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从这个角度来看,几何指导着空间的表达。这就是 Shire 项目的设计出发点。
AtelierM:Just like human body, the way we position ourselves in relation to our surroundings is defined by our orientation. It’s not the same to be in front of something, than staring from a rotated angle. Ultimately, It’s Geometry what defines orientation.
As seen like this, it becomes clear that geometry guides the articulation of spaces.
That is the starting point for Shire, a Project whose owners, after living for a long time in the city, in very few square feet, are in the search for something new: To generate connection with exteriors, and to create different situations and sceneries, all in relation with Nature.
Said concept derived into a two-step process. The first one consisted on dividing a linear bar, which accommodated the program. Afterwards, we began flexing said bar till we joined both ends, now forming a full circle, without vertices, without Limits. With the parametrization of the geometry, we began to discover the articulation between spaces and the rest of the land, thus creating different situations.
The mixture of geometry and nature allows to create a new dimension of an ascending path as an extension of the same geometry. Thus, constructing a new space to inhabit, in another level and with panoramic views.
▽概念生成 Concept
Simultaneously, the client’s intent was to leave the city to create a new lifestyle. Instead of buying and throwing goods away, the idea is to produce, consume as needed and then recycle. There would be no more garbage, since the system would be self-sufficient. It generates its own electricity, heating, water and, above all, food.
当建筑开始与周围环境融合时,就会产生诸多好处。除了显而易见的生态与功能方面的好处之外,现在这一主体将属于大自然,而不是建筑本身。另一个巨大的好处是,传统建筑只会随着时间的流逝而退化,而 Shire 则会逐渐与自然融为一体。
When architecture begins to merge with its surroundings, it creates several benefits. Beyond the obvious ecological and functional ones, which are plenty by themselves, the “Leading role” would now belong to nature instead of the building itself. Another great benefit is that, instead of traditional constructions, which only deteriorate with the passing of time, the Shire amalgamates progressively with nature.
▽设计图纸 Design drawing
项目地点:阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯市
设计事务所:AtelierM, Plantation Carolina Pell
首席建筑师:Matias Mosquera
设计团队:Matías Mosquera, Camila Gianicolo, Cristian Grasso, Nicolás Krause, Sebastian Karagozlu, Francisco Gomez, Ivon Strk