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Thanks JMD design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by JMD design.
JMD design:由JMD design领导的工程师、建筑师、艺术家、遗产和社区顾问组成的多学科团队,为悉尼西部毗邻M7和Doonside的Great Western高速公路的250公顷Bungarribee小区制定了一个未来总体规划。该设计融入规划和交通,以保持和提高场地独特的规模尺度、天空和生态质量。项目总规划为公园周围提供主要基本通道,并组织活动以保持公园中心独特的宁静特质,及其广阔的天空和平滑的草地。
JMD design:JMD design led a multidisciplinary team of engineers, architects, artists, heritage and community consultants to prepare a master plan for the future of the 250ha Bungarribee Precinct in Western Sydney, adjacent to the M7 and Great Western Highway in Doonside. The design inserts program and circulation to preserve and heighten the unique site qualities of scale, sky and ecology. The masterplan provides for access around the park and organises activity to preserve the uniquely peaceful character at the centre of the park with its broad sweep of sky and flowing grassland.

▼公园总体规划 Master Plan

Three features define the vision for the masterplan: The ‘Heart’; Preserves the delicate ecology of the existing grasslands and wetlands at the centre of the site. The ‘Loop’; sets up the structure for circulation and access to the site. It is kept to the edge and services carparks, amenities, the ranger station and picnic shelters. It is in part vehicular and more generally pedestrian. The Loop includes two bridges to cross Eastern Creek, the northern one, an elevated two level bridge and the southern one, a series of crossings and islands in the floodplain. The ‘Redgum Runway, a thousand trees’; is a block of trees the length of the WW2 emergency runway that occupied the site. It creates a buffer to the Heart and becomes a shaded grove for activity and parking. The Redgum Runway also marks the park entry at Donnside Road where an arrangement of large steel frames bookend the Redgum Runway plantings.
▼公园之“心” The ‘Heart’

▼边缘可达的道路交通 The ‘Loop’

▼红色跑道和Donnside路公园入口 The ‘Redgum Runway, a thousand trees’

These three organising principles and values are reinforced by the Southern Greenbelt; a linear forest providing visual buffer to the new tourism and business hub and the ‘Community forest’ bordering the M7 Motorway is designed as an area for a productive landscape and buffer zone to provide an ongoing source of material for the Parklands. The masterplan provides a range of recreational facilities including a large playground on the high point, picnic shelters and amenities, car parking, a large lawn, informal picnic areas, walking trails, new sporting fields, bridges for crossing Eastern Creek and the two forests.

▼横跨东溪的桥梁 Sketch-The ‘Bridge’

公园游乐场 Bungarribee Superpark Playground
The design of the new Superpark extends the commitment made in the Masterplan to celebrate the existing qualities of the site, preserve the sense of tranquillity at its centre, and carve out an identity for the park from undifferentiated industrial rural landscape that pervades the area. An identity that places high value on this landscape.

The new super playground is comprised of three parts, arranged around the new large cross lawn. Play is dispersed around the large cross lawn to encourage movement across larger expanses and to allow some separation between the more boisterous high energy activities and the area aimed at younger children around the treehouse.The western most part of the playground is a 50 metre double flying fox that borders the western arm of the large cross lawn. It races riders toward the cusp of the hill and the distant western sky. Close by the swing sets also propel users toward the sky and the expanding landscape that slopes down to the creek and toward the distant silhouette of the Blue Mountains.Near the high point of the eastern ridge, nestled between existing woodland regrowth and the new large cross lawn is the main body of the playground. Here a 12 m high, patterned treehouse announces play to the surrounding parkland. An undulating lawn , proprietary play items, nature and water play encircles it and combine to make this the most intensive activity zone in the Superpark.

The Treehouse is reminiscent of an ant farm, an airplane fuselage and tail, an insect and an industrial structure. The multileveled structure appears to be proposed up by four tall tunnel slides and an entry shoot. Internally the floors rise and fall in unexpected ways, openings provide access between floors whilst the tail or head allows an ascent to a 12 m high viewing level oriented to the west.The first floor gives you access to the smaller slides, whilst the second level takes you to the higher faster slides. The arrangement of floors, connections, slides and ramps provides a multitude of circuits around and through the structure in an unscripted sequence of play.
▼树屋装置 The Treehouse

The adjacent nature play uses the existing landscape, preserved logs, boulders and small mounds to create an environment to explore and play through. The water play comprises of an arrangement of rectangular sandstone blocks and water pumps. The blocks have been robotically carved to create channels basins, rills and drops along and into which the flow of water can be directed by hinged gates. The ensemble sits in a large sand pit that provides the children with further means to manipulate the flow of water across the sandstone. Covering the nature play is shade net supported on steel portal frames that echo the structure of the swings, flying fox and entry gates.
▼自然式游戏区 The nature play

The design of the Superpark works with the big scale of the existing landscape and context, uses simple materials and celebrates, highlights and ennobles the existing landscape character and draws attention back to the specifics and subtlety of this ecologically important parkland.

▼游乐场设计手稿 Sketch-Play

▼施工过程 Construction

Bungarribee Superpark
地点:澳大利亚 悉尼 新南威尔士州 Bungarribee
客户:Western Sydney Parklands Trust
摄影:Simon Wood Photography, JMDd, Landscape Solutions
Location: Bungarribee, NSW
Completion: January 2017
Client: Western Sydney Parklands Trust
Photography: Simon Wood Photography, JMDd, Landscape Solutions
Project Awards: AILA NSW Landscape Architecture Award for Planning, 2014
Bungarribee Superpark Playground
首席顾问:JMD design landscape architects
结构和雨水:Northrop Consulting Engineers
QS: John Hollis and Partners
构筑物和设施:Stanic Harding Architects, Cantilever Consulting Engineers
摄影:Simon Wood Photography, JMDd, WSPT
Lead Consultant: JMD design landscape architects
Structural and Stormwater: Northrop Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineering: JWP
Play Certification: CCEP
QS: John Hollis and Partners
Shelters and amenities: Stanic Harding Architects, Cantilever Consulting Engineers
Construction Stage 1: Antoun
Construction Stage 2: Daracon
Photography: Simon Wood Photography, JMDd, WSPT
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