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Thanks Red5studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Red5studio.
Red5studio:“Anh Coffee Roastery”是越南咖啡市场相对较新的品牌,尚未明确自身的设计风格。现有的场地位于西贡市中心,建筑立面宽度很大,且具有很长的纵深,这对Red5的设计构思来说是一个极大的优势。
Red5studio:”Anh Coffee Roastery” is a relatively new brand in the coffee market in Vietnam, not yet defined by any design style. With the current site having a good location in the center of Saigon, a large facade width, and a deep setback of the existing architectural block, this will be an advantage for Red5 to come up with good ideas for the project this time.
▽建筑结构示意 Architectural structure diagram

“Anh Coffee Roastery”的故事灵感源于阴天在玄武岩红土地种植咖啡的场景,Red5想要在场地中向顾客传达出一种沉浸感。
The story we want to tell with “Anh Coffee Roastery” is inspired by the scene of the basalt red land growing coffee on cloudy days. The feeling of being immersed in that floating place is the primary material and inspiration that Red5 wants to tell for this project.

曲线柔和的白色网状系统包裹着“砖红色”的建筑,让人很难发现它是一座刚性的玻璃办公大楼。乍一看,颜色、形状和材料的巨大变化是“Anh Coffee Roastery”的亮点。
By creating a “brick red” block with the gentle curves of the white mesh system, it is difficult to know that the status quo is just a rigid glass office block. The dramatic change in colors, shapes, and materials probably creates the highlight for “Anh Coffee Roastery” at first sight.
▽立面分析 Facade Analysis

With a current state of quite a few columns because the building was renovated from the old block, the design team connected this column system with a large common table strip spanning the entire first-floor space.
▽大型公共桌带 Large common table strip

Besides, creating another path outside the building leads guests from the interior space of the 1st floor to a “small outdoor garden” on the 2nd floor.

▽二层空间 2nd floor

Making a small atrium between the 2nd floors for planting trees is also possible to create a connection and light up the space below. With the advantage of a deeply recessed building and lots of trees, this space is suitable for those who love the natural atmosphere.

▽场地的自然氛围 The natural atmosphere

By design language and material combination, we bring red terracotta brick from the façade into the whole interior space – floor, wall, bar or even seating blocks.

The cloud part has designed by the iron grid system running on the ceiling throughout both floors and the façade.

In addition, navy blue – the brand’s signature color and natural wood were also cleverly incorporated into the space by the design team. The driven by curves from the large communal table on the ground floor to the iron grid throughout the building, combined with the straight red terracotta bricks, all blend to create a fluffy sanctuary.

客户:Anh Coffee Roastery
设计团队:Lai Chinh Truc, Nguyen Vinh Nhi, Tran Thi Kim Duyen, Lam Luong, Le Hung Thao, Pham Hoang Duy Nhan
建筑:Anh Coffee Roastery
图片来源:Đỗ Sỹ
Client: Anh Coffee Roastery
Design: Red5
Design Team : Lai Chinh Truc, Nguyen Vinh Nhi, Tran Thi Kim Duyen, Lam Luong, Le Hung Thao, Pham Hoang Duy Nhan
Construction: Anh Coffee Roastery
Area: 374m2
Location: 200 Pasteur, District 3, Saigon
Photo: Đỗ Sỹ
“ 开放的空间布局与植物的搭配为办公空间营造宜人的自然氛围。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: Red5studio