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Thanks Quartier des Spectacles Partnership for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Quartier des Spectacles Partnership.
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership:2016年05月08日,加拿大蒙特利尔——这个新的装置将会在5月29日开放后,给Quartier des Spectacles中心的圣凯瑟琳街的步行区带来巨大的转变。560 KM是一个由分布在德·布莱里和克拉克大街之间的1000根圆木组成的装置作品,它隐喻性地描绘了河流驱动,即19世纪将木材运下魁北克河流的方法。
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership:Montréal, Canada, 2016-05-08 – Until May 29, a new installation will bring a spectacular transformation to the pedestrian zone on Sainte-Catherine Street in the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles. 560 KM is a work consisting of one thousand logs scattered between De Bleury and Clark streets in a metaphorical representation of river driving, the 19th century method of moving timber down Quebec’s rivers.

该艺术装置是一种在节日季节之前提升圣凯瑟琳街的原创方式,由KANVA构思和制作,由Quartier des Spectacles Partnership提供生产。
“我们的艺术意图是重新诠释那些运送木材的司机的工作——是那些运送木材的工人塑造并定义了我们的城市,包括蒙特利尔。从某种意义上说,这种原木是 560 KM现有空间的基础,”Rami Bebawi解释道,“我们想在与圣劳伦斯河平行的城市环境中呈现一个高度有机的作品,希望鼓励人们思考我们与自然和历史的联系,与此同时,让这个空间成为蒙特利尔市民的聚会场所,一个在今年春天激发人们自然意识的地方。”
Conceived and produced by KANVA and presented by the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, the art installation is an original way to enhance Sainte-Catherine St. before festival season.
“Our artistic intent was to reinterpret the work of the drivers who moved wood – the workers who transported the material that shaped and defined our cities, including Montreal. In a sense, logs like these are the foundation of the spaces now occupied by 560 KM,” Rami Bebawi explains. “We wanted to present a highly organic work in an urban setting, parallel to the St. Lawrence, in the hope of encouraging people to think about our connections with nature and history. At the same time, we wanted to make the space a gathering place for Montrealers and a place that sparks awareness of nature this spring.”

“Quartier des Spectacles Partnership为蒙特利尔市民和游客提供城市原创作品,让艺术家有机会表达他们的愿景而感到自豪。这是一个探索专门为公共空间设计新型艺术表达的领域。560 KM是一个大胆的,非常大规模和深刻诗意的装置,它从根本上改变了圣凯瑟琳街的城市景观,也可能改变游客对城市公共空间的看法。” Quartier des Spectacles Partnership主席Jacques Primeau如是说。
“The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership is very proud to offer Montrealers and visitors to the city original works that give artists an opportunity to express their vision. This is a territory for exploring new types of artistic statements, designed specifically for public spaces. 560 KM is a bold, very large scale and deeply poetic installation. It radically changes the urban landscape on Sainte-Catherine St. and could also change visitors’ perspective on the city’s public spaces,” said Jacques Primeau, chair of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership.
▼项目视频 Video
560 KM以圣莫里斯河(St. Maurice River)的长度而得名,这条河是魁北克在1996年这种做法结束之前,最后一条用作浮木拦杆的河流。所有用于装置的木材(12到16英尺的原木,每根直径约1英尺)都来自西布罗姆锯木厂。该锯木厂拥有FSC(森林管理委员会)环境认证,所有木材均来自责任管理森林。装置展览完成后,所有原木都会被送回锯木厂加工成有用的产品。
560 KM owes its name to the length of the St. Maurice River, the last Quebec river used for floating log booms before the practice ended in 1996. All wood used for the installation (12- to 16-foot logs, each about 1 foot in diameter) comes from the West Brome sawmill. It has FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) environmental certification, indicating that the wood comes from responsibly managed forests. After the work is disassembled, all logs will be returned to the sawmill for processing into useful products.
地点:加拿大 蒙特利尔 圣凯瑟琳街,在德布卢里和克拉克之间
原木供应商:Scierie West Brome
交通:Say Archambault
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership生产作品
Practical information
Project name: 560 KM
Location: Sainte-Catherine St., between De Bleury and Clark
Time: May 5 to 29, 2016
Website: Quartierdesspectacles.com
Idea and design: KANVA
Log supplier: Scierie West Brome
Transportation: Say Archambault
A production of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership
更多 Read more about: Quartier des Spectacles Partnership、KANVA