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Thanks Public Space Lab / Structure & Space Lab, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen of architecture  for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Public Space Lab / Structure & Space Lab, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen.


哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院公共空间实验室 & 结构空间实验室:生长于高校泥土中的原生力量,以教学实践和共建共享的方式探索校园公共空间令人惊叹的呈现新方式。

Public Space Lab / Structure & Space Lab, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen:Based on the original power of the university, we try to explore new ways to present campus public spaces in a stunning way with pedagogical practices and co-construction, in ways never before possible.


▽位于入口的花园铭牌 Garden nameplate located at entrance

▽花园参观活动 Garden tour

▽花园午间场景 Landscape of the lunchtime garden


校园失意之所 The Lost Land in Campus




“Under the Tree” is located in the south side of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Campus in Shenzhen University City, adjacent to the T3 teaching building and Liyuan Cafeteria iv, in the intersection of teaching and living areas, with dense flow of people brings high accessibility. Multiple functions are gathered here, such as learning, dining, living and sports.

Before renovation, there were 8 motor vehicle parking spaces within the site. However, due to the huge flow of people around the area, this area has been implementing the traffic management: non-emergency parking and the surrounding roads are prohibited for vehicles, the entire site is functionally unused and unattended.

The site should be a bridge connecting the teaching area and the living area, but there are few pedestrians traveling through it, and even less space for teachers and students to stay or hang around. The site is adjacent to the south entrance. Anyone entering the school will immediately see this area which shows why the site is in dire need of renovation.


▽建成之前场地周边的人流 Foot traffic around the site prior to completion


▽建成后场地鸟瞰 Aerial view of the site after completion


在树下:校园的庇护 Under the Tree: Shelter on Campus

设计理念 Design Concept



Students and faculty in campus need a place to socialize in harmony with nature and a zen healing garden. So we came up with the idea of “Under the Tree”. We hope that “Under the Tree” will not only become a space, but also be sublimated into a spiritual symbol and a cultural icon of the campus. It represents our love and reverence for nature, and our passion and expectation for life. In this garden, we are united to construct this idea.

Based on this design concept, we propose a core design strategy: to build a tree structure that connects the north and south trees of the site. This creates a landmark and a shaded-comfortable environment where students and faculty can ultimately find solace in their hearts and minds.


▽设计草图 Draft

▽花园景色 Views in the garden


场地设计 Functional design of the site



Implanting the entrance plaza, vitality theater, leisure bar, healing garden, and tree-shaped structures, it meets the diversified needs of campus teachers and students for recreational activities through zoning. The design of the entrance plaza takes into account the organization and evacuation of pedestrian flow, incorporates natural elements, and provides open space. The Vitality Theater, as a new cultural landmark on campus, will attract clubs to organize activities. The casual dining bar is based on the cafeteria, providing a natural dining environment for teachers and students. The Healing Garden reconfigures the green space to enrich the walking experience and bring healing effects. The translucent structure in the center mirrors the original date palms, aiming to create a new campus landmark and a spiritual place of belonging for students and faculty.

The north-south orientation follows the high north and low south terrain, integrating the site into a descending platform that eventually connects to soft slopes in order to quickly remove and absorb surface rainwater. The east-west direction removes the dense planting of moso bamboo on the side of the cafeteria, and utilizes flower boxes, steps and seats to solve the height difference between the garden and the cafeteria, transforming the height difference into an opportunity to expand and enclose the space, and shaping a dynamic and intimate spatial atmosphere.


▽花园功能设计 Function design of the garden


构筑物设计 Categorical Design


The north-south orientation follows the high north and low south terrain, integrating the site into a descending platform that eventually connects to soft slopes in order to quickly remove and absorb surface rainwater. The east-west direction removes the dense planting of moso bamboo on the side of the cafeteria, and utilizes flower boxes, steps and seats to solve the height difference between the garden and the cafeteria, transforming the height difference into an opportunity to expand and enclose the space, and shaping a dynamic and intimate spatial atmosphere.


