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Thanks STUDIO NDT for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by STUDIO NDT.
STUDIO NDT:该项目由两个绿化区组成,一个是前入口,另一个是位于项目中心的会所。大多数泰国地块的住宅开发项目都将景观设计与地面的设施和绿地联系在一起。在这个项目中,我们努力颠覆了这种模式,与建筑设计的精髓相辅相成,力图创造一个“地面上的阁楼”。
STUDIO NDT:The project consists of two green areas, the front entrance, and the center of the development, where the clubhouse is situated. Most landed residential developments in Thailand associate landscape design with facilities & green areas on a flat ground level. With this project, we strived to subvert such expectations, by complementing the essence of the architectural design, which sought to create a “Penthouse on Ground’.
▽云上花园-高架泳池全景 A panoramic view of the elevated pool

The architectural concept was derived from the developer’s wish in creating landed single houses that simulates the luxury of residing in penthouses on skyscrapers. To further develop the idea and create a unique garden, we approached every element, from the smallest detail to the overall layout and topography design, with the intention of making communal spaces that are visually exclusive & private.
▽概念手稿 Concept manuscript

While facilities like swimming pools are shared spaces, there is an issue of privacy, commonplace in similar housing developments in the country, where such spaces located on ground level may be visually exposed to the public. We implemented various design approaches in this project to mitigate the issues mentioned. By substantially elevating the swimming pool and the adjacent clubhouse, the increased level difference obstructs the view from the public road which enhances privacy.

Next, an organic and curvy design language was implemented, exemplified by landscape berms of varying height and lush planting surrounding the area. These elements provide volume and rhythm when viewed from the side, softening the change in gradient between the road to the pool area.

设计的总体布局可分为以下 3 个主要方面 The overall layout of the design can be categorized into 3 main areas as follows
1. Main Entrance – A white, long, and linear arrival gate that spans across the development’s entrance, which eventually merges into terraces of green landscape berms and expansive reflective ponds on both sides. The ponds are designed to reflect the sky and clouds above, while the berms represent rolling mountains. Residents approaching the entrance can feel like they are transported to the top of a mountain.
▽主入口 Main Entrance

2. 主绿岛和云上花园——一个宽阔的线性花园遍布整个主绿岛,是所有居民从主入口穿过的过渡空间。住户可以在这里发现丰富的设施,如半个篮球场、带有两个美学云结构的开放草坪。这些云结构也兼具足球门的功能,以及几处休息角落,在那里居民可以在绿荫下呼吸新鲜空气。
2. Main Green Island and the Garden on Cloud – An extensive linear garden sprawls throughout the Main Green Island, serving as transitional space for all residents traversing from the Main Entrance. Residents can discover ample facilities such as a half basketball court, an open lawn with two aesthetic cloud structures that also functions as football goals, and pockets of resting corners where residents can enjoy a breath of fresh air under the shade of green canopies.

花园两侧还有绿化护堤,上面种满了精选的植物。高耸入云的树木,如诺福克岛松、澳大利亚银橡树和穆尔梅因长矛木,描绘出一片松树林,伸向山顶的天空,形成鲜明对比。从花园周围 4 层楼高的房屋的每一层都能看到翠绿的景象。
The garden is also flanked by green berms on both sides, filled with selected plantings. Towering trees such as the Norfolk Island pine, Australian silver oak and Moulmein lancewood, portrays a pine forest reaching towards the contrasting sky on mountaintops, providing a verdant sight from every level of the 4-storey houses around the garden.

3. 云上花园(会所)——走进郁郁葱葱的花园,映入眼帘的是从离地 1.5 米高的水池中流出的瀑布。拾阶而上,会所前方的高架泳池全景映入眼帘,休闲之感油然而生,吸引着住户在舒适的环境中放松身心。
3.The Garden on Cloud (The Clubhouse) – Venturing further into the lush garden, residents are welcomed by the sight of a cascading waterfall flowing from the organic pools, 1.5m above ground. By ascending a flight of steps, a panoramic view of the elevated pool fronting the clubhouse comes to sight, presenting a sense of leisure, enticing residents to relax in comfort.

The clubhouse features a myriad of facilities such as a gym for fitness, a game room, outdoor pool deck with communal kitchen, the main swimming pool, kids pool and jacuzzi. From the highest point in the garden, residents can also enjoy an elevated lounge area while taking in the view of the entire clubhouse and pool area.

We believe our main goal to complement the architectural concept of the “Penthouse on Ground” is achieved successfully with the “Garden on Cloud” in both function and aesthetic. The striking landscape of white and green is sure to provide a unique experience that elevates the residents’ quality of life, which is an essential selling point for the development.
▽夜间灯光设计 Lighting design

▽游泳池平面图 Swimming pool layout plan

▽花园休息区设计细节及剖面 Garden lounge details and section


项目名称:VIVE Bangna KM13
项目地点:泰国 北榄府 Bang Phli District
竣工年份:2024 年
景观面积:6765 m2
社交媒体账户:Facebook – Studio.ndt
公司所在地:泰国 曼谷
摄影师/图片来源:Panoramic studio
Project Name: VIVE Bangna KM13
Project Location: Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan, Thailand
Completion Year: 2024
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): Landscape area 6,765 m2
Program / Use / Building Function: Landed residential development
Office Name: STUDIO NDT
Social Media Accounts: Facebook – Studio.ndt
Link: https://www.facebook.com/Studio.ndt
Instragram – studio.ndt
Link: https://www.instagram.com/studio.ndt/?hl=en
Contact email: studio.ndt@gmail.com
Firm Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Photographer / Photo Credits: Panoramic studio
Photographer’s Website: https://panoramicstudio.myportfolio.com/
Photographer’s e-mail: panoramicstudio197@gmail.com
“ 项目颠覆传统住宅区景观设计,力求打造出在视觉上独一无二且私密的公共空间,同时与建筑设计的精髓相辅相成,以创造一个‘地面上的阁楼’。”
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