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line+ studio:Abandon the method of using only one design language, and hope that the design language will be diversified this time, so as to respond to the complexity of the site form and business format.

In the face of the different demands of various business formats, we break the conventional hard-based commercial and office space, take “mountains and forests” as the main line, strengthen the three-dimensional ladder level, and introduce people into the scene with layers of greenery, so as to create a unique multi-storey mountain and forest block. to connect the entire venue. At the same time, it integrates into each corresponding space to meet the preferences and functional needs of different owners.

The cascading urban forest landscape weakens the status quo of excessive building volume, and at the same time guides people to climb the mountain and walk through the forest in a unique way of the landscape, so that the whole block has both a multi-storey mountain forest experience and a different commercial atmosphere experience.

–Shangyang Li



「场域」场地思考过程及梳理 SITE SELECTION



The project is located at the intersection of Heqing North Road and Tongtu Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, in the core area of Ningbo; Tongtu Road is a traffic artery, with a large amount of traffic flow, and the surrounding area is dominated by offices and residences, which provides a strong support for the development of the demand of the project

The project site as a whole is led by the building, and the landscape is interspersed between the high-rise buildings, and the rich vertical changes also provide a richer space setting for the landscape.




The south side of the site is an external municipal park and green space, but as an important space connecting the main road with the interior of the site, the landscape not only meets the municipal regulations, but also adds a woven leisure path to strengthen the accessibility of the urban space and the site.


▽项目整体鸟瞰 Aerial view



The first floor of the business is spread throughout the entire supporting commercial buildings, including catering, supermarkets, pet supplies and other diversified light businesses. Therefore, the landscape of the commercial active line on the first floor chooses to use the purest way to leave enough space for catering and commercial activities to give full play to the greatest initiative.
In addition to special catering, the second and third floors also include multi-functional places such as clubs and gyms, and the landscape is also combined with the needs of multiple formats, and corresponding activity spaces are set up.


▽多层渗透 Multilayer penetration




The design still continues the concept of “mountain forest”, with “mountain forest” as the main line running through it, connecting various activity spaces. At the same time, the design elements such as “reef islands, waves, and oxygen” in the pilot block will be extended to create the interest of roaming the mountains and forests in the multi-layer space.



镜头一|元气街区,商业主线 Shot a | vitality block, commercial main line


The first floor is dominated by free space, with linear pavement guiding routes, cylindrical tree pools and courtyard lights dividing the space, and large blank spaces providing infinite imagination for commercial activities.


▽元气街区 Genki district

▽商业外摆氛围浓厚 Commercial outdoor atmosphere is strong

▽商业外摆互动场景 Commercial swing interactive scene


镜头二|氧气渗透,山海漫游 Lens 2 | Oxygen infiltration, mountain and sea roaming


The multi-level landscape setting leads people from the first floor to the mountains and forests through the extension of elements and the spread of vegetation.


▽景观空间布局 Landscape spatial layout


▽抱枕猫丛林漫步 Pillow cat jungle walk



Plants, buildings, and urban vistas are intertwined, hiding buildings in plants, forming a unique green landscape in the center of the city.


▽绿意层层蔓延 The greenery spreads one after another



The design of the steps is diversified, enriching the walking experience of the platform, and at the same time, using the multi-layer characteristics of the platform to provide sufficient interactive rest space and increase the scene function of communication and sharing.


▽台阶增加趣味性 Step to add interest

▽山林交流场所,轻松温情的表达 Mountain exchange place, easy and warm expression

▽抱枕猫在花丛嬉戏 The pillow cat was playing in the flowers

▽星光台阶层叠而上 Starlight steps cascade up

▽艺术色彩涂鸦引入台阶场景中 Artistic color graffiti is introduced into the step scene


镜头三|山林探索,路径串联 Lens 3 | mountain forest exploration, paths in series


The roof path runs through all functional modules, and the road is wrapped by walls and glass curtain walls due to factors such as the overall green space rate and building structure. In order to ensure the richness and comfort of pedestrian perspectives, the landscape is designed to give different textures to the walls and floors.


▽道路穿插交叠,体验感极致丰富 The roads intersect and overlap, and the experience is extremely rich



The glass trestle on the third floor is elevated above all planes, and each angle has its own unique interest, showing the effect of the moon changing in the night lights.


