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WMLA:”In the back alley of Lecong Town Government, following the sweet scent of golden osmanthus, I accidentally broke into the secret base of Lecong residents. The green of lotus leaves, pure white, bright colors, and mottled light and shadows create a relaxed atmosphere. Toddlers learning to walk, children playing, teenagers chasing the wind, and elderly people exercising, add lively colors to the new park. This is Lecong Children’s Park, carrying the happy daily lives of children from different ages. It is also a new chapter of the overseas Chinese culture in modern times”.




Lecong Town, located in the northern part of Shunde District, Foshan City. It has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is also one of the famous overseas Chinese hometowns in Guangdong Province. The history of Lecong people living overseas is even longer than that of Shunde. In 1433, Lecong people followed Zheng He to the West; about 300,000 overseas compatriots are distributed in more than 60 countries and regions around the world, forming an important influence in Africa, South America, etc., and continue to help the development of their hometown.


▽顺德乐从老城区的儿童公园 Shundele Children’s park from the old town












The park was originally supposed to serve children. But due to the high density of surroundings, and demands for activities suitable for elderly taking children, the park has become a neighborhood activity center, naturally transformed into a community atmosphere: playing ball, fitness, chatting, playing cards, cooling off…

After more than 20 years of urban development and use, the park has become invisible, inconvenient to reach. The quality of the buildings, corridors and outdoor environment has declined,and safety hazards have emerges. The facilities are old, and some children’s equipments have lost their appeals, the hedge maze has even been abandoned. In addition, problems such as poor water quality are particularly prominent. Therefore, the Lecong Town Government proposed this upgrade and renovation plan.


▽儿童公园改造前空间状态与使用场景 Space state and use scenario of children’s park before renovation

▽儿童公园改造升级后建成效果 The effect of children’s park after renovation and upgrading


01 尊重与延续 Respect and Continuity

古早式公园的焕新 Renewing of a Vintage Park



Ancestral halls, traditional villages, dialects, folk customs… The charm of Lecong style lies in cherishing and preserving. In the rapidly changing economic era, twenty-six years ago is already a story of the last century, appreciation of them is already mixed with nostalgia. The pavilions, slides, trees and monuments at that time witnessed the changes of this park over the years.

The plan respects the memory of the site, retains the cultural memory stories and symbolic elements, combining modern materials and craftsmanship, emphasizes its Lingnan characteristics.



从儿童到家庭、到社会服务功能的扩展 Function Expansion from children, families to society 


The clan is one of the important social units in Lecong. Historically, all public facilities were jointly built by clans. To show respect to this long-standing culture, we also maintained prior consultation and close communication with users in the process of renewing the park. We obtained supports from the public in terms of determining the function of the space, arranging the use of the space, and raising funds for facility maintenance.




After communication, the original functions such as the table tennis training room and the piano room were fully retained. Limited by funds, the transformation degree was characterized as “lightweight”. Now the children’s park is not only used by children. On the basis of optimizing children’s activity facilities, the plan uniformly adjusts the facilities for the elderly and fitness facilities to meet the needs of all ages.



老建筑引领岭南新风尚 Old buildings leading Lingnan new trend 


The essence of “light renovation” lies in both the cost saving and the high-cost performance. The quality improvement of the public living room focuses on the renovation of space connection and combination, barrier-free access, shaded shelter, cool and leisure place, observation and care place, public toilet environment, environmental color, and other aspects.




The main structure of the building is retained, with pure white as the background color and lotus leaf green as the main color. The terrazzo columns, green fences, retro tiles and green plants reflect the vitality of nature and the taste of refreshing summer, and also form a new style of modern Lingnan.




Although it has been renovated with a modern aesthetic style, users generally reflect that it is “more vintage”. Pure white background is the mainstream color of the facade of Chinese classical buildings. From Jiangnan to Lingnan, it only needs to shade a few banana leaves in front of the walls and let a few lotus leaves float near the water. The special southern style is outlined by leaving blank space.




The spatial relation is simply regulated to make the space orderly and bright, and then the building is given a new expression and character. The architectural plan of the park is inspired by the Bixicaotang in Qinghui Garden, one of the four famous gardens in Lingnan aera. Designers imitated the lotus leave green, creating a pleasant environment and visual effect in the hot summer.




The retro tiles and wood-colored fans are also based on this consideration. Lecong has a long summer and cooling off is an important activity. The space details are created by the sense of history and nature, the feeling of light and shadow flowing on the marble collage wall and mosaic floor tiles.




The project upgraded the old and dirty toilets. The pure white and green created a clean environment atmosphere. The simple and eye-catching signs were used as guides. Designers carefully set up a gentle slope to connect the barrier-free path throughout the park.



设计促进城市美育的发生 Design Promote Urban Aesthetic Education


The process of park renovation has subtly promoted the aesthetic taste of Lecong residents. After the renovation of the building, the surrounding residents spontaneously renovated the interior decoration of the table tennis training room. The elders painted the fence green, and even the donated tables, chairs and benches were painted green, which is similar to the building. The elders also said that they will continue to donate furniture and “renovate it according to this color, which is simple and beautiful.”



02 让孩子们被看见 Let Children be “saw”



Playing is the nature of children, and every child is active and positive during play. The park has limited space, and how to reasonably provide children with game activities is a major problem that needs to be solved.

