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Thanks padilla nicás arquitectos for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by padilla nicás arquitectos.
padilla nicás arquitectos(José Hevia):该项目的独特之处在于它位于马德里的公立妇产儿科医院Gregorio Marañón,该医院由建筑师Rafael Moneo与José Mªde la Mata在2003年合作完成。
padilla nicás arquitectos(José Hevia): The singularity of this project begins with its location at the Public Maternity and Pediatric Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid, carried out by the architect Rafael Moneo in collaboration with José Mª de la Mata in 2003.

This project was a motivational initiative by the Juegaterapia Foundation which produced and submitted a successful proposal to occupy the roof of the O’Donnell Maternity Hospital and begin its transformation into a playground so that hospitalised children can play outdoors. This colourful and unexpected space aims to improve the day-to-day life of children and their families, with the intention of facilitating mutual encounters and accelerating their recovery.

The glazed envelope of the hospital, neutral and calm, constitutes the backdrop of the colourful and unexpected proposal. On the horizontal and organised roof, the multi-coloured spots order the exterior spaces of the garden in a vivid way and strongly contrast with the original building.

The curvilinear white concrete figures, of different heights and dimensions, protect from the sun as well as reflect the colours and textures, producing attractive and vibrant spaces sheltered under them. They are called “the clouds” of the garden. Supported by slender circular supports, the image is perceived with a certain weightlessness. On the lower face, different elements are found such as glass, perforations or ceramic mosaics providing rich nuances to the general view.
Beneath them, the coloured spots on the pavement contain the activities and games, which remain more or less visible behind the curved walls, thus inviting children to explore and discover the garden.

The large area of the garden is divided into two zones of different character depending on the street they accompany. From the entrance we access the first of them, more noisy and located next to O’Donnell Street, which has a small stage, as well as swings, slides, kicycles and a maze. Something further away, a space dedicated for teenagers where they can sit next to a ping-pong table and a small soccer goal.
The second area, which is calmer, elongated and overlooking the further park, has a large irregular table with two heights, a telescope, table football, tangram, baskets and a small mini-golf at the end of the course.

Connecting both spaces, we find the hall of mirrors, a room with the intention of creating surprise while introducing a new experience and making the passage between areas more pleasant.

The perimeter is formed by a semi-transparent mesh enclosure that encompasses the garden while allows long views over the characteristic landscape of Madrid. Above this enclosure, some clouds lean out of the hospital, and may be visible from the street as a suggestive announcement to the city.
We would like to think that the result is perceived as abstract and dreamlike, intentionally alien to other known spaces and with the ability for each child to project their imagination and fantasy onto it, finding their own space for play and fun outdoors away from [their] daily routine at the hospital.

▽鸟瞰放大图 Aerial view zoom

▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▽屋顶花园底层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽屋顶花园顶层平面图 Roof floor plan

▽平面设计详图 Detail floor plan

▽总体剖面图 General section

▽局部剖面图 Section

▽“云朵”结构细节图 Detail cloud mosaic

▽手工艺桌详图 Detail crafts table

▽足球门细节图 Detail football goal

▽家具和游戏设施细节图 Detail furniture and games

▽金属储藏空间设计详图 Detail metal enclosure storage kits

▽镜面大厅详图 Detail mirror hall

▽植物花盆详图 Detail plant pot

▽舞台详图 Detail stage door

表面:1240 m2
地点:西班牙 马德里 C/O’Donnell 48
承包商:Ferrovial Servicios,SA
发起人/客户:Juegaterapia Foundation
建筑师:padilla nicás arquitectos
Francisco José Padilla + Juan Manuel Nicás
测量和预算(项目):Raquel Ibañez Blasco
工料测量师(施工):Javier Reñones Marín
合作者:Alicia Peña |项目建筑师、Daniel Guerra|建筑师、Carlos Garberí|建筑师、Giusy di Pinto |建筑师、Ignacio Barrera |学生、Lucas Fernández |学生
结构:Bernabéu Ingenieros
摄影:José Hevia
Project Name: Rooftop Garden Of The O’Donnell Maternity Hospital
Dates: Completion 30/07/2021
Surface: 1240 m2
Location: C/O’Donnell 48, Madrid
Contractor: Ferrovial Servicios, SA
Promoter / client: Juegaterapia Foundation
Architects: padilla nicás arquitectos
Francisco José Padilla + Juan Manuel Nicás
Measurements and Budget (project): Raquel Ibañez Blasco
Quantity Surveyor (construction): Javier Reñones Marín
Collaborators: Alicia Peña | project architect、Daniel Guerra | architect、Carlos Garberí | architect、Giusy di Pinto | architect、Ignacio Barrera | Student、Lucas Fernández | Student
Structure: Bernabéu Ingenieros
Photography: José Hevia
“ 在屋顶打造一座缤纷的儿童户外活动场地。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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