance)
Photo credits: CHEONG-O YU
“ 在“边走边享受的城市”的共享花园感受自然季节变化之美。”
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