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Thanks Quartier des spectacles Partnership for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Quartier des spectacles Partnership.
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership 作为一个非营利组织,主要负责为蒙特利尔提供全年的文化活动和活跃的公共空间,与此同时,他们也在对抗新冠肺炎对当地经济的影响、市中心的活力及其珍贵的文化环境方面做出了积极的努力。
为了应对因新型冠状病毒病(COVID-19)而导致的市中心大部分地区关闭的情况,Quartier des Spectacles Partnership根据蒙特利尔市政府官员的号召,希望以安全、健康和吸引人的方式让人们重返街头。在当地宣布于夏季日落下新冠肺炎社交限制的帷幕的同时,该组织与蒙特利尔大都会商会和蒙特利尔旅游局一起启动了一项多层面的市中心倡议,包括创建动态步行区、新的公共空间、特殊表演、艺术展示和装置,以及在市中心约9平方公里的扩展区域内增加文化产品。
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership董事长莫尼克·西玛德(Monique Simard)表示:“我们有两个选择,要么袖手旁观,看着我们市中心的衰落,要么卷起袖子立即投入工作。2020年,我们的使命比以往任何时候都变得更加重要,所以我们要加倍努力,在公共卫生指导方针的框架内创建一条具有参与性、创造性和受欢迎的路线。”
The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, a non-profit organization responsible for animating Montreal’s Quartier des Spectacles with a year-round slate of cultural activities and animated public spaces, is proud to be doing its part to combat the impacts of COVID-19 on the local economy and the vitality of the downtown and its cherished cultural milieu.
As cities around the world continue to grapple with the affects of the pandemic, the Montreal initiative provides a beacon of light through its provision of engaging artistic and cultural attractions. The initiative taps into civic pride, provides a much-needed release in the form of safe and enjoyable activities, and lays the foundations of renewed urban planning.
In response to shutdowns of much of the downtown core due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership heeded the rallying cry of City of Montreal officials looking to bring people back to the streets in safe, healthy, and engaging ways. While COVID-19 lowered the curtain on the city’s annual calendar of internationally-recognized summer festivals, the Partnership embarked with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal and Tourism Montreal, on a multifaceted downtown initiative to create animated pedestrian zones, new public spaces, special performances, artistic displays and installations, and to infuse a cultural offering into an expanded territory of approximately 9km2 of the downtown core.
“We had a choice to make: we could either stand by and watch the decline of our downtown core, or we could roll up our sleeves and get to work,” says Monique Simard, Chair of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership. “Our mission was more important than ever in 2020, and our team has redoubled its efforts to create a participatory, welcoming, and creative route within the framework of public health guidelines.”
The initiative’s summer schedule, from July through October, focused on an infrastructure of safe, socially-distanced public squares that supported local businesses and restaurants, infused with inspiration from Montreal-based artists, designers, performers, and collectives. As a result, the summer featured an abundance of animation courtesy of more than 150 musicians, dancers, actors, street artists, circus performers, and improv artists who illuminated the pedestrian zones and public squares.
▼城市铜管乐队-夏季活动启动倡议 Urban Science Brass Band and The Real SNap Boogie – Kick-start the summer initiative, Montréal, 2020

The success of the summer initiative laid the foundations for a full winter program that includes the warm embrace of Luminothérapie, Quebec’s largest competition for temporary public art installations and a captivating annual winter experience anchored in downtown Montreal’s Place des Festivals. The initiative, which has celebrated winter life on a smaller scale in past years, has expanded in scope to feature an innovative circuit of 5 installations this year, infusing greater vibrancy and pleasant distractions into the city at a much-needed moment. Launched on December 3rd, the immersive journey of interactive sound and light has converted the darkness of an unforgettable winter into a magical winter wonderland that is keeping people connected to the city. Each night at 6 p.m., the Moment cœur battant sound and light show begins illuminating building façades, bringing the streets of the Quartier des Spectacles to life with a mix of dancing lights and original music that embodies the spirit and beating heart of the city’s cultural community.
▼夏季活动成功举行 Dans ma cour… ç’a du chien ! from Mélanie Crespin, Quartier des spectacles – Kick-start the summer initiative, Montréal, 2020

