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未/WAY Studio:-云端下游园-Cloudscape Eden-
未/WAY Studio为“遇”打造的湖景餐厅坐落于江苏省宜兴市。宜兴抱水而生,境内有山水、茶洲,自古便走出多位公卿大夫、学士墨客,是富有水乡蕴味的历史文化名城。宜兴遇餐厅地处东氿湖畔的一处现代风格商业群落,设计的独特之处在于将江南人文传统中自然、恬淡的中式环境与现代生活进行衔接,使当地的竹林、紫砂、楼榭,与天然湖景合力营造出此处特有的诗意。在这样的意境中把酒言欢岂不乐哉。
WAY Studio: WAY Studio has collaborated with YiXing YU in creating a lakeside restaurant on the DongJiu lakeshore. Yixing is famous for its bamboo forests, Boccaro teapots, waterways and pavilions. WAY Studio drew from these as inspiration and reinterpreted them in envisioning a poetic culinary experience; to dine and wine in such an atmosphere would be bliss.
▽宜兴遇餐厅湖边夜景 YiXing YU Nightview by the Lake

▽灵感来源:竹林、紫砂、楼榭 A Yixing Miniature: Boccaro, Bamboo and Landscape
– 山间·雾隐 -地下用餐 – 造地下奇观 Underground Dinning Experience – Mountains in Mist
The journey begins in the underground parking lot, the entrance located below an overhanging ceiling installation, reminiscent of entering a cavernous space under overhanging mountain rocks that compresses the space before opening up into a garden-like dining area. Half-open seating areas are hidden among the plantlife, giving diners a sense of privacy as well as the likeness of dining in the wilderness.
▽主入口位于地下 Main Entrance within Underground Parking

▽地下散客区亦前院、亦餐区 Dinning Seating Area Which Can Be Used as Garden Spill-out for VIP Space

▽地下入口庭院引人入胜,散客区以景观为挡 Underground Garden Guides Guests Inwards,Garden Separating Dinners for Privacy

-地下包间 – 从云出,过丛林,入山间- Emerging from the Clouds, Through the Forest, Into the Mountain
Through a hidden door behind a corner, you emerge into a large cavern lit up by a skylight. We situated a dining area, a tea nook, and a stage space inspired by traditional Suzhou garden design within this inner cave. Layered curtains hang in undulating rings around the skylight, like heavy mist, filtering the natural light into the space. This can all be used for private dining, events, and even small performances. For the latter, the open dining area outside may be transformed into an anteroom into the main venue.
▽VIP包间位于地下,高壑拔地起,隐于雾霭间 Creating A“Spectacle”for Special VIP Room, Located Underground for Absolute Privacy

▽地下VIP包间包括用餐区,茶歇区,以及小型舞台 Special VIP Consists of Dinning Area, Tea Area and a Small Performance Area

▽茶歇区 Tea Nook

– 云端·竹居 – Cloud – Bamboo
Meandering upwards to the upper dining level, it is as if one is traversing through a Shan Shui landscape painting up the mountain. Tables are separated on terracing platforms, where bamboo forms natural screens shielding diners from view. The dance of the shadow of fluttering bamboo leaves across the stone surfaces is like a breath of cool fresh air in this haven.
Cream-based terrazzo with tints of brown specks creates the sculptural undertone for the entire space, inspired by the clays that form the famous Boccaro earthenware (器皿) of Yixing.
▽二层次入口 Second Floor Secondary Entrance

▽如山体般高低错落的二层散客区 Dinning Area within Stepping Terraces

▽竹子形成餐位之间的自然屏障 Bamboos as Screens between Dinners for Privacy

▽餐桌分布在阶梯状平台上 Scattered Table Layout on Terraces

▽主材爲棕色点缀的磨石 Terrazzo with Specks of Brown as Undertone for the Entire Space
▽竹影婆娑 Flittering Bamboo Shadows

A corridor at the far end of the room curves at the very end, obscuring the view yet piquing our curiosity as to what lies beyond. Two private rooms and an exclusive balcony lies on the far end, with an unobstructed view of the JinJiu lake and lakeshore beyond. All three private dining areas extend seamlessly outwards under cloudscape overhangs visible from across the lake, establishing its own landmark on the lakeshore. The layered ceiling panels remind one of the layered clouds of the sky, once again immersing diners among the brushstrokes of a Shan Shui landscape.
▽餐厅端头的弯曲走廊遮挡视线,引起好奇心 Curves at the end of the Corridor, Piquing Curiosity as to What Lies Beyond

▽曲径通幽导向湖景包厢 Winding Corridor Leads to Lake View Balcony and Private Rooms

▽湖景包厢 Lakeview Private Rooms

▽天花如云朵般由内至外延伸 The Floating Cloud Installation Transitions from Indoors to Outdoors

▽负一平面布局 B1F Plan

▽二层平面布局 2F Plan

▽剖面 Section

家具定制:未/WAY Studio & 赵云工作室
Function:Restaurant & Wine
Client:Yixingyu Restaurant
Location:Yixing, P.R. China
Area:1431 sqm.
Design Team: Zheng Tao、Fernie Lai、Alan Hung、Zhang ZeQun、Li XuDong、Tian YiQing、ZhangBo
Greening deepening design and construction: Wuxi Shanshui Garden Architecture Landscape Design Co., LTD. (Lu Yucheng team)
Furniture Design:Yun Zhao Studio
Lighting Design:Jing Lighting
Contractor:Yaming Yiju
Graphic Design:KWUOGraphics
Photography:Tian FangFang
“ 设计将江南人文传统中自然、恬淡的中式环境与现代生活进行衔接,打造一个自然舒适的餐厅景观。”
更多 Read more about: 未/WAY Studio建筑设计研究所