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Thanks MAXI Studio + Dashu landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MAXI Studio + Dashu landscape.


美溪景观:— 城市商业微更新—
— 东原·栖息地Habitat9换新更新 —
— 低成本造价商业风貌蜕变 —
— 从陈旧社商到惬意网红的栖息之地 —

MAXI Studio:— Urban Commercial Zone Micro-regeneration —
— Habitat 9 Renewal —
— Low Cost Commercial Zone Regeneration —
— From an Old Community Commercial Zone to a Famous Cosy Habitat —



溯源 | 过往十六载岁月痕迹 History | Traces of the Past Sixteen Years



Located on No.9 Taihu West Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, the commercial zone of the Dowell·Victoria Park was originally named The High Street when it was first built in 2006. It has walked through sixteen years before the commercial renovation was proposed at the beginning of the year 2022.

The pavement and facilities were old and shabby after years of use; plants were overgrown; the commercial street was cluttered with trash; disorganized advertising boards and the faded buildings revealed the declining tendency of a run-down area. Even the name “The High Street” was forgotten by people except some old residents. What’s worse, with the connection with the surrounding commercial areas, it gradually became an old unknown “island”.


▽改造前场地现状 The site before renovation


蜕变 | 一次焕发生机的共创 A Rejuvenated Transformation


Designed in European classical style that was popular in early years, the buildings feature red bricks and yellow walls as well as a large number of cylindrical structures. Complemented by romantic Chinese fan palms, the site is full of mysterious exotic atmosphere. The landscape team hopes to transform an old forgotten garden into a new relaxing and healing garden just like the Secret Garden described by American writer Francis Hodgson Burnett. With the co-creation and join efforts, the garden is finally revitalized and presents the true meaning of life.


▽内街中心游园焕发生机 The central garden in the inner street comes to life.

▽内街尊重原有空间结构、去符号化 The inner street shows respect for the original space structures.

▽结合复制塔楼外立面整体打造入口(不影响商铺经营) Build the entrance according to the facades of the buildings without affecting the businesses

▽外街的高差处理(商铺装修中) Treatment of the altitude difference along the street (stores under decoration)

▽东侧公园式入口小树林 A wood at the east entrance

▽前收集站的华丽蜕变 Transformation of gathering station

▽东入口拓宽:与树为伴 Extension of the east entrance: accompanied by trees

▽内街更有生命的变化 Refreshing changes in the inner street

▽内街空间风貌换新 Rejuvenated spaces in the inner street

▽原内街——拆除切割地砖&树池——增加生命力 The old inner street — dismantle floor tiles and tree pools — breathe life into the street

▽焕新后商业更名:栖息地 After the new commercial name: Habitat

▽新增的绿化柔化了空间 The new greenery softens the space


栖息 | 激发社区活力 Stimulate Community Vitality


The community needs a warm garden for a walk and relaxation. It also needs natural views and a story-telling scene. Therefore, the design team creates a habitat in collaboration with the community, the neighborhood as well as Dowell Real Estate.


▽日常玩耍的乐园 A playground for everyday play

▽社区公共后花园 Community communal rear garden

▽现状保留的蒲葵已生长出内街,成为了栖息地最好的顶视面 Chinese fan palms are preserved and present an eye-catching view in the habitat

▽立体绿化成为商业最亲切的外立面 Green plants grow vertically to form a friendly facade

▽游园与商业配套花园的空间变化 Green plants grow vertically to form a friendly facade

▽新增的针叶葵吸引了小孩子的探索,也成为了老人的活动看护游园 New-added conifer mallow appeals to children and the old

▽切割保留部分地面铺装 The pavement is partly cut and kept.

▽拓宽入口增加标识的同时,保留原生乔木 Extend the entrance, add signboard and keep the trees

▽保留的原生树 Preserve the native tree

▽流动的路既增加活力,更是为了保留原生树 The flowing path not only adds vitality, but also preserves the native trees

▽焕发活力的街头乐园 Rejuvenated street playground

▽年轻人在自然中开展户外集体活动 Outdoor activity space for young people

▽更新升级后的业态及立面 Businesses and facades after renovation

▽品质全面升级的店招 Upgraded signboards

▽保留的大树成为街区第一道风景 The big tree becomes the first sight of neighborhood

▽保留&营造人间烟火气 Retain & create the world fireworks gas

▽结合高差打造最地域性的商业立面 Characteristic commercial facade is built based on the altitude difference.

▽周边街头绿地导入商业 Surrounding green lands lead to the commercial area.

▽参照复制现有塔楼及店招打造内街入口形象 Building the entrance of the inner street by referring to the existing buildings and signboards

▽镂空格栅结合塔楼,成为了入口门廊 The porch enclosed by the grating and the buildings


栖息地 | 一份新的自然邀约 New Natural Invitation


Habitat 9 is a successful renovation of the commercial street of Victoria Park. It features aesthetics of life and the beauty of nature; it is full of imagination, vitality and vigor; it serves as a gathering space to activate the neighborhood; it will allow people to explore more possibilities for life. The Video above was made in March, 2023.


▽项目视频 Video



今/夕 | 一次美丽的蜕变 Today and Past | A Beautiful Transformation



Without excessive use of luxuriant building materials, the team successfully activated the commercial street with a low cost. It not only keeps the bustle and hustle of the city life but also breathes new life and fashion into the area, which will surely attract more businesses. At the same time, it guaranteed the normal operation during the renovation.

The Chinese fan palms are preserved and the pavement as well as the tree pools are partly removed to introduce colorful plants. In addition, more facilities are added for relaxation and outdoor activities. The old “lonely island” is thus transformed into a garden for both commercial and community life.


▽焕新蜕变过程 Refresh the transformation process

▽改造前场地鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽改造后平面图 Plan





Project: Urban Micro-regeneration of Dowell·Habitat 9, Chongqing
Developer: Dowell Real Estate & Dowell New
Landscape Design: MAXI (Chongqing)
Design Directors: Liu Chang, Li Zhao
Conceptual Design: Tang Ying, Jian Yan, Yang Yu, Zhang Hangjia, Tao Mengxue, Wen Xiaoxue
Construction Drawing Design: Han Yongqiang, Wang Yongxu, Li Wangchuan, Huang Xiaoqian, Tang Yuanying
Location: No.9 Taihu West Road, Yubei District, Chongqing
Category: Urban Micro-regeneration Project
Size: core area (approximately 6,000 m2), overall area (12,700m2)
Landscape Construction: Chongqing Tianhua Gardening Co.,Ltd.
Photos by: IF Visual Studio, Zeng Tao, Han Yongqiang, Jian Yan, Liu Chang
Text by: Tang Ying, Han Yongqiang, Yang Yu
Video by: Shu Xin
Proofreading by: Li Fengying

Special thanks to Dowell Real Estate Group, Commercial Management Department, Property Management Team as well as the businesses and owners of Victoria Park for the support and cooperation in this renovation.




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