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Thanks De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects.
De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects:皮克游乐场位于瑞士卢加诺一个人口稠密的社区中心,该游乐场是社区公园系列改造的成果,目的是使其成为更有活力、更具包容性和吸引力的游乐空间。场地被设计成一个微型景观,将提契诺州当地的景观片段融入密集的城市环境中,成为各年龄段人群畅游的空间元素。
De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architects: Pico Playground is located at the heart of a densely populated neighbourhood of Lugano, Switzerland. The project is the result of an initiative to renovate a series of neighbourhood parks making them more vibrant, inclusive and engaging play spaces. The playground was conceived as a landscape in miniature, bringing into the dense urban environment fragments of the local Ticino landscape as elements of free play for all ages.

本项目对现有游乐场进行改造,场地内原本的单体设施均具有预定的游戏结果,此种游乐教育逻辑已然过时。新游乐场优先提倡的是开放式游戏,加强与地形、生物多样性和季节循环的联系。新的“峡谷乐园”由回收混凝土板建造而成,让人联想到场地正上方Monte Bré山裸露的地质层,这隐喻着一种更契合当今时代的新地层学结构。除了使用回收材料外,气候适应和雨水管理也是场地设计的核心。
The project is the renovation of an existing playground which was based on the obsolete play-educational logic of individual objects with predetermined play outcomes. The new playground prioritises open-ended play, enhanced contact with topography, biodiversity, and seasonal cycles. A new canyon, constructed of reclaimed concrete slabs, recalls the exposed geological stratigraphy present on Monte Bré, directly above the site, and suggests a new geology more reminiscent of our time. In addition to the use of recycled materials, climate adaptation and stormwater management are central to the park design.

The new topographic condition is enhanced, expanded and made more complex to create a series of environments and playscapes that activate the entire site for play and gathering. The result creates an unfolding spatial sequence and a wide diversity of environments within the small site allowing for an engaging play atmosphere with multiple opportunities for both physical and mental challenge.

The new canyon of reclaimed concrete slabs defines the main entrance to the park. On one side the recycled material is stacked and becomes a wall for urban bouldering, while on the other side the blocks make an informal seating and scrambling areas and a slope for spontaneous vegetation. This salvage concept was born out of the observation of the excessive consumption and short life cycle of cast-in-place concrete that is prevalent in the local building culture. The design intent was to select, gather and reuse these large blocks as they were found, with their unexpected shapes and sizes, to build a landscape that confronts us with the waste of our consumer society. The coarse and unfinished appearance, reminiscent of both ruined and future landscapes, is appropriate in defining a place dedicated to both adults and children.
▽游乐场立面空间示意 Elevation

▽回收材料形成的巨石景墙 The recycled material is stacked and becomes a wall

The canyon is thus a topos in itself, to be explored in its scalable surface, full of roughness and ravines designed to provide shelter for both small nesting fauna and wild vegetation. In turn, the canyon is crossed by a light bridge made only of cables and rings that, with the thrill of suspension without rigid structures, challenges those who cross it and leads to the top of the hill.

From here the park opens to the central play area that includes a water plaza with splashes activated only by body movement, the swing ring and the slide tower.
▽中央游乐区 The central play area

▽秋千环 The swing ring

The central hill defines a street workout/climbing area close to the sport fields and, on the other side of the canyon, a dog park. These new programs bring additional life to the park and help to make it an open and welcoming social gathering place for all age groups within the neighbourhood.

▽滑梯塔 The slide tower

All of the surface water is filtered through a series of rain gardens which bring biodiversity and seasonal change to the park. Large stones stud the rain gardens and make places for informal sitting, climbing and caulk drawing. The main rain garden is crossed by a walkway made of metal grate which allows continuous movement of vegetation and water percolation. This area, equipped with a picnic table and sand play zone, is the social gathering hub for the neighbourhood.

The vegetation was selected to bring more biodiversity and resilience to the urban environment which is projected to have the climate of Naples, Italy by 2040. Building on the unique bioclimatic zone of Ticino, which is the encounter of the Mediterranean and Continental climate zones, the plantings prioritise species and environments which are adapted to long periods of intense heat and drought. Forty new trees provide shade to the park and ensure an adequate ecological and climate mitigation function.

▽公园平面图 Master Plan

项目地点:瑞士 卢加诺
景观设计事务所:De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architecture
首席设计师:Federico De Molfetta, Hope Strode
设计团队:Alessandra Balzarotti
工程建造:Ruprecht Ingegneria SA, Lugano
图片来源:Simone Bossi; De Molfetta Strode; Chris Harlow; Igor Ponti
摄影师网站:https://www.simonebossi.it/photographer/; https://www.demolfettastrode.com/; – ; https://igorponti.ch/
Project Name: Pico Playground
Completion Year: 2022
Scale: 3’000 sqm
Project Location: Via Pico 28, 6900 Lugano (Switzerland)
Landscape/Architecture Firm: De Molfetta Strode Landscape Architecture
Website: https://www.demolfettastrode.com/
Contact e-mail: info@demolfettastrode.com
Lead Architects: Federico De Molfetta, Hope Strode
Design Team: Alessandra Balzarotti
Clients: City of Lugano, Urban Space Division, Public Spaces
Engineering: Ruprecht Ingegneria SA, Lugano
Photo Credits: Simone Bossi; De Molfetta Strode; Chris Harlow; Igor Ponti
Photographer’s Website: https://www.simonebossi.it/photographer/; https://www.demolfettastrode.com/; – ; https://igorponti.ch/