Creativity and safety are two important considerations in a design. If difficult facilities are abandoned, it will lose attraction and cannot match children’s growth needs. The design focuses on children’s need from different ages, using various facilities and sites to allow children to improve their basic physical fitness, body coordination and athletic ability in fun games such as climbing, running, jumping and drilling.



全园无障碍丨筑实安全通行与畅快游戏的基底 Barrier-free throughout the park: Building a solid foundation for safe passage and fun play


Every cycling, strolling, and wheelchair access are designed to be convenient and safe. This sense of security is not only provided to children, but also to any user who has high requirements for environmental safety in terms of physical and motor safety.



攀爬网架丨有一些挑战性才能念念不忘 The Climbing Net: an unforgettable experience after challenges


We designed a wide knotted climbing net for children. Using the strength of their limbs in the game can not only activate the courage and caution in their genes for adventure, but also greatly increase the “benefits” from outdoor activities through collaboration, competition, and repeated attempts. This simple facility with difficulty to complete is both safe and fun. Every successful crossing experience will be a happy memory of childhood in the future.



秋千合集丨不同年龄段孩子的秋千梦 The Collection of Swings: Swing Dreams of Children of Different Ages



From children to adults, everyone loves swings. The swinging of feet off the ground can create a small breeze and lasting joy. We integrated various toddler swings and crawling mats, rocking chairs, toddler slides, and Apollo rotators into one area, which has become another favorite play area for children besides climbing nets.

When playing, children and parents are emotionally connected. We set up stroller parking spaces and caring rest areas to help parents to take a rest or build their own social relationships during conversations. It helps adults and children both feel relaxed and safe during playtime.



古早滑梯丨儿时记忆的寻找与传承 The slide at Vintage Park: the Retention of Childhood Memories


We preserved an old game facility – the terrazzo slide, and make it slightly renovated. It carries the happy childhood memories of many Lecong people, and when they grow up, they are willing to bring their children back to share this feeling. The design retains its main body and integrates it into the renovated environment by using green tiles and paint. At the same time, a sand pool is added at the bottom to ensure the safety of sliding down, which also enriches the children’s experience of this old slide. The tall trees above the slide are also retained, serving as natural parasols, and becoming an organic part of the reproduction of the vintage environment.



微坡地形丨奔跑与骑行之乐 Gently Sloping Terrain: Joy of running and cycling


Unlike the childhood of those born in the 1980s, today’s children are “rich” and have all kinds of vehicle toys, but they can rarely enjoy running and riding freely near their homes. The design team created a favorite terrain slope for children, making cycling practice and games possible. Bicycles, BMX bikes, balance bikes, and small strollers all enjoy travelling happily between slopes and valleys.



03 “年轻态”从邻里休闲中心开始 “Youthfulness” Started from the Neighborhood Leisure Center


The renovated and upgraded children’s park has attracted more elderly people to come for leisure and entertainment. Healthy uncles and aunts love the table tennis room that they have renovated and repainted, and the Olympic craze has made table tennis popular among the people. Other aunts have formed their own circle under the pergola, coming here at a fixed time every day to chat, drink tea, play cards, and dance.




At first, the elderly people just sat in the caring area and accompanied their grandchildren silently, but later they were infected by the children’s vitality and couldn’t help sitting on the super swing. It seems that the swing makes up for their childhood regrets when their silver hair fluttering in the green shadow.



结语 Conclusion



Lecong Children’s Park, which had been used for nearly 26 years, was renovated in the midsummer of 2024. As a carrier of overseas Chinese culture, the park is still in the process of self-management and growth; As a community leisure center, the park’s mission has just begun. Children can release their nature here and enjoy the good times of childhood. Adults can take a leisurely walk here, and the elderly can regain their youthful vitality here.

In this colorful and vibrant space, smiles embellish every corner of the park, bringing warmth and happiness to every visiting family. And this atmosphere also promotes the development of neighborhood relations.




Project Name: Lecong Children’s Park, Shunde District, Foshan City
Project Scale: 9698㎡
Opening Time: May 1, 2024
Project Location: No. 32, Lizhong Road, Lecong Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Owner Unit: Lecong Town Urban Construction and Water Affairs Office, Shunde District, Foshan City
Design Unit: Shenzhen Unname Design Consultants Co., Ltd. (WMLA)
Shenzhen Garden Strategy Consultants Design Co., Ltd.
Construction Unit: Guangdong Guanji Construction Co., Ltd.
Supervision Unit: Guangdong Jingyi Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Main Creative Team: Di Che , Cai Tianlan, Lin Yuan
Design Team: Xie Yuan, Qin Zuoshi, Mo Fengni, Wang Weisong, Kuang Ziying, Huang Huai
Yang Yong, Peng Xuan, Yao Lixia, Huang Shuting, Wang Mengyang, Chen Chijuan
Li Guanzhen, Zhan Jintan, Zhang Ruijing
Project photography: Zhang Mingkai, Cui Yuyang, Lin Yuan, photographer-Ling, Tian Aqi
Copy editor: Liu Yue
Copy consultant: Fan Xiaoxuan
Layout design: Kuang Ziying, Peng Xuan




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