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Thanks Miguel Ángel Aragonés for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Miguel Ángel Aragonés.
Miguel Ángel Aragonés:Los Rombos是一个根据周围城市肌理设计出的四主体私人住宅空间,包括三间房子和一个工作室,位于墨西哥城Bosques de las Lomas中心树木繁茂区,与周围树木交织相融。它就像宽广连绵的水面一样,是我们现在最亲近、最能使人身临其境的空间。其喷泉和镜子是一种特殊永恒的自然资源,它们产生的倒映反射可使环境变得更加清晰明亮,如此,空间便几乎总是绿色的:几乎在所有人口密集的城市中,树木都是一种宝贵的资产,包括植被、水、土地,现在甚至包括隐私……
Miguel Ángel Aragonés:Los Rombos are four bodies assembled together with the formal accident generated by the urban fabric. It is a private space with three houses and a studio, in a central and wooded area of Mexico City called Bosques de las Lomas, with a continuous interaction with the tree; it is perhaps our most present and, in any case, the most immersive guest, just like the broad continuity of water. Fountains and mirrors are a constant natural resource in which the reflection sharpens the environment, in this (case) almost always green: as in almost all highly populated cities, the tree is a precious asset, as well as vegetation, water, land and even more intimacy nowadays…

I desired to have an exterior that would protect privacy, be seen only by the sky, the air or the sun, that could live in the house with the solitude that the city bustles.
▼宁静的光影庭院 The private courtyard in light and shadow

Photography tells a small part of the history of what we discover as architecture, leaving aside the touch and expression of materials, the hardness and the softness, the heat and the cold, the voice of a space that accumulates the journey of the wind in the leaves of a tree, the sound of a fountain, the cooing (murmur) of silence, a picture does not describe the fragrance of a garden or the smell of incense: all this speaks of atmosphere and shelter, and I only find it in spaces that have the need to murmur with light. The shape of their most natural accident is nothing but the consequence of a space in search of intimacy, with oneself and of experiences that we wish to repeat in the form of architecture …
▼入口线性水景 The linear waterscape

▼灯光效果下的线性水景 The linear waterscape with lighting design

▼住宅内部镜面水景 The mirror waterscape in house

▼灯光效果下的镜面水景 The mirror waterscape with lighting design
▼“光之低语”空间入口 The space entrance of “murmur with light”
▼“光之低语”空间 The space of “murmur with light”

▼住宅灯光效果 The lighting design (Image courtesy of Miguel Ángel Aragonés; photography by Joe Fletcher)
▼住宅中的细节设计 The detail design
▼住宅平面图 The plan

项目地点:墨西哥 墨西哥城 博斯克德拉斯洛马斯
设计:Miguel Ángel Aragonés
合作设计:Jose Torres, Juan Vidana, Rafael Aragones
合作者管理:Ana Aragones, Luis Trinidad, Santiago Amador
结构工程:Jose Nolasco
建设:Taller Aragonés, José Torres
劳工工作负责人:Severiano Torres, Roberto Torres
照片:Joe Fletcher
合作建设:Ilumileds, Deko System Group(意大利模型系统),Poliform, Serena Home Studio,Swimquip, Vantage, Mexico solar, Audiocom
Location: Bosque de las Lomas, Mexico city, México
Dates: Preliminary Project January 2012, Executive Project November 2014, Building Opening January 2019
Covered Area: 1,102.00 m2
Uncovered Area: 477.00 m2
Design: Miguel Ángel Aragonés.
Collaborators Design: José Torres, Juan Vidaña, Rafael Aragonés
Collaborators Administration: Ana Aragonés, Luis Trinidad, Santiago Amador
Structural Engineering: José Nolasco
Construction: Taller Aragonés, José Torres
Heads of Labor Work: Severiano Torres, Roberto Torres
Photo: Joe Fletcher
Architectural Partners: Ilumileds, Deko System Group (Model System Italia), Poliform, Serena Home Studio, Swimquip, Vantage, Mexico solar, Audiocom
更多 Read more about: Miguel Ángel Aragonés