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Juul | Frost Architects 在哥本哈根以南,离海滩只有一箭之遥的集镇Køge边缘,设计了一个集景观和住宅于一体的住宅项目。工作室将海岸线的风景引入住区景观设计,融合盐草甸植物群、莱姆草中海风的声音,以铺装模仿沙子的触感,以及海岸线色调的庭院,旨在让居住者更接近当地的自然景观,让居民在居家露台体验沙洲。
Juul | Frost Architects: On the brink of the market town Køge, south of Copenhagen and a stone’s throw from the beach and the water, Juul | Frost Architects have designed a residential project that integrates landscape and housing. In the landscape the studio has drawn the scenery of the coast line into the residential complex. The design brings the dwellers even closer to the local nature with the view to the flora of the salt meadow, the sound of the sea breeze in the lyme grass, the touch of sand beneath their feet and the hues of the coast line in their courtyard – Here, the residents can literally step from their terraces into the sandbars.

The local context and the spirit of the place is the pointer of the landscape concept: The atmosphere and scenery of the salt meadow and beach have been brought in between the buildings through floras, materials, hues and textures. The plant species include lyme grass, thrift seapink, tufted hairgrass, reed grass and burnet rose all chosen because of their presence in the local area and their resistance to the rough coast climate. Pavement in pale grey structured concrete slabs and the use of sand provide a contrast in materials and surfaces, but at the same time their light hues and light expressions emphasize the atmosphere of the meadow together with the indigenous flora. The lightness and coincidental placement of plants in the landscape and the softness of the rolling sandbars is contrasted by the tight and graphic pavement and water channels that create lines in the landscape.

Three openings to the courtyard do not only invite the public into the courtyard, they also open it towards the waterfront, underpinning the continuation between the yard and the salt meadow. Through the great view to the meadow and ocean the landscape of the courtyard “borrows” from the greater landscape – The view that can be enjoyed from the sculptural concrete amphi-stairs, that connects the yard to the promenade and invites the public in between the buildings.

The landscape has been designed with an emphasis on the social life and an acknowledgement of the importance of the daily social meetings between the dwellers. Fringes of tall grasses between the terraces and common area of the courtyard marks the transition from private to semi-public. Terraces integrated in the landscape design creates an extension of the private atmosphere in the common areas. Together it increases the feeling of safety, to the benefit of both the dwelling and life in the shared areas. Terraces, balconies and good edge zones on the ground floor generate life and interaction along the buildings, it activates the outdoor areas, and it creates good opportunities for spontaneous meetings between the residents.
The social dimension is underpinned by the informal interior of the courtyard, all designed in larch and robinia specifically to the yard: A playground and playhouse for the children to meet, hammocks for relaxation and a bench designed for conversation between the dwellers. The social sensitive landscape design secures the best possible frame for the informal use of the yard as an everyday social meeting place.
In addition, the movement from street level to the elevated courtyard marks the transition between the public street and the semi-public courtyard. It clearly marks out for whom the spaces are dedicated and ensures a feeling of safety in and ownership of the courtyard.

和许多其他地方一样,当地也由于环境变化而导致暴雨增加,这就有必在景观设计中纳入雨水管理。在Køge Kyst景观中,雨水管理主要在地表进行。雨水的排放主要通过耐候钢的雨水池和水道进行,突出了水的实验维度,而不是着力隐藏它。其背后的意图是,通过可见的水镜,以及水在水道和沙子表面留下了的痕迹,使雨和水成为景观中富有诗意的特征,从而在雨天创造某些特别之处。
As many other places there’s a need to incorporated rainwater management in the landscape design because of the increase in heavy rain due to environmental changes. In the landscape of Køge Kyst, the rainwater management takes place at the surface. The drainage of rainwater, happens through rain beds and water channels in Corten, highlighting the water as an experimental dimension instead of hiding it. The intention behind, is to make something special out of even the rainy days by making the rain and water a poetic feature in the landscape through visible water mirrors, the movement of the water in channels and surfaces in sand where the raindrops leave their marks.

Both landscape and buildings are designed by the interdisciplinary studio in close collaboration between landscape architects and building architects. The holistic approach where buildings and landscapes are developed and designed in relation to each other has secured that the architectural expression reinforces the landscape’s expression, and vice versa: the light-yellow sandy tint of the brick, underpins the atmosphere of the courtyard and the landscape.

项目名称:青草地之味——køge kyst
项目位置:丹麦,Køge4600,Strandpromenaden 41
设计公司:Juul | Frost Architects
客户:Arkitektgruppen Øst A/S
照片:Laura Stamer, Line Stybe Vestergaard, Allan Nørgaard Pedersen
Project name: The atmosphere of the meadow – køge kyst
Completion Year: 2018
Size: 1250 sqm / Housing 6145 sqm
Project location: Strandpromenaden 41, 4600 Køge, Denmark
Design Firm: Juul | Frost Architects
Website: www.juulfrost.dk
Contact e-mail: ark@juulfrost.dk
Clients: Arkitektgruppen Øst A/S
Photo credits: Laura Stamer, Line Stybe Vestergaard, Allan Nørgaard Pedersen
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