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Thanks to Arcplus for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and photos provided by Arcplus.
Arcplus:Erhai Lake plays a vital role in connecting residents of towns around the lake spiritually with mother nature, such as Shuanglang, Xizhou, etc. It serves as a worship place for the Bai people, an ethnic minority with a population of about 53.8% in Dali. Utilizing this unique attachment to the waterscape, the design team maximized ecological benefit with minimal human intervention. The design reinvigorates Dali City’s iconic yet filthy water and restores the landscape, environment, and habitat of endangered species while supporting the needs of nearby industry and agriculture.
This project established a 129-kilometer-long, 9000000㎡ open reservation area along Erhai Lake. Its water quality and biodiversity have significantly improved, providing a sustainable lake restoration strategy and system for organizations worldwide.
01/ 场地情况 Site Background
洱海位于中国西南边陲的苍山脚下,是大理的母亲湖。它是国家级自然保护区的一部分、重要饮用水源地,也是众多少数民族聚落地,为大理的发展提供了重要的自然资源与环境。然而近年来,这一高原湖泊的自然景观、地质地貌、生物资源等都受到城市快速发展的影响,生态退化严重。人口聚集和旅游产业飞速发展更加剧了人地矛盾。昔日清澈的饮用水源地现面临着富营养化、水华爆发、多样性下降、入侵物种加剧等问题,特征物种如海菜花在IUCN 濒危物种红色名录中被列为易危,当地尚水的少数民族文化的延续也遇到了困境。
Erhai Lake, the main lake in Dali, is located at the foot of Cangshan Mountain on the southwestern border of China. It is a national nature reserve, an essential source of drinking water, and a home to many ethnic minorities, providing critical natural resources for the development of Dali. However, in recent years, the lake’s natural landscape, geological landforms, and biological resources have been affected dramatically by rapid urban development. Population growth and the massive influx of tourists have exacerbated the conflicts between humans and nature. Formerly clean water sources began facing problems including eutrophication, algal blooms, the decline in diversity, and invasive species. A cultural symbol, Ottelia acuminata, is now listed as vulnerable species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. As water pollution increased, it became more and unfeasible for the culture of water worship to pass on to the next generations.
02/ 创新的区域景观的规划方法 Innovative Landscape Planning Methods
Complex site constraints forced the design team to propose landscape planning methods that differed by scale, making dynamic responses to social challenges with the re-evaluation of the gift of nature, so as to expand nature’s efficiency. The team constructed a framework and evaluation system based on ecological spatial distribution, ecosystem quality, environmental stress, and community engagement to reach four main goals: improvement of lakeside resilience and sustainability, health, and human well-being. Commencing in March 2018 and completed by 2021, this project constructed a nature-based solution for waterscape management in the scale of entire watershed with multidisciplinary cooperation, government intervention, and public participation.
03/ 湖滨带的复苏 Recovery of the Lakeside Belt
The proposed water management system expands the vision from buffer zones to the entire watershed. This system offers a way to reconstruct the ecological base and rebuilds the human-nature relationship through landscape architecture. The design utilized the following strategies and frameworks:
<Ecological Relocation>
Rapid growth in population and tourism caused the local villages’ border to gradually encroach on the coastline, which has exacerbated the collapse of the ecosystem. The design team delineated an ecological red line based on the historical coastline and environmental sensitivity, aiming to provid a solid base for lakeside revitalization. After several discussions with residents and local government officials, an ecological relocation plan embraced by the public was passed on under the support and funding received from governments. This unprecedented lake protection and demolition project involved 1,086 buildings in 52 villages in 8 towns, fully demonstrates the possibility of public engagement.
<Reshaping the Natural Space on the Lakeshore>
Disorderly urban development in the past led to an imbalanced watershed habitat at Erhai Lake. By analyzing other similar wetlands and Erhai’s historical ecosystems, the team reshaped the water-plant ratio of 3:7 at the land-water interface and the dry-to-wet ratio of 6:4 in the green space to help the matter and energy cycle and boost ecological function. The lakeshore was further subdivided into 12 types according to different ecological bases. Each type has a suitable module to efficiently facilitate ecological restoration and establish ecological barriers.

<Adjustment of Wetland Systems>
Researchers from various disciplines were assigned to evaluate the water pollution and volume of 18 rivers and more than 200 channels that merge into Erhai Lake. To form a purified wetland module, the design team then decided on pollutant reduction targets, wetland technology, the proportion of corresponding substrates, and purifying vegetation. The rainwater with high pollution is first filtered by the multi-stage rain gardens and then purified in the buffer zone. The complete rainwater management system maximizes the value of the filtration and purification functions.

Estuary Wetland
Flood control and water level regulation projects in the last century have channelized natural riverbanks, which caused the loss of self-recovery ability and natural habitats in lake environments. The re-wilding process designed in this project restores the natural riverbanks and reshapes the natural form of the estuary. The gentle sloping bank increases the submerged area, allowing for ecological recovery. Specific strategies were utilized such as recovering a 3000-5000㎡forest for nest, meadow wetlands with 0-30cm water depth and 75% vegetation coverage, as well as deadwood and stones at 0-0.3m above the normal water level of wetland according to the habitat preference of local birds. Two years after the establishment, 59 waterfowl species are able to be spotted now. As native species returned, the delta formed a resilient habitat.
