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Thanks Ignacio Borrego Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ignacio Borrego Architects.
Ignacio Borrego Architects:该项目利用其他项目建设过程中所产生的废弃木料进行建造。所选用的木材全部为松木板条模板,这些板条被简单地拆下来,并根据所需的尺寸进行切割。木材与木材之间由螺丝钉固定,可以拆卸,并确保了在建造过程中充分尊重这一棵百年的橡树。
Ignacio Borrego Architects: The construction of another project generated a collection of wood waste that triggered the realization of this project. 100% of the wood used comes from the formwork of pine slats that have been simply removed and cut according to the required measurements. All the knots are screwed and are removable and respect the tree, which is a hundred-year-old holm oak.

The structure does not touch the tree at any point and rests only on three supports: the access ladder, the exit slide, and the vertical metal bar for the emergency exit. This tripod and the triangulations of all the wooden elements give rise to a rigid and stable structure. The foundation consists of three scraps of metallic profiles buried superficially without damaging any roots. The structure is removable and completely reversible.

It is organized in three levels: The lower one at ground level where the three supports are perceived, which are also the accesses and exits of the house that disappears inside the dense canopy of the holm oak.

The intermediate level is accessed by a ladder to reach the secret chamber, and another staircase ascends to the watchtower that is perched on the upper level, reaching 7.5 meters in height.
▽中间层的密室 The secret chamber

▽楼梯通往顶层瞭望台 The stairs lead to the top observation deck

▽树屋结构连接细节 Tree house structure connection details

▽树屋模型 Model

▽树屋轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽树屋屋面设计详图 Details of Tree House Roof

▽设计详图 Design Details

项目名称:Tree House for children
地点:西班牙 马德里 拉斯罗萨斯
设计公司:Ignacio Borrego
开发商:César Brea
设计团队:Ignacio Borrego、Victoria Liz Cohen、Iago Maria Grande、Santiago Ramirez
结构:Ignacio Borrego Architects
建筑:GbreA eficienciA energeticA
照片:Imagen Subliminal
Project Name: Tree House for children
Location: Las Rozas, Madrid
Construction date: 2023
Total budget: €12,500
Design: Ignacio Borrego
Website: www.ignacioborrego.com
Developer: César Brea
Design team: Ignacio Borrego, Victória Liz Cohen, Iago María Grande, Santiago Ramírez
Structure: Ignacio Borrego Architects
Construction: GbreA eficienciA energeticA
Photographs: Imagen Subliminal
“ 设计利用从其他项目中回收的木材,在不影响树木健康生长的前提下,为孩子们建造了一座树上乐园。”
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