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Thanks Thom Fougere for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Thom Fougere.
Thom Fougere:由魁北克蒙特利尔事务所 Thom Fougere 设计的 Benchmark 2023 获奖装置“Nesting Loops”于 9 月 9 日在曼尼托巴省维多利亚海滩揭幕,该项目位于 “8th to McCawley”森林步道沿线的一片僻静森林中。
Thom Fougere:The winning installation of Benchmark 2023, titled “Nesting Loops” by Thom Fougere of Montreal, Quebec, was unveiled on Saturday, September 9th in Victoria Beach, Manitoba. The project is located within a secluded forest along the ‘8th to McCawley’ forest trail.

“Nesting Loops”由七个不同大小的长椅组成,放置在维多利亚海滩僻静的森林小径旁。该装置创造了一个宁静的思考空间,邀请游客坐下来与大自然交流。柔和的喷砂铝表面捕捉着透过周围森林树冠的斑驳光线,在装置与周围自然环境之间产生了一种具有动感的相互作用。
“Nesting Loops” consists of seven benches of various sizes placed alongside the secluded Victoria Beach forest trail. This installation creates a tranquil space for reflection and contemplation, inviting visitors to sit and connect with nature. The subdued sand-blasted aluminum surface passively captures the dappling of light through the surrounding forest canopy, creating a dynamic interplay between the installation and its natural surroundings.

Thom Fougere 表示:“很荣幸被选中设计这个装置。我对我们与自然的联系以及如何提升生活的微妙之处深感兴趣,这是自然赋予我们的,但却往往被忽视。该装置的设计正式为了做到在有效利用材料的同时,为参观者提供与周围环境联系的机会,使他们在幽静的自然环境中放松身心。这是一种十分实用、值得赞扬的方法,我相信已故的大卫·彭纳(David Penner)也有同样的想法,这张长椅也将作为对他的纪念”。
“It is an honour to be selected to design this installation. I’m deeply interested in our connection to nature and how to elevate life’s subtleties, which nature grants us but often goes unnoticed. The design of this installation aims to do just that, offering visitors the opportunity to connect with their surroundings and unplug in a secluded natural environment while using materials efficiently. A rather pragmatic, prairieminded approach, one I’m sure was shared by the late David Penner, for whom this bench will serve as a memorial.” – Thom Fougere

该项目是 Storefront Manitoba 和温尼伯步道协会组织的国际设计竞赛 Benchmark 的一部分。曼尼托巴省维多利亚海滩被选为 2023 年设计竞赛的举办地,以纪念已故的 Storefront Manitoba 创始人兼前执行董事大卫·彭纳。
加拿大跨国步道总裁兼首席执行官 Eleanor McMahon 表示: “我们很高兴能通过 Benchmark 竞赛项目支持 Nesting Loops 的安装。像这样促进社区的联系并欣赏曼尼托巴省美妙自然环境的项目是我们工作的核心。”
This project was chosen as part of the international design competition, Benchmark, organized by Storefront Manitoba and the Winnipeg Trails Association. Victoria Beach, Manitoba was selected as the site for the 2023 edition as a tribute to the late David Penner, the founder and former Executive Director of Storefront Manitoba.
“We’re pleased to support the Nesting Loops installation through the Benchmark Project,” says Eleanor McMahon, President & CEO of Trans Canada Trail. “Projects like this – that facilitate community connection and appreciation for Manitoba’s wonderful natural environment – are at the heart of what we do.”

关于 Benchmark
Benchmark 是一项国际设计竞赛,最终将在温尼伯和曼尼托巴步道系统和城市景观中设立永久装置,步道协会邀请来自世界各地的个人和团体提交设计作品,这些作品将把人们聚集在一起,为人们提供一个休息、小憩、观景、倚靠、思考周围环境的场所,甚至为步道的使用者创造新的活动。
Benchmark is an international design challenge which culminates in permanent installations along the trail systems and urban landscapes of Winnipeg and Manitoba. Storefront Manitoba and the Winnipeg Trails Association invite individuals and groups from around the world to submit designs that will bring people together, provide a place to rest, take a break, people-watch, lean, contemplate one’s surroundings, and even create new activities for the diverse users of our trails.

▽材料准备过程 Material preparation process

▽设计草图 sketch

▽模型 Model

▽渲染图 Rendering drawing

项目名称:Nesting Loops
项目地点:加拿大( 谷歌地图: https://goo.gl/maps/THxFQG63jvELagFm9)
设计公司:Thom Fougere
摄影师:Thom Fougere
Project name: Nesting Loops
Project Location: Canada (Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/THxFQG63jvELagFm9)
Design company: Thom Fougere
Website: www.thomfougere.com
Photographer: Thom Fougere
“ 设计师对与大自然的联系以及如何提升生活中的微妙之处深感兴趣,其作品在有效利用材料的同时,让参观者有机会与周围环境建立联系,在幽静的自然环境中放松身心。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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