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Thanks De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects.
De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects:卡萨里科社区公园位于瑞士南部,地处高山和地中海沿岸环境的交汇处,因此这里的植物群落种类繁多。该地区温和的气候和丰富的地质造就了这郁郁葱葱的景观,与不具特色的城市扩张形成鲜明对比。在此背景下,新社区便选址在卢加诺市零散的郊区与森林、山脉和湖泊等自然保护区之间。近期气候变化研究表明,在未来几十年内,卢加诺市的气候将更加接近意大利那不勒斯的平均气候,这是本项目确定其生态策略和制定适应气候变化植物配置方式的基础前提。
De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects: Casarico Park is located in southern Switzerland, at the intersection of alpine and Mediterranean environments, which results in a wide range of plant communities. The mild climate and rich geology of the region generate lush landscapes that juxtapose the anonymous urban sprawl characterizing the valleys. Within this context the new neighborhood sits at the threshold between the fragmented suburbs of the city of Lugano and its protected natural areas of forests, mountains, and lakes. However, recent research on climate change indicates that within the next decades the city’s climate will be closer to the average climate of Naples, Italy. This is the premise for the ecological strategy of the project and for the definition of resilient plantings for climate change.

新社区的规划从景观角度进行构思,凝结了建筑师和景观设计师通力合作的心血成果。该项目旨在定义一种可持续的居住方式,使社区沉浸在广阔的、富有表现力的、互联的公园体系之中,从而减少对周围环境的影响。卡萨里科社区公园占地 4 公顷,由 5 栋四层住宅楼组成,它们分别位于不同标高的坡地上。园区景观包括一个游乐场、一片俯瞰湖面的中央草坪和一个公共广场,以及私密的树林空间和供人安静沉思的角落。
The planning of the residential area is conceived through the landscape perspective and is the result of a collaborative effort between architects and landscape architects from the very beginning. The project aims to define a sustainable way of living in housing units that are immersed in an extensive, performative and interconnected park system, reducing the environmental impact on the surrounding context. Consisting of 5 four-storey residential buildings placed at different elevations across a 4-hectare sloping site. The landscape of Casarico Park includes a playground, a central lawn overlooking the lake and a public square, as well as intimate tree groves and nooks for quiet contemplation.
▽公园平面图 Master Plan

▽广阔互联且富有表现力的社区公园环境 An extensive, performative and interconnected park system

Three main ideas drive the landscape design concept: ecological continuity, on-site stormwater management, and public accessibility across the site. All the different landscape layers converge here into a central pathway that allows for public circulation within a mostly private neighborhood, while guaranteeing the management of surface water up to 100-year storm events and the integration of a regional-scale forested ecological corridor. This diagonal path, called Oak Path and characterized by a consistent canopy of holm and cork oaks, which ties together the buildings and the open spaces.

The uninterrupted plantings and water collection system along Oak Path establish a continuous ecological corridor for insects, small mammals and birds that connects the woods to the North with the protected wildlife reserve of Lake Muzzano. The key strategy for the redirection, collection, and retention of all the surface runoff lies in the topographic modelling and the creation of three water retention basins along the main path. Stormwater from the site and roofs of the buildings converges to the central basins where it is filtered and cleaned through phytoremediation, creating a wildlife habitat at the core of the neighborhood.

Similarly, all material and texture choices for the design of Casarico Park respond to a common theme of weathering, simplicity and seasonal change. This is visible in the deliberate use of rough pigmented concrete which blends with the natural rocky outcrops present on the site and in the furniture made of reclaimed black locust wood, sourced from local forest management. Discarded black limestone blocks are placed for slope stabilization and foster the growth of alkaline-loving vegetation. Likewise, across the park the green tones of the leafy vegetation stand in stark contrast with the black concrete volumes helping with the mitigation of the urban heat island effect, as well as providing the necessary level of privacy and shade for the residents.

Lastly, the upper portion of Casarico Park is designed as a landscape-in-waiting, which has been temporarily made available as a public park to the community while remaining privately managed. This is where the old farmhouse stands and its renovation and transformation into the local community center is bringing new life to the broader neighborhood. The garden surrounding the center includes a café terrace, a bocce court, an open-air theater carved in the hillside for public events, an olive-dotted mound with lookout, a public orchard and community vegetable gardens. This higher part of the site will be intentionally left undeveloped for the next couple of decades, in order to create a low-maintenance wildlife area that adds biodiversity for the benefit of the entire neighborhood.

▽设计分析图 Design Diagrams

▽分段剖面图 Sections

景观建筑事务所:De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects
主创设计师:Federico De Molfetta, Hope Strode
设计团队:Alessandra Balzarotti
客户:Conca d’Oro SA, Lugano
合作伙伴:Attilio Panzeri & Partners Architects
图片来源:Igor Ponti; Caroline Goddard; De Molfetta Strode
摄影师网站:https://igorponti.ch/; https://www.carolinegoddard.com/; https://www.demolfettastrode.com/
Project Name: Casarico Park
Completion Year: 2022
Scale: 42’000 sqm
Project Location: Via Cremignone 4, 6924 Sorengo (Switzerland)
Landscape Architecture Firm: De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects
Website: https://www.demolfettastrode.com/
Contact e-mail: info@demolfettastrode.com
Lead Architects: Federico De Molfetta, Hope Strode
Design Team: Alessandra Balzarotti
Clients: Conca d’Oro SA, Lugano
Collaborators: Attilio Panzeri & Partners Architects
Photo Credits: Igor Ponti; Caroline Goddard; De Molfetta Strode
Photographer’s Website: https://igorponti.ch/; https://www.carolinegoddard.com/; https://www.demolfettastrode.com/