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Thanks Scenic Architecture Office for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Scenic Architecture Office.



Scenic Architecture Office:The bookstore site is at the northeast corner of Ziqidonglai Central Park of Jiading Newtown.  It is right besides the city streets to the east and the north, and faces the park to the south and west.  Recognizing its location in-between the city and the park, we take a strategy of courtyard settlement to establish the relationships among architecture, city and nature.  The wall is the executant of the strategy who forms the front court at the northeast and backyard at the southwest, and wraps up in the middle to contain the interior space, the atrium and the terrace.  We conceive the environment of the bookstore as a whole, which provide an even and merged interrelation between interior space and exterior space, and guide people to read, to relax and to promenade in spaces with both continuity and different atmosphere.




In different parts of the courtyards we creates multi-layered and enriched spatial sequences and experiences through various transformations of wall like continuous wall-height change, splits and merges of wall routes, and simple wall openings.




Two “detoured” small gardens in the front court and the backyard further blur the property of the exterior spaces, and provide a sense of place with intimacy, security and openness.




We use the organization of court settlement to introduce the spatial experience from the city into the architecture, and finally lead it to the nature.


▼轴侧图 axonometric drawing

总平面图 master plan

▼1、2层平面图  1、2F plan

▼剖面图 section




项目地点:上海 嘉定新城 紫气东来公园东北角
材 料:白色涂料、透明及印刷玻璃、深灰色铝合金、豆石、防腐木

Project Name:From-East Bookstore
Location:Shanghai, Northeast of Ziqidonglai Park at Jiading Newtown
Program:Bookstore, Café, Teahouse
Building Area:726sqm
Structure:Concrete Frame + Steel frame roof
Material:white paint, transparent and fritted glass, dark grey aluminum finish, bean stone, preservative wood


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