该项目包括五个富有创意和发人深省的装置。第一个“Loop”装置,在节日广场开启了一场声光冒险,它将带领游客踏上魁北克文学的文化之旅;附近艺术广场(Place des Arts Esplanade)上的“Entre les rangs”装置,旨在向魁北克古老农田的冬麦致敬;而“Nouvelle Lune”装置则呈现了一系列巨大的发光球体,形成影子剧场的框架;“Iceberg”装置以其对宏伟冰流的诠释,让游客沉浸在独特的声光体验中;最后的“Spectrum”是一个能将语音声波转换为光线的趣味互动装置。
The Luminothérapie | Cœur battant initiative includes five creative and thought-provoking installations, beginning with Loop, an adventure in sound and light at Place des Festivals that whisks visitors away on a cultural journey through Quebec literature. On the nearby Place des Arts Esplanade, Entre les rangs pays luminous tribute to the wintery wheat fields of Quebec’s ancestral farmlands, while Nouvelle Lune presents a series of giant luminescent spheres as a framework of shadow theatre. Iceberg immerses visitors in a unique sound and light experience in its interpretation of majestic ice flows, while Spectrum is a fun and interactive work that converts speech soundwaves into light.
▼时刻跳动的心脏活动,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Moment Coeur Battant – Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

▼圆环,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Loop – Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

▼队列之间,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Entre les rangs, Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

▼冰山,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Iceberg – Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

▼新月,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Nouvelle lune – Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

▼光谱,加拿大蒙特利尔,2021年 Spectrum – Luminothérapie | Coeur battant, Montréal, Canada, 2021

“最近的一项调查显示,游客们非常喜欢夏季举办的给市区带来生机的临时公共广场和表演,因此我们希望在整个冬季都能复制这些成功。” Simard解释道,“借助这个非常特别的Luminothérapie装置,我们可以带领人们来感受这一重要的冬季活动的魔力,在独特而明亮的环境中,欣赏我们当地艺术家的伟大才华。”
“A recent survey revealed that visitors thoroughly enjoyed the temporary public squares and performances that brought life to the downtown area in the summer months, and we hope to replicate those successes throughout winter,” explains Simard. “With this very special edition of Luminothérapie, we’re inviting people to come and feel the magic of an essential winter event that celebrates the immense talent of our local artists, in a unique and luminous setting.”

由Partnership制作的灯光、声音和互动装置,启发了世界各地面临在全球新冠大流行期间活跃公共空间挑战的城市。这些装置目前已经吸引了世界各地的群众,它完美展示了蒙特利尔作为联合国教科文组织设计之都、全球数字艺术和创意之都的实力。自2016年以来,Quartier des Spectacles创作的12件作品已经在北美、欧洲和中东50多个城市的近120场展览中展出,与世界各地分享了城市的“生活乐趣”。
在当前不断变化的限制环境中,这种创造性的力量也是一种弹性对策,Quartier des Spectacles Partnership已经做好准备迎接挑战,帮助在世界疫情大流行的情况下,确保蒙特利尔仍然是一个充满活力、生机勃勃和安全的旅游目的地。
The light, sound, and interactive installations produced by the Partnership serve as an inspiration for cities around the world faced with the challenges of animating public spaces during a global pandemic. The installations have already been entertaining audiences around the world, showcasing Montreal, a UNESCO City of Design, as a global capital of digital art and creativity. Since 2016, 12 works created for the Quartier des Spectacles have been exhibited on nearly 120 occasions in more than 50 cities in North America, Europe, and the Middle East, sharing the city’s ‘joie de vivre’ with the rest of the world.
In the current climate of constantly evolving restrictions, that creative force has been leveraged as a countermeasure, and the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership has risen to the challenge of helping ensure that Montreal remains a vibrant, lively, and safe destination to visit, even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

更多 Read more about: Quartier des Spectacles Partnership、KANVA