▽玻璃栈桥设计演绎 Glass trestle design interpretation


镜头四|山林深处,多重空间 Lens 4 | Deep in the mountains, multiple Spaces


The roof landscape is mainly function-oriented, and is connected by the main pedestrian paths to form independent spaces wrapped in plants.


▽六边形模块自由组合,达到立面丰富、活跃空间的效果 The hexagonal modules are freely combined to achieve the effect of a rich and active facade



The pet-friendly space and basketball half are accessed by a pathway, wrapped in multiple layers of greenery, which is connected to the main pedestrian path and is separated from each other.


▽人与萌宠友好交流互动 Friendly interaction between people and pets


镜头五|光影深海,静谧回廊 Lens 5 | Deep sea of light and shadow, quiet corridor


The atrium space of the office and apartment is the only way to enter the lobby, and it needs to have a certain sense of welcome ceremony. The whole is composed of waterscapes, sculptures, and tortuous routes, and there is a certain sense of science and technology in the modern space scene, with multi-angle viewing effects and experiences.


▽设计演绎 Design deduction


▽静海面微泛涟漪 There were small ripples on the still sea

▽多层曲廊引入 Introduction of multi-storey corridor

▽水面与室内空间交互 The water surface interacts with the interior space

▽海面礁石 Sea reef

▽静水面倒映天光 Still water reflected the sky light


镜头六|多重密林,自然交织 Lens 6 | Multiple dense forests, naturally interwoven


On the premise of retaining most of the original trees, the design reorganizes the tree species and locations, increases the use of node flower landscapes, and sets up benches to make it a green park for the surrounding citizens to stroll, and bring drainage effects to the commercial blocks in the future.


▽改造前场地现状 Current situation of the former site

▽设计分析 Design analysis



The original site is limited by the municipal government’s requirement to “retain the integrity of the original green space” and the pipelines have been laid, and on the premise of meeting the requirements of all parties, the site will be built into one of the demonstration sites of Ningbo sponge city.


▽充满绿色的沿街公园 A street park full of green

▽折线路径 Polygonal path

▽多层花境环绕 Multiple layers of flowers surround

▽横斜树影,悠闲景致 Oblique tree shadow, leisurely scenery




The diversity of the design is also reflected in the expression of the details in various places, such as metal or stone, wood or acrylic, check or water grain, all of which are embellished in the corresponding scenes.


▽多样场景,多重细节 Multiple scenes, multiple details

▽细节结构与灯光结合 Detail structure combined with lighting

▽冲孔效果与水景结合,如海底星光 The punch effect is combined with water features, such as starlight under the sea

▽背景墙由网格打造,消解绵长枯燥的墙面 The background wall is made of mesh to dissolve the long and boring wall

▽冲孔板点缀,步行空间多维度提升观赏效果 Perforated plate embellishment, walking space multi-dimensional enhance the viewing effect




The landscape on the first floor is paved with straight lines, which are dotted with circular jumping colors and cylindrical tree pools to echo the intention of “oxygen”.


▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan



The roof space on the second floor is ascended by large steps on the south, north and east sides, and the main circulation lines communicate all the shops, and the activity space is entered by a path, separated by plants, retaining walls and steps to form an independent space.


▽二层平面图 Two-level plan



The three-story roof landscape is mainly for walking viewing, and the starlight path and the unique moon phase glass plank road enrich the walking experience and move to different scenes.


▽三层平面图 Three-level plan

▽模型推敲过程稿 Model review process draft




At present, the whole block scene has been preliminarily completed, the mountains and forests are gradually abundant, and the investment of the whole block is also gradually in progress. The overall landscape function is gradually full and open, as a new three-dimensional block. We look forward to exploring the mountain and forest neighborhoods. In the future, it will build a new vitality center for Ningbo.





Project name: DAJA CENTER
Development company: DAJA
Landscape design: line+
Design Creator: Li Shangyang
Design team: Rao Feier、Jin Jianbo、Su Chenjuan、Zhang Wenjie
Owner team: Jia Guanwei、Wang Yi、Si Hongbin、Guo Yunke、Zhang Fei
Landscape Construction: ZhongYa Garden、Ningbo Huizhou Ecological construction、Ningbo Zhonghuan Architectural decoration
Sculpture making: Shanghai Storm Design、Hangzhou Hans Constructed Environment Engineering
Lighting team: Forcitis Building Technology
Project address: Intersection of Heqing North Road and Tongtu Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City
Open dates: 2024.3.20
Landscape area: 31217㎡
Photography team: IAM Photography、Prisma Photography




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