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Thanks D5 Renderer for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by D5 Renderer.
D5 渲染器:Be+maarch 是一家位于哥伦比亚波哥大的建筑工作室,专注于建筑、城市和景观项目的动画和视效制作。“不论是城市项目、景观和建筑设计,D5渲染器都能完美处理,它彻底改变了我们的设计工作流。D5可以与 Revit、Rhino、Sketchup 和 Blender 无缝直连,让模型处理更加轻松。便捷的材质修改、高效的植物工具、素材库随取随用、逼真的光照模拟,让我们用D5可以创作出无与伦比的场景效果。它简化了我们的工作流程,操作简洁;且渲染输出的视频和静帧都极富视觉冲击力。D5为我们带来前所未有的创作体验。”
D5 Renderer: Be+maarch is an architecture studio based in Bogota/Colombia, focusing on creating animations and visuals for architectural, urban and landscape projects to improve project communication.“D5 Render has revolutionized our workflow for urban, landscape, and architectural models.With seamless sync with Revit, Rhino, SketchUp, and Blender, we efficiently bring our models into D5.Material assignment, incorporation of vegetation,optimized computer performance through layered organization, adjustment of natural lighting, additionof stunning effects, and placement of elements – D5 enables us to achieve remarkable results.It has streamlined our workflow, making it more efficient and empowering us to create visually captivating images and videos.D5 Render is truly a game-changer for us.”
工作流广泛兼容,让设计流程更丝滑Extensive Compatibility for Better Collaboration
Be+maarch 团队内使用多种建模软件,常用的有 Revit、Rhino、Sketchup 和 Blender 等,而在设计中频繁切换软件极大影响团队协作效率。在将工作流变成D5后,Be+maarch 团队协作效率大大提升。D5可以实现与 SketchUp、3ds Max、Revit、Archicad、Rhino、C4D 和 Blender 完全兼容;同时支持与这些软件插件直连,无需转换文件格式,即可直接实现同步,节约大量时间。
The common procedure of Be+maarch revolves around crafting models of urban landscapes and architecture using software like Revit, Rhino, Sketchup, and Blender.Luckily, the extensive compatibility of D5 empowers this team to collaborate remarkably well. The D5 Sync plugins for these DCC software can directly import models into D5 with no need to convert file formats, thus saving a lot of time.
▽SketchUp 和 D5 Render 之间的实时同步
高效简洁的可视化设计过程Visualization Made Easy
在效果表现阶段通常由一到两名 Be+maarch 团队成员负责,在这一阶段工作中材质表现与植物布景是核心。D5材质系统可以为模型轻松赋予各类材质,多种植物工具实现高效布景,配合素材库内13000+材质模型,让设计过程无比简洁。
Visualization in D5 Render is usually handled by one or two team members per project. The most important two sections, material editing and vegetation placement, are made very easy in D5.
精准材质表达,实时调节反馈For materials
在实际项目中,D5素材库中的材质基本可以满足 Be+maarch 的项目需求。他们还会将一些常用本地材质导入D5,组成专属材质库,极大提升项目材质调节效率。
Be+maarch usually uses high-quality materials from the D5 Asset Library or imports their own into the local library.
D5素材库中目前拥有 2000 多种材质,包含混凝土、木纹、石材、玻璃、金属等常用材质,覆盖各类项目需求。
D5 Asset Library currently has 2,000+ materials covering concrete, wood, glass, iron and other commonly used textures, which is a turbo charger for the visualization process.
目前D5已上线材质博物馆,详细展示了D5特有的11个材质模板,查看详细内容。同时D5材质系统操作简单,调节实时可见,在 D5 GI 的加持下完美还原材质真实光影,无需反复修改即可获得逼真材质细节。
D5’s real-time rendering enables them to see every tweak as it happens, right then and there, thus achieving lifelike details for materials in no time, without the hassle of back-and-forth revisions.
▽2023年策略城市主义设计竞赛一等奖:One Line Santa Cruz del Islote
丰富植物种类,覆盖全球项目For Vegetation
Be+maarch 团队会承接来自世界各地的项目,不同国家地区的项目对植物种类的需求差异巨大,在过往的项目中植物素材的收集会花费不少时间。
Be+maarch takes on projects from all around the world. This makes the diversity of plant species a crucial part of their work.
Fortunately, the asset library has a really wide collection of plant models worldwide. Plus, the quality of plant models is top-tier as well.In addition, the built-in asset tools such as Brush, Fill and Path provide precise control over large-scale landscape projects with ease.
“D5让我们更加轻松地展示我们的景观创意”, Be+maarch 表示。
“This makes it easier for us to express the landscape ideas we have for a project”, said Be+maarch.
快速输出,优秀质感Speedy Output, Premium Quality
最让 Be+maarch 惊叹的是D5极致的动画输出速度,在保证输出速率的前提下,D5的渲染输出的质量也极佳,尤其是处理大型景观时,D5的速度优势更加明显。
The speed at which the animation renders in D5 has left Be+maarch absolutely amazed, particularly when it comes to landscape projects. Compared to other software, the quickness is simply astonishing. The balance between quality and time is impeccable.
As for still frames, the authenticity of the vegetation is achieved with remarkable speed, giving it a more realistic appearance.
▽爱沙尼亚塔尔图市中心文化中心设计竞赛项目Cultural Centre architecture competition
从可视化设计过程,到最终渲染输出,D5为 Be+maarch 带来了精简的全流程设计体验。
In a word, D5 Render is an all-in-one solution to streamline the workflow for architectural and landscape design. Its extensive compatibility, asset library and fast top-tier output benefit Be+maarch a lot.
▽哥伦比亚 拉格洛丽亚项目设计
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