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Thanks Tad.atelier for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Tad.atelier.
Tad.atelier:位于吴哥市郊的 Cư Ebur 社区历史悠久,且具有强烈的社会凝聚力,目前正在积极面对快速的城市化进程。当我们接到在该地区设计一家咖啡店的任务时,我们的目标是创造一座既能传承该地区文化,又能使其保持与现有社区生活方式相和谐的建筑。
Tad.atelier:Located on the outskirts of Buon Ma Thuot city, in the Cư Ebur commune, a long-established community with a strong sense of social cohesion is currently grappling with the rapid process of urbanization. When tasked with designing a coffee shop in this area, our aim was to create an architecture that could inherit the spirit of the location while maintaining harmony between new architecture and the existing community lifestyle.

To optimize costs and align with local construction resources, the architecture of the café was modularized to ensure a convenient and efficient construction process.

在 Cư Ebur,许多房屋仍保留着农村建筑的特点:每个家庭都有一座坚固的主屋,并通过轻型结构延伸到周围空间,以满足日常活动、招待客人、饲养牲畜的需求,或作为农用设备仓库或车库。由于该建筑场地的前身是一个古老的鹿厩、菜园和整个家庭的公共室外生活区,设计便以此为灵感提出了咖啡馆的建筑方案。
In Cư Ebur, many houses still retain the characteristics of rural architecture, with each family having a solid main house that extends into surrounding spaces with lightweight structures to accommodate daily activities, entertain guests, house livestock, or serve as farm equipment storage or vehicle garages for farmers. This served as inspiration for the architectural proposal of Cà phê Xã, as the construction site was formerly an old deer stable, vegetable garden, and a communal outdoor living area for the entire family.
▽潜在的场地条件因素分析贴图 Collage,Potential Local Factors

The proposal for an open layout was also based on our observation that the majority of local residents prefer the open and airy atmosphere of roadside coffee stalls. The "enclosed" portions of the project were strategically placed in appropriate areas, primarily serving private functions such as the counter and support facilities, while the majority of the main space was open to nature.

We aimed for a "loose" structure to maintain continuity and diversity in the coffee experience. Considerations regarding ground elevation, size, height, and landscaping were made to ensure the café space could accommodate a variety of different users simultaneously, whether for workshops, reading, group meetings, or family gatherings.

为了营造一种既舒适、又公共且开放的氛围,整个空间围绕着一个大的中央庭院分布,这也反映了咖啡馆名字 “Xã”(在越南语中意为“社区”)的本质。该项目旨在实现一种和谐感,同时保留每个独立空间的丰富性与特色。
With the entire space revolving around a large central courtyard, we aimed to create an atmosphere that was both cozy, communal, and open, reflecting the essence of the café's name, "Xã" (which means "community" in Vietnamese). The project aimed to achieve a sense of harmony while still preserving the richness and individuality of each separate space./.

▽轴侧分析-社区中的非正式结构 Isometric-Informal Structure In The Community

▽总平面图 Master Plan

▽底层平面图 Ground Floor

▽二层平面图 Second Floor

▽建筑剖面图 Section

▽小型咖啡空间轴测分析图 Isometric Of Small Coffee Spaces

项目名称:Xã Café
竣工年份:2023 年
项目地点:越南 Buon Ma Thuot City Cư Ebur commune
首席建筑师:Vu Tien An
设计团队:Pham Quoc Hiep,Bui Diem Quynh
客户:Xã Café
Project Name: Xã Café
Completion Year: 2023
Project Location: Cư Ebur commune, Buon Ma Thuot City, Vietnam
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Tad.atelier
Website: https://www.tad-a.vn/
Contact e-mail: tadatelier02@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Vu Tien An
Design Team: Pham Quoc Hiep, Bui Diem Quynh
Clients: Xã Café
Photo Credits: Tad.atelier
“ 项目空间围绕着一个大型中央庭院分布,营造出一种既舒适、又公共且开放的氛围,同时也体现了当地社区的精神本质。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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