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Thanks Liberty landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Liberty landscape.



Liberty landscape:At the beginning of the project, it was a 40-year-old small dilapidated village house.The project is located in Luxiaxu Village, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, which is a magical place that has been transformed into a coffee culture village under the rural revitalization policy.



错层空间与景观的交叠 | The overlap of the split-level space and the landscape



When Zhang Bin, the manager of Libai Landscape, came to Zhoushan for the first time to inspect the small village house, he found that the original space of the “Jianshan Feng Aesthetic Teahouse” entered the interior from a small garden on the first floor, and the small village house occupied a small space, but he accidentally found that the terrace garden space available on the second and third floors was available, and a bold idea was unfolding here.

We opened up the wall on the north side of the “Jianshan Feng Aesthetic Teahouse” and changed the entrance of the interior from the small courtyard to the north side, so that we have an independent backyard, a terrace on the second floor and a Chinese-style roof garden on the third floor.


▽项目改造前的样子Existing Building Photos


▽入口的路灯照下来,吊钟的影子,是意料之外的惊喜 The street lamp at the entrance shines down, and the shadow of the hanging bell is an unexpected surprise

▽见山风美学茶馆从入口开始的一花一木、一草一石都是精选 See the mountain style aesthetics teahouse, from the entrance of the flowers, trees, grass and stones, are all selected

▽拨开门帘,进入茶馆空间,透过窗外望不尽的是独立日式花园 Pull back the curtain and enter the teahouse space, and through the window you can see the independent Japanese garden



The stones in the garden, paved into the interior space, are something I have always wanted to do.


▽《见山风》室内铺装Interior paving


▽二楼过道的马蹄石Horseshoe stone in the second-floor hallway



The chicken paw maple outside the window, whether in the afternoon or at night, the light and shadow reflect on the wall, adding more reverie to the space


▽《见山风》一层茶室 Tea room on the first floor


日式花园与茶馆的碰撞 | The collision of a Japanese garden and a teahouse



I don’t like open gardens.

“When people have a courtyard, they have a place in their hearts” – Liang Sicheng, the garden is like a private territory, which is why we changed the entrance of the teahouse from the small courtyard to the north courtyard wall, we hope to retain the independence and mystery of the garden.



屋顶的天与光 | Sky and light on the roof


The terrace on the second floor reaches to the roof via a spiral staircase, and you can get the best sunlight when you look up and reach out.



▽《见山风》设计平面图Design a floor plan




Project Name: “Seeing the Mountain Wind” New School Aesthetic Teahouse
Project address: Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Owner’s Unit: Private
Whole case design: Jiangxi Libai Landscape Design Engineering Co., Ltd
Contact e-mail: lbtdesign2021@163.com
Address: Huigu Industrial Park, Xuefu Avenue, Honggutan District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
Site Area: 200m²
Lead Architects:Zhang Bin
Design Team: Zhang Bin, Yu Yufang, Yu Zipeng, Zhang Zengzhi, Jin Yi, Deng Zhenkai
Design time: 2023.5
Completion time: 2023.10




更多 Read more about: 江西丽柏景观工程有限公司