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Thanks HCCH Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by HCCH Studio.
HCCH Studio: The Concept Library is a spiral shell embraced by high grass field, located in rural area of Zhejiang Province, China. It tries to explore the possibility of the fusion between contemporary formal expression and vernacular material culture.
▽隐没在高草中的回环壳体 High grass field

▽乡村田间河流城市场景的叠合 Village farm river city

▽项目与周边环境整体鸟瞰 Aerial view

The Concept Library is approximately 10 meters in diameter and 5 meters high. The continuous surface is generated by two semicircles sweeping from one to the other, blurring interior and exterior. The shell is made of red bricks, not by masonry, but all casting in-situ. Sunlight sheds into dim interior through the opening at the top. Visitors can read text inside the acrylic balls through the small holes in the walls. The texts overlays with the landscape, creating a poetic moment to connect body, mind and nature.
▽乡间小路 Country road

▽高草间的入口小径 Path to the entrance

▽入口鸟瞰 Entrance

▽顶视Top view

▽不同宽度的红砖点阵分布在内外壳面 Pixelated matrix(exterior

▽好奇亚克力球的村民 Villagers curious about acrylic balls

The distribution of bricks on the double-curved surface presents a great challenge to construction. The bricks are positioned by perforated steel plates that work as steel reinforce framework and then filled by high strength concrete. These three materials work together as a total structure. Bricks in 12 different widths are distributed along the UV grid to ensure the radial continuity of the structure. The shell thus forms a refreshing construction logic and visual expression, which derives from stacked and interlocking masonry. The pixelated matrix distribution of the brick, the everchanging thickness of ‘mortar’ (which is actually in-situ concrete) subverts the common tectonic of brick construction.
▽入口看内部 Entrance look inside

▽在混凝土梁下看室内全景 Get a panoramic view of the interior under the concrete beams

▽室内全景 Interior panorama

▽阳光从顶部开口流入 Sunlight sheds into interior through the opening

▽可阅读的小孔 Small holes in the wall

▽阅读的游客 Visitors reading through the peepholes

This is a bold attempt at rural construction, integrating digital industrialization with traditional materials. It is also trying to create a transcendent experience beyond mere idyllic expression of ‘countryside’. The library is a contemporary shelter for body and mind, encouraging visitors to read and reflect a broader outside and inside.
▽扭转的顶部 Twisting part

▽颠覆砖构印象的点阵 Pixelated matrix(top

▽小孔内侧 Acrylic sphere with text in it
▽插砖浇筑过程 construction 1
▽焊接钢网架construction 2
▽砖孔插砖construction 3
▽支模板与浇灌浆料construction 4
▽表面打磨construction 5
▽开24个孔 construction 6
▽平面图 Plan
▽剖面图 Section
Design: HCCH Studio
Design team: Hao Chen, Chenchen Hu, Yida Hou, Wenxi Li, Xi Cai
Structural consultant: Zhun Zhang/AND office
Location: Longyou, Zhejiang Province, China
Organizer: Longyou County People’s Government
Organizer: Longyou County 瀫 Construction Management Center, Longyou County Transportation Investment Group Co., LTD
Co-sponsors: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Shanghai Fengyu Construction Culture Technology Co., LTD., Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., LTD
Period: Jun.2022- Nov.2023
Photographs: Qingyan Zhu, Fangfang Tian
“ 这是一次将数字化工业化揉入传统材料的大胆尝试。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
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