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IDEE Architects越南Tam Dao山一带具有良好的气候和天气条件。由于周围的山脉和湖泊带来的凉爽温度,形成了茂密的自然森林生态系统,这也是从上个世纪开始,一些法国人来到这里设计和建造山地度假村的原因。

IDEE Architects:The area around Tam Dao mountain has quite favorable climate and weather conditions. The cool temperature due to the surrounding mountains and lakes has created conditions for the dense natural forest ecosystem, which partly explains why from the last century, the French came here to design and build some mountain resorts.


© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien



The habitat around this area is dominated by pine trees, which grow and cover several low hills and a strip of land close to the mountain. This makes a great background for small and medium-sized private villas or resort villas.


© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien


顾名思义,Tam Dao Retreat是一个供三代同堂的家庭的隐居之所。这片土地已经保留了十多年,在修建房屋过程中,土地上的52棵大树全部被保留下来,场地四周环绕着坚固的绿色油漆围栏。从远处看,这栋别墅就像一块存在已久的灰色岩石,内部的建筑面积也相当适中(只占土地面积的1/10),足以让整个家庭与自然和谐相处。

Tam Dao Retreat, as the name suggests, this is the refuge of a family of 3 generations. This land has been preserved for more than 10 years, all 52 large trees in the current land are preserved, surrounded by a solid green painted fence. From a distance, the villa looks like a grey rock existed for a long time, the construction area inside is also quite modest (only taking up 1/10 of the land area), that enough for the whole family to live in harmony with nature.


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© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien



The villa has a minimalist design style, the combination of spaces around the trees. Two 1-storey blocks and a 2-storey block are connected by iron ladders and communication spaces with nature.


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© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien



The interior space is designed to maximize outwards to enjoy the entire surrounding context, the “cornerless” are made transparent by the large glass doors. Four bedrooms are located at the two ends of the villa, the common living space and the courtyards are designed in the middle to connect all members of the family.


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© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien



The surrounding landscape is composed of an infinity pool placed in the middle of a cluster of pine trees. On sunny or rainy days, this space is almost always stable in terms of natural feel, which makes people living in the house always want to go out to communicate with nature instead of hiding behind glass.


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© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien



The entire interior of the villa is also selected to match the minimalist style of the whole villa, mainly in neutral tones. Stay on higher elevation, the villas is always quiet, creating a feeling of relaxation for anyone visiting or staying.


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© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien


建筑师和投资者都认同的尊重自然和文脉的观点,为该住宅所具有的“隐退”精神创造了前提。这也是Idee Architects在越南打造连锁度假别墅的过程中,一直追求的一种对自然的温和态度。

The view of respecting nature and the context agreed by both the architect and the investor has created the premise for TDR to have the spirit of “retreat”. This is also a gentle attitude towards nature that Idee Architects has been pursuing in the process of creating a chain of resort villas in Vietnam.


© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien
© Trieu Chien


▽总平面图 Master Plan

© IDEE Architects


▽一楼平面图 First Floor Plan

© IDEE Architects

▽二楼平面图 Second Floor Plan

© IDEE Architects




项目名称:Tam Dao Retreat
建筑设计:IDEE Architects
设计团队:Tran Ngoc Linh、Nguyen Huy Hai、Nguyan Dac Nguyen、Vu Thi Thanh Tam、Ngyan Van Tu
工程师:Nguyen Mạnh Dung,Nguyen Trong Hung
摄影:Trieu Chien

Project Name: Tam Dao Retreat
Location: Tam Đao Golf Villas, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
Area: 2000m2
Year: 2021
Architects: IDEE Architects
Team: Tran Ngoc Linh, Nguyen Huy Hai, Nguyen Dac Nguyen, Vu Thi Thanh Tam, Nguyen Van Tu
Engineers: Nguyen Mạnh Dung, Nguyen Trong Hung
Photograph: Trieu Chien




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