Thanks OMGEVING for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by OMGEVING.
OMGEVING: 梅赫伦再次成为了水滨城市,近年来,内城已经有七条运河重新开放,这是对河流新的赞颂。最近,被埋藏了40多年的Binnendijle(位于比利时梅赫伦市)开始走入城市景观的大众视野之中。2013年,De Vlaamse Waterweg NV(佛兰德水道管理者)和梅赫伦市政府携手合作,一起实现了对该场地的改造设计。场地以前是一个大型停车场,位于城市环线、轨道和托马斯莫尔学院(Thomas More college)的两栋建筑之间,这片未得到充分利用的地块现在已经变成了市中心最受欢迎的聚会场所之一。
OMGEVING: Mechelen is once again a city by the water. In recent years, seven canals have been reopened in the inner city, illustrating a renewed appreciation for the river. Recently, also the Binnendijle at Zandpoortvest has been made visible in the cityscape after being covered for over 40 years. In 2013, De Vlaamse Waterweg NV (Flemish waterway manager) and the city of Mechelen joined forces to achieve this transformation. The site was previously a large parking area squeezed between the city ring, the railway and two buildings of the Thomas More college. This formally underutilized plot has now been transformed into one of the most popular meeting places in the city centre.
▼视频 Video

For this project, the city representatives and De Vlaamse Waterweg NV could each count on more than half a million euros of support from the European Union thanks to the Interreg 2 Seas project Water Resilient Cities, which aims to make historic cities more resilient to heavy rainfall. The subsidy was granted, among other things, because of the exemplary properties of the project: for example, the large-scale pavement reduction, the focus on sustainable mobility by creating new possibilities for connections over water and the realization in close collaboration with government officials of Mechelen and the Flemish region, designers and engineers.

OMGEVING的设计方案侧重于当地日常的和多样化的体验。绿色开阔且坡度平缓的河岸旁是混凝土广场,改造后的Zandpoortvest和重新开放的Dijle小径成为了连接植物园和Mechels Broek自然保护区之间的绿色纽带,木制码头是观光游船的停靠点和开展亲水休闲活动的新场所。
The design proposal of OMGEVING focuses on an informal and diverse experience of the Binnendijle. The concrete surface makes way for green, open and gently sloping river banks. The renewed Zandpoortvest and the reopened Dijle path now create a green link between the Botanical Garden and the Mechels Broek nature reserve. The wooden jetty offers new opportunities for tourist boats and recreational use of the water.
▼木制码头是观光游船的停靠点 The wooden jetty offers new opportunities for tourist boats

On the northern side of the Binnendijle, a number of stately trees add a third dimension on the new entrance square in front of the university building and provide shading for the paved area. This square, paved in a playful pattern of granite tiles, leads towards a lower landing flanked by sturdy sitting steps along the full length of the waterway. The steps provide attractive seating along the water and border the green slope, the lush ecological river bank and the wooden jetty.
▼沿着河道形成了连续的绿色驳岸 The continuous green river banks along the waterway

The materialisation opted for high-quality, robust materials, both hard (natural stone) and soft (wood). The massive natural stone steps were meticulously detailed to beautifully incorporate the wooden seating elements and the stairs thanks to customized technical detailing of the separate natural stone elements.
▼天然石材与木材的结合 The combination of natural stone and wood

植物设计方面,硬质路面以垂直方向上的绿色为主色调,并沿着河道形成连续的绿色驳岸。北侧的生态岸线种植了各种色彩丰富的水生植物和沼泽植被,以防止水位侵蚀。有三棵冬椴树(Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’)位于大学校园前广场,一棵桤木(Alnus x spaethii)位于低层平台,还有一棵沿地区环路种植的刺槐(Robinia spp)。
Concerning the vegetation, paved surfaces are balanced with vertical green accents and continuous green river banks along the waterway. The ecological shoreline on the north side was planted with a variety of colourful, aquatic plants and marsh vegetation to prevent erosion at water-level. The planted tree species are three winter linden trees (Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’) on the entrance square in front of the university, an alder (Alnus x spaethii) on the lower landing and a Robinia spp along the Zandpoortvest ring road.

Shortly after the official opening, Zandpoortvest was informally proclaimed as a new hotspot and favourite hangout for local residents of Mechelen. From the start of the new academic year, the students of the Thomas More college are clearly enjoying this new public space. Thanks to the new jetty on the water, visitors to the city of Mechelen can travel to the centre by boat, which will boost tourism. Cyclists along the Dijle path spontaneously stop to relax on the steps of this new public space, looking out over a new piece of urban nature.
▼场地改造前后对比 Before – After
▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

地点: 比利时安特卫普
工期: 325天
设计年份: 2013年
建成年份: 2018年
面积: 0.5公顷
摄影师: Yannick Milpas
预算设计阶段(不包括增值税): 950.000欧元
预算执行阶段(不包括增值税): 1.405.000欧元
补贴: 水弹性城市的区域合作共700.000欧元
植物/树供应商: BPC集团
制造商/品牌 照明: LED技术/施耐德
制造商/品牌 表面材料: tuinmaterialen Meynen
制造商/品牌 城市家具: Metec Belgium / Anae / Claerbout metaalwaren
Location: Zandpoortvest 60-Raghenoplein 21, Mechelen, Antwerp
Implementation period: 325 days
Year of design: 2013
Year of realisation: 2018
Area: 0,5 ha
Photography: Yannick Milpas
Budget design phase (excl. VAT): € 950.000
Budget execution (excl. VAT): € 1.405.000
Subsidies: Interreg 2 Seas Water Resilient Cities € 700.000
Plant / tree supplier: BPC Group
Manufacturer / brand lighting: LED technic / Schreder
Manufacturer / brand surface materials: tuinmaterialen Meynen
Manufacturer / brand street furniture: Metec Belgium / Anae / Claerbout metaalwaren
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