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NBBJ:Most technology companies occupy leafy campuses on the outskirts of urban areas, but Amazon has grown up in the center of Seattle and drawn much of its innovative energy from its big-city location. The giant online retailer’s new headquarters doubles down on its commitment to urban engagement, creating a neighborhood of buildings, plazas, and public open spaces that connects seamlessly with Seattle’s existing metropolitan fabric.

The most iconic element is the trio of glass spheres housing a multi-level botanical garden filled with 40,000 plants taken from high-altitude cloud forests from five continents. Set within the landscaped headquarters, the Spheres are a building in a garden and a garden in a building. The plants represent about 400 species, some of which are extinct in the wild and others are quite rare.

为了选择、培育和维护管理这些植物,亚马逊专门聘请了一位全职园艺师罗恩·加格利亚多(Ron Gagliardo),他之前曾在亚特兰大植物园工作。这些植物将会随着时间的推移而成长,包括其中一棵已55英尺高的名为Rubi的无花果树、40英尺高的澳大利亚蕨类植物、厄瓜多尔的兰花以及食肉猪笼草。球体内的瀑布和植物绿墙营造出了一种丛林感,为了让所有的植物群都能更好的生长,球体内白天的气温设置在华氏72度和湿度60%,晚上则转变为华氏55度和湿度90%。
To select, nurture, and curate the selection of plants, Amazon hired a full-time horticulturalist, Ron Gagliardo, who had previously worked at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. The collection of plants, which will evolve over time, includes a 55-foot-tall fig tree named Rubi, a 40-foot Australian fern, orchids from Ecuador, and carnivorous pitcher plants. Waterfalls and a pair of densely planted living walls create the sense of a jungle. To keep all of this flora happy, the climate in the Spheres is set at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 percent humidity during the day, then shifts to 55 degrees and 90 percent humidity at night.

The 67,000-square-foot Spheres represent just two percent of the Amazon project, but serve as a magnet to bring people together. Open to Amazon employees, they offer a range of places to meet, work, and dine—from a wood-slatted “birds nest” to terraces with banquettes and chairs.

NBBJ architects与Magnusson Klemencic Associates的结构工程师以及NBBJ自己的设计计算团队合作,设计了一个由180个细长五边形模块组成的钢架,其灵感来源于比利时数学家尤金·查尔斯·加泰罗尼亚的由五个焊接拱门的点定义的作品。虽然框架在两个不同方向向上弯曲,但透明的低铁玻璃面板是平整的,建筑底部的一根40万磅重的环形梁会将重力、风力和地震力,从玻璃和钢铁立面转移到下面楼层的混凝土柱和中心混凝土核心,以保证球体结构安全,总的来说,整个球体的设计结合了数学与有机、实用与诗意。
Working with structural engineers at Magnusson Klemencic Associates and NBBJ’s own design computation team, NBBJ architects devised a steel frame made of 180 elongated pentagonal modules inspired by the work of Belgian mathematician Eugène Charles Catalan and defined by the points of five welded arches. While the frame is curved in two directions, the panes of clear, low-iron glass are flat. A 400,000-pound ring beam at the base of the building transfers gravity, wind, and seismic forces from the glass-and-steel façade to concrete columns in the floors below and a central concrete core. The Spheres combine the mathematical and the organic, the pragmatic and the poetic.

▼球体各层平面图 Floor Plan

▼球体剖面图 Section

项目名称:Amazon Spheres
项目位置:美国 西雅图
摄影师:Stuart Isett,Bruce Damonte,Sean Airhart
Project name: Amazon Spheres
Architecture Firm: NBBJ
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area: 67,000
Project location: Seattle
Photographer: Stuart Isett, Bruce Damonte, Sean Airhart
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