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Superflux: This spring, speculative design studio Superflux invites humanity to reassess its place in the natural world, emerging from the grid-like ashes of fire-blackened trees into resurgent greenery – and a glistening pool with a surprise below the surface.


▼沉浸式装置“呼唤希望” A immersive installation – Invocation for Hope

Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux
Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux


“呼唤希望” (Invocation for Hope) 是一个巨大的沉浸式装置,它检视了自然界中复杂的相互关联,并提出了超越人类未来的可能性——一个后人类中心主义的地球,在那里人类只是动态和多层面的生态系统的一部分。

Invocation for Hope is a vast, immersive installation that examines the complex interconnected relationships throughout the natural world, and which raises the possibility of a more-thanhuman future – a post-anthropocentric planet in which humanity is just one part of a dynamic and multifaceted ecosystem.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux
Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux



After travelling through a grid-like forest of burnt and blackened pines – the unexpectedly graceful skeletons of a former time – you find, at its heart, a resurgent living forest, where multiple species living in harmony with humanity offer a promise of alternative life. In this cradle of biodiversity, you come to a freshwater pool, which reflects, not your own face, but another creature – a wolf, a lynx, a bison – coming to the water to drink.


▼森林中心的淡水池 A freshwater pool in a resurgent living forest

Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler
Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


伴随着具有远见卓识的音乐家Cosmo Sheldrake所创作的声景,装置一一带领着观众踏上意义非凡的个人旅程:从气候危机的蹂躏到更新重生的可能,以及与自然建立更深度的联系。

Accompanied by a soundscape created by visionary musician Cosmo Sheldrake, the installation leads viewers one by one on a personal journey from the ravages of climate crisis to the possibility of renewal and a deeper connection with nature.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler
Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


灾后的地球 The planet post-catastrophe

受MAK (实用艺术博物馆) 的委托,Superflux为2021维也纳变革双年展 (Vienna Biennale for Change 2021) 设计装置“呼唤希望”,以响应活动主题——“地球之爱:数字时代的气候关怀”。该项目由欧盟H2020研究创新计划组资助。


Invocation for Hope was commissioned by the Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) for the Vienna Biennale for Change 2021 in response to the event’s theme ‘Planet Love: Climate Care in the Digital Age.’ The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Through a combination of art, design and architecture, the Biennale is calling for a new relationship between people and planet – not simply decarbonising our economies, but entirely reassessing our connections to the earth and how we view ourselves as part of it.


▼渲染效果图 Rendering

© Superflux


“气候变化不是一个我们可以‘解决’的问题,而是一个我们必须以责任感和紧迫感来应对的困境。”——Jon Ardern,Superflux联合创始人

“Climate change is not a problem we can ‘solve’ but rather a predicament we must navigate with responsibility and urgency.” – Jon Ardern, co-founder Superflux


Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler
Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux


这个目标与Superflux的工作方向完美契合,在过去几年里,工作室创始人Anab Jain和Jon Ardern一直将他们在思辨设计和未来研究方面的专长向气候危机问题转变。对于Superflux来说,气候危机就是哲学家Timothy Morton所说的“庞大之物”——其时空尺度非常大,以至于超越了人类所掌握的范畴。借助“呼唤希望”装置,Superflux探索了气候变化作为庞大之物的复杂性,使之具有共鸣和意义,并在灾难中寻找到希望之路。

This aim chimes perfectly with the direction of Superflux’s work as a studio. For the last few years, founders Anab Jain and Jon Ardern have been turning their expertise in speculative design and futures research to the issue of climate crisis. For Superflux, climate crisis is what philosopher Timothy Morton calls a ‘hyperobject’ – a phenomenon of such spatial and temporal scale that it is beyond the capacity of the human mind to fully grasp it. With Invocation of Hope, Superflux explores the complexity of climate change as a hyperobject, making it resonant and meaningful and finding pathways of hope amid disaster.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


“呼唤希望”的设计出发点在于,气候变化是一种世界观的必然结果,这种世界观将自然视为可开发的资源,而不是复杂且相互关联的生命系统。Superflux不仅考虑避免气候危机的方法,还着眼于生态崩溃之外的世界 – 超越人类的未来。

The starting point for the installation is the idea that climate change is the inevitable result of a worldview which sees nature as an exploitable resource rather than a complex and interconnected system of life. Superflux does not merely consider ways of avoiding climate crisis, but looks beyond ecological collapse to the world beyond – the more-than-human future.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


“我们为摆脱气候变化所带来的困境的办法,是彻底改变我们看待自己,看待我们与自然的关系的方式。与其将人类与自然分开审视,不如去理解我们是自然的一份子,通过从根本上改变我们对自然系统和地球生态的态度,利用最好的机会去扭转人类所造成的破坏。我们 – 人类和非人类 – 如何才能真正参与进协作生活中去呢?” ——Anab Jain,Superflux联合创始人