所有的设计及施工时序都考虑了场地演替的自然规律,旨在形成能够自我维护、抗干扰强、动态平衡的自管理生态系统。例如在滞留初期雨水的表流湿地系统中,雨季的暴雨常常使得前置净化措施饱和,而大理年2000 mm的蒸发量使旱季湿地维护成为严峻挑战。为此团队采用了深浅分区的大面积缓坡草坪,选取本地草籽混播,保障一定缓冲、净化功能的同时兼顾了旱季草地的耐践踏性,大大降低了湿地维护成本。另一例子中,上述提到的藻类定期的收集与清除入侵物种的工作被结合起来,以维持较低人工介入、不增加额外成本,为本土水下及湖滨带群落提供自然恢复的空间。
<Sustainable self-mantenance system>
All design and construction processes considered the natural law of ecological succession. The design team aimed to form a self-managed and self-maintained ecosystem that is hardy and dynamically balanced.
<Breathing Lake>
The water’s self-cleaning process begins with aquatic plants absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus to grow. As the plants die and are decomposed by sunlight, the nitrogen and phosphorous leave the lake. However, conventional methods in Erhai removed the shallow area for plants to decompose at the shallow area purely for aesthetics. The design team sought to right this wrong by reserving locations for the self-purification process and preventing human interference after surveying the wind direction and water flow. Some of the dead plants washed to the shore due to the surge of self-consumption, and the remaining ones were collected manually. This tactic lowered work requirements by 72% and increased discharge by 58%.
<Low-Interference Service System>
The design of the lake’s infrastructure layout was aimed at minimizing human disturbance. Only one 6.5-meter-wide pedestrian loop around the lake provides bicycle, pedestrian, and ecological monitor access. Grass pavers were used in several spots to consolidate surface soil with the grass root system. The pathway loop connects to multiple facilities, such as culture pavilions, stops for clean energy sightseeing cars, hidden bird-watching platforms, benches made of natural materials, and low-energy lighting, helping local villagers and tourists to lead low-carbon, healthy lifestyles.
<Passing on Local Culture>
The Erhai Lake master plan was proposed to respect, protect, and emphasize the site’s unique heritage, enabling the restoration of cultural landscapes as well as ecological. For instance, a cultural space was reserved that can be used for traditional folk song performances. Spaces like that raise the ecological value of Erhai Lake and enhance the sense of identity. Now, the beautiful music of the Bai people is recited every night. The restored Erhai Lake has also been used as an outdoor classroom for schoolchildren. Its design has reshaped the man-nature attachment, and has changed how people view ecology. Residents have said that the design brings them back to the Erhai Lake before it was polluted.
04/ 设计成效 Design Achievements
自然湖滨缓冲带建成后,其中350ha自然净化湿地可消减COD 1160957kg/a、TN 59540.7kg/a、TP 17963.7kg/a,洱海水质稳定靠近II类水质,当地动物多样性指数大幅提升,鸟类数量明显增多。最重要的是,代表清洁水体的指示植物的海菜花也重新回到了人们的视野,海菜花生物量占比和建设前比较增大了6倍,面积达到了10万平米左右,并且还在不断扩大。
洱海湖滨带保护工程不仅提出了保护自然景观和解决人地矛盾的有效方法和战略, 体现景观解决复杂社会经济等问题的能力和对政策的推动,逆转了不合理开发造成的损失,更见证了一个地区的良性的、富有责任感的发展历程。项目拓展和丰富了原住民的生活,展示了少数民族的生产生活、居住以及建造的文化,提供了重新认识和构建他们与湖泊之间的关系的渠道。目前洱海地区平均客流量达到1.16万人次/天,自行车等慢行交通设施每天使用人次可达4000次以上,中小学自然教育活动迅速攀升,摄影爱好者和徒步者也出现井喷式增长;改善的环境也辅助了当地产业结构升级,促进可持续发展,保护了当地的特色的文化和历史。
This project proposed effective methods and strategies to protect the natural landscape and resolve the conflicts between man and nature. It reflects the ability to solve complex social and economic problems, reversing the negative impacts of overdevelopment and facilitating the development of a healthier and more cohesive Erhai Lake community. The project raised the quality of life for residents and preserved the culture of minorities. The average passenger flow in the Erhai area has reached 11,600 people a day, with more than 4,000 people using bicycles and other slow-traffic facilities. The upgraded environment has positively influenced the local industry. The restored lakeside attracts many primary school classes, photographers, and hikers, making for a more colorful and engaging community atmosphere.
Erhai Lake Ecological Restoration Project sets forth methods and strategies to protect the natural landscape and solve the contradiction between man and land, permanently limits poor development practices and has outlined a regional process of responsible development combined with preservation of lake.
Project Name: Erhai Lake Ecological Restoration Project
Developer: Engineering headquarters of erhai Ecological environment protection “Third Line” demarcation project in Dali City
Location: Dali City, Yunnan Province
Project scale: 898.34ha, surrounded by Erhai Lake, 129km, 15m width of village section, 100m width of countryside section
Design/Completion: April 2019 — December 2020
Design unit: Architectural Decoration environment Design and Research Institute of Arcplus
Project Principal: Ying Bohua
Project Leader: Yang Lingchen
Project Manager: Wang Qianyong
Zhongshui North Survey, Design and Research Co., LTD. (Water Conservancy, Municipal Administration)
Beijing Zhenghe Hengji Waterfront Ecological Environment Management Co., LTD. (Water Environment, part of landscape)
审稿编辑:Via Wang
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