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Thanks Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning.
Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning:该项目位于哥本哈根郊区格拉德萨克斯(Gladaxe)的瓦雷布洛(Værebro)公园,其设计理念是为当地居民和用户创造一个新的社交聚集点。该开发项目由慈善基金 Realdania、Friluftsrådet 和 A. P. Møller Fund 提供资金支持,并作为 Realdanias 倡导的“美好住房生活”运动的一部分,支持住宅区公共设施的开发,为其中开展的美好日常生活创造条件。
Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning:The Loop is designed based on the vision of creating a new social gathering point for the residents and users of this local area in Værebro Park in the Copenhagen suburb Gladsaxe. The Loop is a development project with financial support from the charitable funds Realdania, Friluftsrådet and A. P. Møller Fund. The project is a part of Realdanias campaign The Good Housing Life, which supports the development of residential areas common facilities as well as they support a good everyday life in these areas.

The idea for Loopet was created in a close dialogue between Gladsaxe Public Housing Association, Gladsaxe Municipality and the housing association in Værebro Park. For some time Værebro Park has had a strong focus on creating better social balance and to increase the security in the area. The Loop is designed as a social urban element connected to the existing path connections, covered in greenery.

“环路”背后的总体思路 Architects describes the overall thoughts behind The Loop
“We wanted to create a meaningful place and support the existing traffic and energy on the path connections. The Loop contributes to a new and safe space for utilizing the area for several age groups. The central placement is a gathering point for the area’s various guests and residents and is intended as a place which supports and enables the social gatherings across this area. The place should become you purposefully go to, to enjoy the sun or to be together with your children as they play”

聚集点 Gathering point
Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning has, upon Værebro Park’s existing potentials, developed a new social gathering point for the local area. The purpose of the project is to make use of and activate the greenery in the area around the path connections while also creating greater security and a natural hub for the locals.

同时提供多种用途 Multiple types of use at the same time
With The Loop the locals get a chance to explore the area’s scenic qualities by getting close to Værebro Lake and being able to move through the different elevation which makes it possible to walk along the treetops. The flexibility and openness of Loopet enables multiple types of use at the same time. Loopet adds value and life to a green area located between residential buildings, Værebro Park, the local public pool and school.

▽设计图纸 Design Drawings

项目名称:The Loop
项目地点:丹麦 格拉德萨 瓦雷布洛公园
设计公司:Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
首席建筑师:Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
设计团队:Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
客户:Gladsaxe Municipality
合作者:Gladsaxe Alemnyttige Boligselvskab / GAB and Gladsaxe Municipality
图片来源:Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
Project Name: The Loop
Completion Year: 2015
Scale: 1400 m2
Project Location: Værebro Park in Gladsaxe, Denmark
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
Website: www.holschernordberg.dk/loopet
Contact e-mail: rgr@hnap.dk
Lead Architects: Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
Design Team: Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
Clients: Gladsaxe Municipality
Collaborators: Gladsaxe Alemnyttige Boligselvskab / GAB and Gladsaxe Municipality
Photo Credits: Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning
Photographer’s Website: www.holschernordberg.dk
“ 重新利用并激活路径所连接的绿化区域,用一条‘环路’串联空间,为当地居民创造一个具有更高安全性的自然休闲中心。”
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