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DDAP Architect: 2022年12月9日至11日,在巴厘岛普拉塔兰苍古(Plataran Canggu)精致的热带景观中,有一个以沉浸式周末为特色的艺术、文化、空间和表演场——Jia by OCK(即Ong Ceng Kuang,著名的策展产品工作室,亦是概念性装饰照明手工坊)。DDAP需要在普拉塔兰苍古诗画般的森林里营造一个空间,将其塑造成为创作者们在 “材料炼金术 “主题下开展交流、互动的小展馆。

DDAP Architect: Took place in the exquisite tropical landscape of Plataran Canggu, Bali on 9-11th December 2022, Jia by OCK (Ong Ceng Kuang- a well-known curated product studio and also handcrafted conceptual decorative lighting) featured a long immersive weekend of art, culture, space and performance. DDAP required to transform the picturesque forest of Plataran Canggu into a space that was intended to be a pavilion for creators and creatives to connect under the main theme of “Material Alchemy”.


©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras


Damuh在巴厘岛语中意为 “露水”,由于它完美地代表了此次活动的意义,所以顺理成章地被选为了展馆的名字。它不仅描述了Jia展亭在俯瞰视角下的结构特征,同时也能从真正意义上代表“清爽”二字。为了进一步将自然的概念引入设计之中,DDAP采用了丛林的地貌形状作为展亭的形态构思源泉。在与印尼Kayu Lapis公司的合作下,通过对材料进行探索,实现了展亭与周围环境和谐、完整的融合。

Damuh (Balinese word of ‘dew’) chosen to be the name of the Pavilion as it perfectly represents the event’s intention. Not only it describes how the structure of Jia Pavilion is seen from above, it is also a genuine representation of refreshment. To furtherly brings in the concept of the nature to the design, the shape of a jungle’s terrain is then adopted. Collaborating with Kayu Lapis Indonesia, DDAP harmoniously embrace the surrounding’s integrity through material exploration.


▽天花板如露水滴落的突出元素 The Lingkaran represents the shape of ‘dew’

©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras



A whole experience of visiting a friend’s home is presented by DDAP through the concept of openness by making both indoor and outdoor rooms accessible for visitors. This leads into multi-dimensional perspectives which hopefully will end up inspiring creatives and creators to have the urge to seek new opportunities in producing infinite ideas.


©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras


Jia展亭是以模块化预制系统的形式制作而成,使其具有可持续性,在活动结束之后还可继续重复使用。出于对“降低能源”和“零浪费”的考虑,展亭的结构和安装系统经过了精细化布置,能够在短短三天内完成组装,展亭所需的所有木材都由印尼Kayu Lapis公司提供。适合户外使用的柳桉胶合板被用作天花板的材料,同时,具有耐久性的龙脑香木被用于铺设地板。为了使展亭具有曲线的流畅感,柔性胶合板因其可弯曲性而成为了完美的搭配选材。

Jia Pavilion is made in the form of modular prefabricated system, in terms of making it sustainable and reusable post-event. With a concern of less energy and zero waste, the structure and the installation system were well thought to be able to assembled in just three days. All woods needed for the Pavilion is supported by Kayu Lapis Indonesia. Meranti plywood which is suited for outdoor use was chosen to be used as the ceiling, meanwhile keruing wood with its durability is used for deck flooring. To have the shape of the curves, flexi plywood is the perfect match due to its bendability.


©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras


Jia展亭生动地阐释了想象力可以达到的更高水平。从将自然带到所谓的结构边界之外,到在紧迫的施工时间内建立一个可持续发展的标志性展馆,DDAP创造了一个具有故事体验性的美好空间,讲述了Jia by OCK在创意、设计、材料和产品方面的探索、选择和组合。

JIA Pavilion has vividly proven how our imagination could reach far beyond. From bringing nature beyond the boundaries of what so-called structure to building an iconic Pavilion that is sustainable within a tight time for construction. DDAP creates a space to experience the story of JIA by OCK, with their exploration, selection, and combination in terms of ideas, designs, materials, and products.


©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras


▽建造过程 Construction process

©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras
©Indra Wiras


▽模型 Model

©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect


▽设计手稿 Sketches

©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect


▽场地平面图 Site Plan

©DDAP Architect


▽屋顶平面图 Roof Plan

©DDAP Architect


▽天花板平面 Ceiling Plan

©DDAP Architect


▽天花板构件细节 Detail Lingkaran

©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect
©DDAP Architect


▽立面图 Elevation

©DDAP Architect


▽剖面图 Section

©DDAP Architect





总建筑面积(m2): 125平方米
项目地点:巴厘岛 普拉塔兰苍古
设计公司: DDAP Architect
公司官网: www.ddaparchitect.com
联系邮箱:dirgantara@ddaparchitect.com , contact.ddaparchitect@gmail.com , ddap.architect@gmail.com
照片来源: Indra Wiras
摄影师网站: www.indrawiras.com
摄影师电子邮件: hello@indrawiras.com

Project Name: Jia Pavilion
Year of Completion: 2022
Gross Built Area (m2): 125 sqm
Project Location: Plataran Canggu
Office Name: DDAP Architect
Official Website: www.ddaparchitect.com
Contact email: dirgantara@ddaparchitect.com , contact.ddaparchitect@gmail.com , ddap.architect@gmail.com
Photo Credits: Indra Wiras
Photographer’s Website: www.indrawiras.com
Photographer’s email: hello@indrawiras.com



“  屋顶天花板的弯曲元素模拟自然界中露水滴落的形态,为森林间的艺术展览空间带来活泼、俏皮的风格体验。


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