▽构筑物结构的可能性 Structure possibilities

▽构筑物搭建 Erection of structures


植物配置 Plant Design


Based on maximizing the retention of the original plants on the site, the garden creates a five-sense garden for teachers and students to relax in. First, the retained plants were sorted out and two main flower borders were designed around the concentrated areas of plants, in which colorful and varied ground covers and shrubs (such as golden red feather wolfsbane, mizuna orchids, golden chrysanthemums, etc.) were planted, combined with the original date palms and other tall plants. Secondly, two medium-sized fragrant flower borders were designed in the middle of the site, and planted with African jasmine, pearl dogwood and other plants, so that the public can have a good interaction with the plants as they move around the site. Thirdly, several small flower borders were designed in the middle of the site, and planted with African jasmine, pearl dogwood and other plants, so that the public can have a good interaction with the plants as they move around the site. Finally, several small flower beds were designed around the structures to dissolve the boundary between the site and the structures, using plants such as kidney ferns and irises to create a soft, natural atmosphere.


▽花园植物配置 Plants in the garden


“共建”花园 Participatory Construction






In the course, Ms. Ting Cao, the instructor in charge of structure design, gave a prototype form of “Smooth Composite Hyperbolic Structure”, and students shaped a set of tree structures with a shelter effect through parametric design. In the course, students not only complete the design, but also need to demonstrate the structural performance of the structure, and disassemble it into standardized components that can be assembled. The design students are also involved in the post-construction work, together shaping this iconic set of campus landmarks. The smooth composite hyperbolic structure, which is the key symbol of the project, also emphasizes the unique “research-practice” nature of the university’s Co-Construction Garden. In the final scheme, the structure serves as a landmark and shade, and is the focal point of the design concept.

The Co-Creation Garden differs from traditional construction, emphasizing stakeholder participation. Activities like flower planting, “tree planting”, and road painting involved teachers and students. Under guidance, students gained skills while beautifying the garden. Modular designs facilitated student involvement in constructing “shade trees”. By extending garden pavement onto asphalt roads, students transformed abandoned spaces into public ones, enhancing the garden’s impact. Teachers and students collaborated, utilizing school resources to create streets, installations, and plantscapes reflecting “co-construction”. Fences were designed as positive campus interfaces, minimizing disruption. Students shared their designs at “Shekou Car-free Day,” promoting co-construction and governance. This public welfare design practice integrates academia with society, fostering a new design force for urban public spaces.


▽路面涂鸦-参与建设 Participatory construction

▽植物共建-参与式建设 Participatory construction

▽平面图 Plan

▽东立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section




项目名称:“在树下” 荔园学生公寓共建花园
设计团队:陈天佑 罗文娜 李宁馨 李佐佑尔 孟喆 邱韵心 宿之铭 单远洋 吴松育 王湘元 王一苇 王叶 肖宇轩 郑添豪 张宇祥 赵心如 周越

Project Name: “Under The Tree” Liyuan Student Apartment Co-build Garden
Year completed: 2023
Project area: 600 square meters
Location: Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Design Studio: Public Space Lab / Structure & Space Lab, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Website: http://sau.hitsz.edu.cn/
Email: liuk@hit.edu.cn
Design Members (alphabetical order): Chen Tianyou, Luo Wenna, li Ningxin, Li Zuoyouer, Meng Zhe, Qiu YunXin, Su Zhiming, Shan Yuanyang, Wu Songyu, Wang Xiangyuan, Wang Yiwei, Wang Ye,
Xiao Yuxuan, Zheng Tianhao, Zhang Yuxiang, Zhao Xinru, Zhou Yue.
Site Design and Space Creation: Liu Kun and Liu Mei
Landscape Architecture and Construction: Cao Ting, Zhang Changwei
Teaching assistants: Wang Ke, Yang Zhipeng, Liu Yuqian.
Client: Shenzhen Nanshan District City Management and Comprehensive Enforcement Directorate
Partner: Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Shenzhen University Town Management Service Center
reTumu Institute
Shenzhen Yexing Group
Shenzhen Yixuan Garden Construction and Design Co. Ltd.
Photographer: Public Space Lab, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen




更多 Read more about:哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院公共空间实验室 & 结构空间实验室