LandscapeDebut of new work, 新作首发ApartmentsChinaVankeJTL Studio Pte. Ltd.E-ar x TARSNingbo Vanke Mushi by JTL Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workSales CenterChinaDahua GroupGM landscape designAnmu PhotographySHINING PARK by GM LANDSCAPE
LandscapeDebut of new workSales CenterChinaCMSKMAXI StudioE-ar x TARSXi’an Investment Promotion·WISDOM MORE by MAXI Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workPublic Space, Sales CenterChinaCR landChange StudioCR Land Shanghai Central Land Center · Runfu by Change Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workChild-Friendly, Park, Public Space, Urban renewal, WaterfrontChina风物营造Arch-QW Photography, holiYancheng KK Park by Landtek Group
LandscapeDebut of new workChild-Friendly, Ecological Wetland, Park, Public SpaceChina启迪设计ZY Architectural PhotographyDaxi Port Lake Bay Children’s Friendly Wetland Park: Reconnecting by TUS-Design
LandscapeDebut of new workPublic Space, Street, Urban renewalChinaVankeGM landscape designNancy studioVANKE WEAVE CITY·DENGYUN ROAD NEIGHBORHOOD CENTRE by GM LANDSCAPE
LandscapeDebut of new workHomestay, Rural ReconstructionChinaYushan DesignBu Su · Long Time Forest by Yushan Design
LandscapeDebut of new workSales CenterChinaHZS目外摄影Beijing Capital Development Yixin Jianguomen No. 9 by HZS
LandscapeDebut of new workSales CenterChinaChina Overseas BuildingGM landscape designE-ar x TARSLUXURIOUS by GM LANDSCAPE
LandscapeDebut of new workApartmentsChinaCR landLD DesignAnmu PhotographyCR LAND XIACHEMEN FUTURE COMMUNITY by LANDAO DESIGN-T+M studio
LandscapeDebut of new work, 新作首发Sales CenterChinaHuafa GroupJTL Studio Pte. Ltd.E-ar x TARSHuafa Group Zhuhai Great Bay One by JTL Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workApartments, artistic installation, furniture, InstallationChinaHongkong Land格饰装饰E-ar x TARSHongkong Land·CENTURY LAND (The first phase of the residence was delivered) by Geshi Decoration
LandscapeDebut of new workSales CenterChinaChina Overseas BuildingPlatform Design Group LimitedArchi -Translator, lubing, Prism Landscape PhotographyIsland life in Antara by Platform Design Group
LandscapeDebut of new workBusiness Space, co-garden, garden, Public Space, Urban renewalChinaMAXI StudioUrban Micro-regeneration of Dowell·Habitat 9, Chongqing by MAXI Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workPark, Public Space, Urban renewal, WaterfrontChinaMYP迈柏金笑辉Shanghai Qiantan Leisure Park Renovation and Upgrading Project by MYP
LandscapeDebut of new workCourtyard Garden, Private HouseChinaNCD Design StudioWest Lake Golf Villa by NCD Studio
LandscapeDebut of new workcamping, Ecological Wetland, Hotel, Public Space, Rural Reconstruction, TourismChinaPalm DesignClub Med Lijiang by Palm Design
architecture, LandscapeDebut of new workCourtyard Garden, Private House, Rural ReconstructionChinaLISM Landscape DesignArch-Exist, holiChongqing Private Garden by LISM Landscape Design