Thanks Sou Fujimoto Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sou Fujimoto Architects.
藤本壮介建築設計事務所: “这个村子给我的印象非常惊艳,它很漂亮。我拜访它的时候,多半是多云的天气,云雾缭绕,包围着整座村落。” 藤本壮介说道。
Sou Fujimoto Architects:“I was very impressed by the village. It was quite beautiful. The weather was mostly cloudy when I visited there, with a bit misty and foggy air surrounding the entire village.”

The design was inspired by the site itself, especially the fog and clouds that diffused over the village. They were like buildings floating in the air, or rather, like roofs connecting nature, buildings, and various sceneries around. The continuing terraced fields created an architectural image and made the whole area very dynamic and vivid. Therefore, we proposed a floating canopy just like a cloud, hugging the landscape and being part of it.

The main part of the building is an open space that will be used for exhibitions, conferences, or art galleries. The canopy starts from the main building and connects all the way down to the riverside, which provides a sense of continuity and lets the building blend in with nature. At the same time, the house floating above the canopy creates a transition between the traditional village and the new construction.

The canopy is made of a naturally woven material with a very light weight that provides the whole area a soft boundary. While distinguishing buildings and natural fields, the canopy creates a view just like a huge courtyard facing the sky. For sure we named the project “flowing Cloud” from the impression of the environment when we first time visited the site, but it also for the soft shape of the entire canopy.

The ring-shaped canopy creates a space where it not only gathers people in the main building but also allows people to fully experience the nature around the whole site. This is also why the project is more blurred into the landscape with diverse spaces rather than one box-like house. We look forward to having people come to visit, lingering around the poetic village, walking under the floating canopy, and enjoying the picturesque views of the beautiful nature.

设计团队:刘轶北、王翔翔、Nakyong Kim(金娜璟)、邵妍
Project Name: Flowing Cloud Pavilion
Location: Zhejiang Province, Tonglu, Fangyukong Cultural & Creative Resort Complex
Design Firm (Architecture): Sou Fujimoto Architects
Chief Designer: Sou Fujimoto
Design Team: Liu yibei, Wang xiangxiang, Nakyong Kim, Shao yan
Client: Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture Technology Co., Ltd
Site in Charge: Liu jun
Construction Team: Wang longhai, Zhu hongzhong
Structure: AND office / ZHANG Zhun
Lighting: UAD/ Wang xiaodong, Sun guojun
“ 连续的梯田本身自带一种建筑感,设计师顺应其地势,在山村中建造了一座轻盈曼妙的流云连廊。”
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