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Thanks Takashi Okuno&Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Takashi Okuno&Associates.
Takashi Okuno&Associates:建筑环抱着流动的内部花园。涓涓细流,静静地回响在这座私人花园里,带来一种置身于田野和群山中的体验感。
Takashi Okuno&Associates:The architecture embraces the flowing inner garden. The trickle of water, quietly echoing through the family’s very own private garden. It’s a sensation of being out in the fields and mountains.

Of great importance is the aperture that brings the garden inside.

Particular attention was paid to creatively situating this interspace, purposely setting the location and height so that not everything is revealed, and using lattice blinds and screens creating layers while offering transparency, allowing the imagination to expand when taking in what lies beyond. Transparency can be created even if it is not actually visible.

The roof structure, made of local cedar, has become part of the living room. The flooring in the entrance hall is laid towards the inner garden with no visual interruption, giving the feeling that the outside and inside are a shared space.

By closely linking the inner garden that expresses nature and the human home, the idea was to offer a lifestyle that enjoys every aspect of the changing seasons.

项目地点:日本 Ehime
景观/建筑公司:Takashi Okuno&Associates
首席建筑师:Takashi Okuno&Associates
设计团队:Takashi Okuno&Associates
图片来源:Shigeo Ogawa
Project Name: House in Matsuyama
Completion Year: 2020
Scale: 194.46 m2
Project Location: Ehime,JAPAN
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Takashi Okuno&Associates
Website: http://okunotakashi.jp/
Contact e-mail: kan@okunotakashi.jp
Lead Architects: Takashi Okuno&Associates
Design Team: Takashi Okuno&Associates
Photo Credits: Shigeo Ogawa
“ 涓涓细流,静静地回响在这座私人花园里,带来一种置身于田野和群山中的体验感。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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