“Our proposal for a way out of this dilemma is to completely change the way we view ourselves and our relationship with nature. Instead of seeing humans as separate from nature, we need to understand that we are a part of it. By radically changing our attitude toward natural systems and the ecology of our planet, we have the best chance to reverse the damage we’ve done. How might we – humans and non-humans – truly engage in collaborative living?” – Anab Jain, co-founder Superflux


Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


室内森林 The indoor forest

装置“呼唤希望”需要采购400多棵树,并将其安装在MAK的展览场地上。Superflux与奥地利Neunkirchen区的林业和消防部门合作,营救并运送了一批在最近一场野火中被烧毁的树木。导致野火蔓延的一个主要因素是在林业发展过程中,将单一栽培作为产量最大化的一种手段 – 单一物种的森林会燃烧得更快。作为人类试图控制自然的结果,被大火熏黑的森林便成为了人为气候突变 (ACC) 的代名词。

The creation of Invocation for Hope has required the sourcing and installation of more than 400 trees to the MAK. In collaboration with the forestry and fire departments of Austria’s Neunkirchen region, Superflux were able to salvage and transport trees that had been burned in a recent wildfire. One of the main contributors to the spread of wildfires is an approach to forestry that prioritises monoculture as a means of maximising yield – single-species forests burn faster. As the result of a human attempt to exert control over nature, the fire-blackened forest serves as synecdoche for anthropogenic climate change as a whole.


▼前期森林调研 Forest Research


▼选材制作过程 Working Process



The trees are arranged in a symmetric grid so, as the viewer passes through them to the living oasis at the centre of the installation, they move from an imposed, rigid order to the organic exuberance of nature. The pool at the centre is surrounded by a cluster of 20–30 different living trees, including oak, hornbeam, apple, silver birch, and mounds of biodiversity where mosses, grasses, lichens and shrubs will grow symbiotically together over the course of the installation. These living ecologies nourished by regular watering, grow lamps and natural light from the large skylight on the museum ceiling.


▼馆内大天窗透出自然光 Natural light from the large skylight on the museum ceiling

Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler
Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux
Photo courtesy MAK, by Lorenz Seidler


为了实现装置核心的启示时刻 – 当观者看向水池时,水中倒映的是活生生的动物 – Superflux与Alpenzoo Innsbruck合作,通过在奥地利本土野生动物园的水槽中安装水下摄像机,捕捉到各种动物饮水时的镜头,然后将这些画面投射到池底双向镜下方的屏幕上,让观者能够体会到一个出乎意料而又令人回味的时刻:邂逅动物王国中的“另一个自己”。

To achieve the moment of revelation at the heart of the work – when the viewer looking into the pool is confronted with the sight of a living animal reflected back at them – Superflux has collaborated with Alpenzoo Innsbruck. By installing underwater camera rigs in the water troughs of the zoo’s native Austrian wildlife, they have been able to capture footage of various animals as they drink. These are then projected onto a screen beneath a two-way mirror at the bottom of the pool, enabling the viewer to experience an unexpected and evocative moment of connection with their ‘opposite number’ in the animal kingdom.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux


▼水池细节 Details of the pool

Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux
Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux


后生命 The afterlife



In keeping with the message of the work and the theme of the Biennale, every component of the installation is designed to live on after the event, with the aim of neutralising the carbon footprint made during development and implementation.

Once the Biennale ends in October, Superflux plans to donate the living trees to schools, and to use the burnt trees as compost, which will then be used to nurture a garden of contemplation in Vienna, thus helping to enrich the biodiversity of the urban landscape – a lasting reminder of the web of interdependence that underpins all life on earth.


Photo courtesy MAK, by Stefan Lux


“超越人类的视角让我们看到我们是如何在生态、经济和情感上与地球上所有物种交缠在一起的,我们想强调的是,人类是更广泛生态中的一份子,而不是自然的主宰者。在这个复杂的生态系统中,我们都在相互生存和进化中发挥着作用。没有生态,我们也将不复存在。”——Anab Jain,Superflux联合创始人

“A more-than-human perspective allows us to see how we are ecologically, economically and emotionally entangled with all species on the planet. We want to foreground how we’re a part of a larger ecology rather than the masters of nature. Within this complex ecosystem, we all play a part in mutual survival and evolution. Without it, we cease to exist.” – Anab Jain, co-founder Superflux


▼设计模型 Design Model

© Superflux
© Superflux


▼设计草图 Design Sketches © Superflux





Project name: Invocation for Hope
Design: Superflux
Location: Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Stubenring 5, 1010 Wien, Austria
Opening: Vienna Biennale for Change 2021 from 28 May to 3 October 2021 (Tue–Sun 10 am to 6 pm)


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