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Thanks Studio Saxe for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Studio Saxe.
Studio Saxe工作室在利蒙维耶霍港加勒比海沿岸的丛林里编织了一座热带凉棚式建筑。
Studio Saxe weaves tropical pergola in the jungle of the Caribbean coast of Puerto Viejo, Limon.

概念 Concept
Pavilions were joined through a woven network of pergolas that blend with the jungle creating a sense of unity through an internal courtyard.
▽概念草图 Design sketch

设计 Design
We designed a strategy of aggregation by creating a network of triangled pergolas that can grow or contract depending on the necessity of the client throughout the project. This in turn allows for people to circulate and go to different rooms and private or social areas around the house while weaving through existing vegetation and jungle. Each room is a contained space that can be placed anywhere around the property.

可持续性 Sustainability
The project was conceived as a series of objects placed around the property and within existing trees, it is also placed stepping down the mountain to allow for the topographic condition to be gentle with the built architecture. Together with solar energy generation, water-efficient systems, and passive bioclimatic design, this project sets a new example design for the tropical region of the coast of Costa Rica.

建造 Construction
Through a series of repeating triangles, the house was erected modularly and each individual private or public space was enclosed through walls and glass thus creating a sensation of a network that can continue growing in time.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Tropical House is woven in the jungle of Costa Rica
项目地点:哥斯达黎加 利蒙 波多黎各
客户:The Stroh Family
Saxe工作室设计总监:Benjamin G.Saxe
建筑商:Cr Eco
景观:Saxe Lanscape
摄影:Andres Garcia Lachner
instagram: @GarciaLachner
Project Name: Tropical House is woven in the jungle of Costa Rica
Location: Puerto Viejo, Limon, Costa Rica
Date of completion: December 2021
Client: The Stroh Family
Area: Approx. 495m2
Studio Saxe Design Director: Benjamin G. Saxe
Builder: Cr-Eco
Structural Engineer: APÉSTEGUI+BLAIR
Electromechanical Engineer: CIEM
Landscape: Saxe Lanscape
Photography: Andres Garcia Lachner
Photographer website:www.garcialachner.com
Photographer media account: www.facebook.com/GarciaLachner
instagram: @GarciaLachner
“ 以模块化方式建造的丛林小屋,可以根据使用需求伸展和收缩。”
更多 Read more about: Studio Saxe