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Thanks Athens Creative for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Athens Creative.
Athens Creative:2017年,瓦里·沃拉·沃利亚格梅尼市政府决定重新设计市中心广场,即Nimfon广场。在市长G.Konstantellos先生的指导下,与当地社区多次公开协商,过程中进行了文化适应性说明,并记录了相关意图和优化官方流程,以实现严格而简短的时间安排。最终得到两个经过多次修改的不同的设计方案,2018年,其中的一个方案最终获得市议会和居民委员会的通过。
Athens Creative:In 2017 the municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni decided to redesign the central square of Vouliagmeni known as Nimfon square. Under the care of its mayor Mr. G. Konstantellos, following numerous public consultations with the local community, its annotations where acculturated, the intentions where documented and the bureaucratic process was organized in order to achieve a strict and brief timeline. The final design proposal was a result of two diverse proposals numerous revisions until one of them was finally approved from the city council and the residents’ committee in 2018.
▽总平面图 Master Plan
▽改造后广场现状 Current situation of the square

The existing square was over 4 decades old and seemed not to meet sufficiently anymore the contemporary needs of the public space and the evolution of the region known as Athenian Riviera. Nimfon square was not functioning as a living space for rest, outlet and expression of the functions of public living, although it abuts with the private commercial zone. On the contrary the square was functioning simply as passage and it was not conceived as a place to visit. Its public hypostasis was losing ground to the private commercial activity.

The new Nimfon square design challenge was to generate answers to its chronic pathogenies though functional and aesthetical design methodologies.
The public space, by definition, owes to be addressed to everyone, vitiating segregations and preconceptions. Owes to act as a spinoff of social relations with solid public awareness. This was the main challenge of the architectural design. To generate a contemporary public space with focus to its strengthen public and environmental profile. A vivid point of reference for the whole region that places the user -no matter age- at the focal point.

Nimfon square is not the type of square that is defined by its surrounding built environment. It is more like a self-referential public space defined by its big terrain inclination having only one interesting perspective to the sea through the existing trees. The proper exploitation of the inclination was a key design challenge.
The architectural design was based on two design strategies, the emergence of the existing trees and the provision for an extended users’ workflow all over the living space of the square.

The diversity and multitude of the existing trees functioned as dominant starting points of the design enriched with the new ones. All together were assorted in groups based on their size, shadow and position in order to generate proper heterogeneous spatial qualities of resting zones offering at the same time interaction with the trees, shadow exploitation during the day and diverse views of the sea and the square itself.

In parallel, entrance points from every side of the square and free strolling all over were assured through diverse paths. The main path that crosses through the square, links the two close by commercial zones and the amphitheatrical stairs create an alternative entrance from the East that was blocked before.

The main movement axis that cross through the square are made with a reddish pebbled floor same as the surrounding pavements in order to unify the pedestrian flow and lead it in the square. Complimentary, toned down paths and resting zones are generated in natural stabilized earth floors placed in between the green zones in order to empower the contact with nature.

The plethora of the wooded sitting zones by exploiting the natural inclination of the ground aims to create diverse spatial qualities that will offer its users the experience of intimate moments that turn to deep memories. The consistent filling of intimacy is the way to turn public space into a neat personal space for all. The sitting zones are categorized in two kinds, the round ones that are developed around trees and the linear ones that are found on the main corridors.

Color wise, the main pebble floor is carried out in a reddish hue as a reference to the red stone that was extracted from the local quarry of Vari and was used a lot to build the old houses of the area, as well as a reference to the natural color of the soil.

As concerning the handling of the greenery, all of the trees are preserved and taken care of while new trees are being planted to empower the shading and cooling conditions of the square. All new plantings are acclimated to the Attica landscape and aligned to the existing ones of the square. Bushes and aromatic plants are planted in a way to surround the sitting benches and highlight selected trees and axis.

The architectural lighting is also crucial in the emergence of the square’s spatial qualities and the ensurance of a delight experience for the user. The lighting design creates an indirect illumination of the significant trees and all the resting zones while developing a mild emergence of the diverse paths.
The square is conceived as a space dedicated to the pedestrians. Therefore, all streets around are turned to traffic calmed zones at the same level with the square and are carried out in paving stones. In order to maximize the usable space of the square, parking on its boarders is banned and the old public parking lots are redesigned aesthetically as part of the square.

The new square aims to gain an active, central role in the daily life of the residents and the visitors of the neighborhood. To act as a paradigm of public space that gains the respect and appreciation of it users by its spatial qualities, the right maintenance and the harmonic function of the place. To be the living proof that the public space carves social behaviors.

▽剖面图 Section
▽效果图 Illustrations
项目地点:希腊 雅典 沃利亚格梅尼
设计公司:Athens Creative
主创设计师:Alexandros Avlonitis
设计团队:Alexandros Avlonitis、Giorgos Tzavaras、Tatiana Vasiliadou、Melina Bona
客户:Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni
机械工程师:Stelios Venieris & Associates
灯光设计:Athanassios Danilof | a-danilof.com
建筑:ARIO | www.ario.gr
施工监理:Dimitris Protonotarios | www.ario.gr
绿化设计:Anetta Roussou、Petros Fevranoglou
交通研究:NAMA Consulting Engineers and Planners SA
项目协调与咨询:Athens Creative – Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
图片来源:Yiorgis Yerolymbos
Project name: Nimfon Square – Vouliagmeni
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 8000sqm
Project location: Vouliagmeni – Athens Greece
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Athens Creative
Website: https://athenscreative.gr/en/
Contact e-mail: avlonitis@athenscreative.gr
Lead Architects: Alexandros Avlonitis
Design Team: Alexandros Avlonitis, Giorgos Tzavaras, Tatiana Vasiliadou, Melina Bona
Clients: Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni
Mechanical Engineer: Stelios Venieris & Associates
Lighting Design: Athanassios Danilof | a-danilof.com
Construction: ARIO | www.ario.gr
Construction Supervision & Management: Dimitris Protonotarios | www.ario.gr
Greenery Design: Anetta Roussou, Petros Fevranoglou
Traffic Study: NAMA Consulting Engineers and Planners SA
Project Coordination & Consultancy: Athens Creative – Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
Photo credits: Yiorgis Yerolymbos
Photographer’s website: https://www.yerolymbos.com/
“ 重新激活城市广场空间,不再让其公共性本质让步于私人商业活动。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Athens Creative