Thanks OMGEVING for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by OMGEVING.
OMGEVING:ZNA Cadix将是一所功能完备的医院,其两侧是两座新的住宅楼。在新的医院和码头之间,安特卫普市打造了一个高质量的公共空间,拥有丰富的绿化、新的自行车道、有轨电车站以及游客和应急服务设施。
OMGEVING: ZNA Cadix will be a fully-fledged hospital flanked by two new residential towers. Between the new hospital and the docks, the city of Antwerp created a high-quality public space with abundant greenery, new bicycle connections, a new tram stop and entrances for visitors and emergency services.

绿化设计 Green design
The planting and materials used match the aesthetics of these adjacent public spaces.
Centrally in front of the hospital, the planting becomes a particularity in the form of the 5000 m² perennial garden (partly on top of an underground parking). A wide path winds through the centre of the garden complemented by a network of narrow paths for wandering through it. A serene space for contemplation before or after a hospital visit.

花园的种植设计基于一个孩子的肖像。它象征着希望和生命,随着季节的变化和植物的生长,从医院上方往下看,这一图案会很明显。这幅“隐藏的肖像”是对于“Dead Skull”的致敬。
The garden’s planting design is based on the portrait of a child. It symbolises hope and life and, depending on the seasons, the image will be noticeable looking down from the hospital when the plants are grown. This ‘hidden portrait’ is a nod to the mosaic Dead Skull at the MAS.
The perennial garden is partially located above the underground car park and the ER. The green roof serves as a buffer for rainwater falling on the underground building level. The excess rainwater thus collected is directed to six underground concrete wells, which can buffer up to 100 m³ of water. From these wells, the green roof will be irrigated during dry spells.
▽设计概念 The design concept

▽路线分析 Route

▽设计总平面图 Master plan

多年生植物和野花的结合确保了较高的生物多样性,因此是Spoor Noord公园和Eilandje公园绿色结构的重要一环。码头沿线现有的梧桐树通过土壤改良获得了新的生长机会,有了较大的树床和宽阔的透水路面,由经过修复的嵌草卵石铺成。行人可以从路旁长长的坐凳上,欣赏Kempisch码头的景色。
The combination of perennials and wildflowers ensures high biodiversity and is therefore a strong link in the green structure of Park Spoor Noord and Eilandje. The existing plane trees along the dock were given new growth opportunities through soil improvement with large tree beds and a wide permeable pavement of recuperated cobblestones with grass joints. From the long sitting edge, passers-by can enjoy the view of the Kempisch dok.

At ground level right in front of the entrance to the ZNA, the new tram and bus stop ZNA Cadix is located. For cyclists, a two-way bike path in Kempenstraat and a new bike tunnel under the Hardenvoort viaduct were realised. It provides a convenient shortcut that avoids crossing some busy intersections.
To establish an accessible public space between ZNA and the docks, car traffic to the new hospital site was brought underground wherever possible.

项目名称:A green edge along the docks
地点:比利时 安特卫普
客户:AG VESPA+安特卫普市
联系人:Bert De Vos
结构设计:VK architects & engineers(www.VK-architects-engineers.com)
主承包商:Aertssen Infra
Project Name: A green edge along the docks
Location: Antwerp
Phase: completed (2021 – 2022)
Client: AG VESPA + city of Antwerp
Contact person: Bert De Vos
Landscape architecture: OMGEVING(www.OMGEVING.be)
Stability: VK architects & engineers(www.vk-architects-engineers.com)
Main contractor: Aertssen Infra
budget: € 4.845.000 excl VAT
Photography: Lucid
“ 线性绿色花园设计整合了多种交通方式,具有分流交通、提供休闲空间以及作为公共交通站点等多种功能。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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