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ENOTA:新的游泳场馆 Češča vas 位于一个近期经过翻新的旧自行车场馆主导的空间内。我们希望随着新游泳池的建成不会大幅改变原本的空间关系,否则就会带来无法摆脱的混乱感,并使这片场地上的空间更加饱和。因此,新的泳池设施利用倾斜的地形特征,建筑体量尽可能低矮,并没有在空间中构成新的主导,也不会改变原本的空间结构。
ENOTA:New pool complex Češča vas is located in a space dominated by the existing, recently renovated velodrome. It is our preference not to drastically alter the spatial relationships with the erection of the new swimming pool facility as it would introduce disorder that the space could do without, and further saturate it. The new pool facility thus takes advantage of the topographic properties of the inclined terrain. It is sited as low as possible and does not constitute a new dominant in the space.

▽外立面 Exterior

▽项目概念图 Concept diagram

▽项目概念图 Concept diagram

The complex comprises two interior pools and their infrastructure; in the 2nd phase of the project, an exterior Olympic-size pool is to be added. The spatial design employs the partially dug-in levels to separate the individual new amphiteatral ambients by way of elevation. The entrance hall is thus disconnected from the traffic surfaces, while the lowest-lying pool area corresponds to the elevation of the surroundings at the westernmost edge of the area. The banks of the cut terrain are transformed into grandstands for the visitors. In this manner, the design reduces the structure’s facade envelope surface, thereby increasing its energy efficiency and reducing the investment cost. The possible risk due to the increased terrain excavation is thus efficiently balanced.

▽入口广场 Entrance plaza

The building’s subdued appearance in the space is achieved by the low floating roof, under which the surrounding landscape is allowed to flow across the pool. At the same time, the roof of the structure is the volume housing all the programme which does not require a direct contact with the water surfaces. The programme arrangement ensures a taller ceiling height above the pool space and a lower ceiling height at the reception desk and changing rooms. The structural design of the roof featuring a grillage based on wall beams concealed in the programme’s partition walls allows for large spans and requires few vertical supports. The light appearing along the entire perimeter creates and impression of the roof volume hovering above the pool surface, while wide views of the surrounding nature open from the interior. The cantilever roof on the building’s entrance side acts as a canopy, which, together with the dug-in amphitheatre surface, forms the exterior entrance platform.
▽夜晚的游泳场馆 Evening

▽施工方案 Construction scheme

▽场馆内部 Interior

The materiality of the pool complex is very simple and restrained. The facade envelope of the floating roof is covered in natural, unvarnished timber boards which will in time age and thereby further blend the building with the materiality of the surrounding forest. Together with the tilted geometry, the roof appears in the space as a paraphrase of the local rural development. The design of the amphitheatral spaces, i.e. the programme platforms on the various levels, is homogenous and executed in local concrete with different surface finishes. The only material accent is found in the building’s interior. The bottom side of the floating pool roof volume is uniformly coloured in an intense, warm hue. The ceiling is thus rendered sufficiently present so as to act as a pleasant shelter for the users despite the pool space’s lack of filled perimeter walls. At the same time, the interior being accented in this way acts as an discreet invitation for the users of the surrounding exterior space.

▽配套的基础设施 Infrastructure

▽底层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽顶层平面图 Top floor plan

▽立面图 Facades

▽剖面图 Sections

项目名称:Češča Vas 综合游泳馆
状态:2023 年建成
面积:4770 平方米
场地:13370 平方米
占地面积:3500 平方米
客户:Novo mesto Municipality
地点:斯洛文尼亚 新梅斯托 Češča vas
坐标:45°48’24.1″N 15°07’37.3″E
项目团队:Dean Lah、Milan Tomac、Jurij Ličen、Nuša Završnik Šilec、Polona Ruparčič、Sara Ambruš、Eva Tomac、Eva Javornik、Urška Malič、Rasmus Skov、Sara Mežik、Jakob Kajzer、Peter Sovinc、Carlos Cuenca Solana、Goran Djokić
合作者:Ivan Ramšak(结构工程)、Nom biro(机电服务)、Krajinaris(景观设计)、Controlmatik ABW(泳池技术顾问)
照片:Miran Kambič
Project: Češča Vas Pool Complex
Type: open competition, first prize
Year: 2020
Status: built 2023
Size: 4.770m2
Site: 13.370 m2
Footprint: 3.500 m2
Cost: 7.000.000 EUR
Client: Novo mesto Municipality
Location: Češča vas, Novo mesto, Slovenia
Coordinates: 45°48’24.1″N 15°07’37.3″E
Architecture: ENOTA
Project team: Dean Lah, Milan Tomac, Jurij Ličen, Nuša Završnik Šilec, Polona Ruparčič, Sara Ambruš, Eva Tomac, Eva Javornik, Urška Malič, Rasmus Skov, Sara Mežik, Jakob Kajzer, Peter Sovinc, Carlos Cuenca Solana, Goran Djokić
Collaborators: Ivan Ramšak (structural engineering), Nom biro (mechanical and electrical services), Krajinaris (landscape architecture), Controlmatik ABW (pool technology)
Photo: Miran Kambič
“ 采用向下设计的方式,将整体功能空间放入地下,以此降低建筑在地面上的存在感,不改变场地原本的空间结构。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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