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Thanks Studio Bressan for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Studio Bressan.
Studio Bressan:该项目位于克罗地亚的岩石海岸线上。建筑沿着一个斜坡开发,位于坡顶,斜坡一直向下延伸至私人海滩的清澈水域。
Studio Bressan: The project area is located on a rocky coastline in Croatia. It develops along a slope which descends from the mountain, where the access to the property is located, to the crystalline water of the private beach.

The design choices were determined by the site’s peculiarity and the pre-existing building. The client’s request was to integrate a guest house and a living space to a pre-existent rural house made of stone and also to develop the interior design of those two spaces.
The new buildings are presented as glass screens. Only a few essential lines define the aim of architecture to blend with the surrounding nature and at the same time to open to the sea and enhance the panoramic view of the landscape. From the outside the site is configured as a village made of small buildings that talks to each other according to their functionality. All of them are located around the original Dalmatian-style house, the heart of the whole settlement.

The new parts aim at improving the usability of the existing buildings, without being in visual contrast with the surrounding environment. This is achieved using local resources such as stone and new materials such as steel and glass.
A terraced composition (staggered levels) allows an optimal use of the spaces and the section design enhances the articulation of the works. A synergy between the volumes is created both in plan and also in their spatial development.

The guest house is integrated subtly into the landscape. The underlying thick vegetation of the pine forest embraces and masks the entire building.
Being built below the ground level of the original house, the building is invisible, despite the large areas. From the underlying forest and from the sea the guest house is perceived as a light roof, a shadow among the branches of the trees. From the inside of the building you can contemplate the vastness of the horizon and the magnificent landscape.

The glass screens are protected by a system of folding metal blinds which when opened, ensure the maximum visual permeability between inside and outside. When closed, the hermetic protection of the built volume is guaranteed.

▽折叠式金属百叶窗系统 A system of folding metal blinds

▽卧室 Bedroom

▽客厅 Living room

▽储物架 Storage shelf

Infinite Living 是一个聚会空间,其特点是建筑线条简洁优雅。
Infinite living is a space designed to be a meeting point. It is characterized by simple and elegant lines.
The main characteristic of this architecture is the opening towards the landscape. The large sliding windows provide a continuum between the inside and the outside. This is also enhanced by the materials that show the external parts as extensions of the interior itself.
The horizontal course of the work is inspired by the sea-line. As a result, the architecture finds a mutual connection with the landscape and the roof seems to be a sail over the horizon.

The common external areas were subjected to a spatial reorganization. A new bench was designed to be located around the existing pool. It is characterized by a wide depth so it can serve as a balustrade or a deckchair after a swim.

户外的另一个元素是凉棚 Velarium。它由两个相切的封闭金属形状组成,一个是支撑桥结构,另一个是水平遮阳板。凉棚四面皆有可滑动的遮阳帘,随海风而波动。它们既能遮挡夏日的阳光,又能保护隐私,避免被人窥视,同时,它们也能完全打开让人欣赏周围的风景。天花板上的纱帘由水平卷帘组成,可以遮挡头顶的阳光或夜间的湿气。Velarium 是一种灵活的结构,能适应全天的气候条件,人们可以躺在舒适的沙发上,白天享受清爽的树荫,晚上欣赏繁星满天的夜空,它的存在使这里成为了一个真正的露天休息室。
Another element present is the Pergola Velarium. It consists of two tangent closed metal shapes one is the support bridge structure, the other the horizontal shading plane. The four sides are sliding veils which seem to fluctuate. They block the summer sun while providing privacy from prying eyes. At the same time, they can still be opened towards the surrounding landscape. The veiled ceiling consists of a horizontal roller blind that protects from the zenithal sun or night humidity. Velarium is a flexible structure that adapts to the climatic conditions throughout the day and allows one to enjoy a refreshing daytime shade or the starry night sky lying on a comfortable sofa: a real open-air lounge.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:SEA HOUSE(地中海边的私人度假别墅)
面积:宾馆 1125 平方米 / 无限生活80平方米
容积:招待所 337,5 立方米 / 无限生活 240 立方米
尺寸:宾馆 12.5 m x 9 m x 3 m /无限生活 8 m x 10 m x 3米
建筑师事务所:Studio Bressan
首席建筑师:Emanuele Bressan
定制家具:Dante Negro s.r.l.(www.dantenegro.com)
饰面和立面:Sbm Technologies s.r.l.(www.sbmtech.it)
照片:Simone Bossi(www.simonebossi.it),Emanuele Bressan(www.studiobressan.net)
Project Name: SEA HOUSE (Private holiday villa by the Mediterranean sea)
Location: Croatia
End of Works: 2020/2021
Category: Residential building, Holiday home
Surface: Guest house 112,5 m2 / Infinite living 80 m2
Volume: Guest house 337,5 m3 / Infinite living 240 m3
Dimensions: Guest house 12,5 m x 9 m x 3 m / Infinite living 8 m x 10 m x 3 m
Architect’s Firm: Studio Bressan
Website: www.studiobressan.net
Instagram: @studiobressan
Contact e-mail: info@studiobressan.net
Phone/Whatsapp: +393487417461
Lead Architect: Emanuele Bressan
Tailor-made furniture: Dante Negro s.r.l. │www.dantenegro.com
Finishes and facades: Sbm Technologies s.r.l. │www.sbmtech.it
Photographs: Simone Bossi | www.simonebossi.it, Emanuele Bressan │www.studiobressan.net
“ 建筑的设计旨在与周围的自然景观融为一体,同时面向大海开放,增强景观的全景视野。”
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