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Thanks Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd. .
山水比德: 梁思成在《中国建筑史》中说:“一个东方老国的城市……如果完全失掉自己的艺术特性,在文化表现及观瞻方面都是痛心的……”。身在信息时代,指数爆炸的资讯洪流淹没了古典文化、经典文化,唤醒中国人骨子里的山水情结,成为丰盈当代人精神生活的“刚性需求”。明末文震亨在《长物志》一书中表达了“居山水之间者为上”的人居理念,回归场地本身的在地文化,回溯中国文化中的精髓,以景观空间对居者精神需求为切入点,回应传统的山水人居文化的呼唤。我们所需要做的,是创造景观的价值——永恒的精神与文化。
Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd: Liang Sicheng mentioned in ‘The History of Chinese Architecture’- ‘a city in an ancient oriental country… If it completely loses the artistic identity, it will be painful in terms of cultural expression and outlook…’ . In this information age,the flow of information explosion has flooded ancient and classical culture. Chinese inner feelings of landscape have become the ‘Necessity’ of contemporary spiritual life.Wen zhenheng of the late Ming dynasty expressed the human settlement concept of ‘living between mountains and rivers is the highest’ in his book ‘Superfluous Things’. By returning to the local culture of the site itself, recalling the essence of Chinese culture, taking the spiritual needs of the residents in the landscape space as the starting point, responding to the call of the traditional landscape human settlement culture, what we need to do is to create the value of landscape-eternal spirit and culture.
Xi’an is not only a city passing through time, but also a city of ‘Chinese poetic enlightenment’. It breeds the poem anthology of ‘Jianjia’ of Zhou Dynasty.As the design concept of the project, ‘the Garden of Happiness’ in The Book of Songs is adopted with the vast lawn, the sound of cranes warble in all the fields, the fish diving into the abyss and jumping on the beach, and the massive mountain peak; It is not only the garden of happiness that we yearn for, but also the ideal country for us Chinese to live among the mountains and rivers.
The “Feng” and “Ya” in the Book of Songs tell about the ‘order’ of social life at that time, expressing the order of life and the its form of art. Based on the understanding of the nature and tonality of the site, we shape the life style with book temperament and an elegant hazy space form.
Hazy, is the ambiguous form of space, it brings the desire and surprise of exploration.
In the main entrance with the form of ‘calm’, without detailed taste, under the transformation of space, the emotional joy can be triggered in a flash.The city interface is just like the portal of time and space, which leads to the Xanadu and brings me into the Long Scroll of Pine Courtyard. Under the seven Taishan pines, which stand for ‘The Seven Sages’, I received the pleasure endowed by the space of poem and painting.
Emotion triggers the internal sense of cultural belonging because of the creation of a pool of ‘spring water’ and ‘exclusive pines’.
Landscape with mountain and water is the aesthetics of Chinese life. In the game with geometric lines, artistic conception painting is an important carrier of the inner landscape complex of Chinese people. When the silent painting is triggered by the backyard space of ‘mountains and rivers’ with vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and other real feeling of perception, the spirit of the venue can be reproduced.
▼山水盒子单体施工工艺Single construction technology of Shanshui box
The three-dimensional landscape space takes the shape of Mount Hua and presents the hierarchy of mountain with the form of natural growth, creating the experience and drama of space with ‘landscape in box’. It enables people to walk through, observing the fantastic peaks and waterfalls, feeling the sense of travelling across mountains and rivers. It represents Mr. Su Dongpo’s elegance of ‘I prefer to walk in sandals with cane rather than ride a horse. I am willing to spend a straw-cloaked life in mist and rain.’
Meet Li Bai’s Romanticism of ‘The water cascade falls down from three thousand meters above, just like the galaxy drops from the top.’
Three thousand years of classic inheritance need to be picked up by those who are in the cracks.Only the enrichment given by spiritual culture can let the hedonism advocated by materialism and has more permanent vitality.When we are in the dark, Just like Louis Kahn, to discover the light of Divinity.
项目名称: 中国铁建西安西派时代
委托业主: 西咸新区兴城人居置业有限公司
景观设计: 广州山水比德设计股份有限公司
主创: 聂锻炼、孙红时
方案: 李健、胡乔嘉、高宇嘉、叶宗杰
园建施工图: 古惠玲、陈俊河、王家明、艾泽鑫、裴贤福、陈瑞文
植物: 吴洁莲、谭晓欣
园林施工: 重庆睿和泰园林有限公司
建筑设计: 北京易墨建筑设计事务所有限公司
项目地点: 西咸新区沣西新城白马河路及永平路东北角
设计面积: 7850㎡
设计时间: 2019年05月
建成时间: 2019年12月
注: 文中视频、动态图片及部分图片来源于西咸新区兴城人居置业有限公司
Project Name: Xi’an XiPai era of China Railway Construction
Client: Xixian New Area Xingcheng human settlements Real Estate Co., Ltd
Landscape design: Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.
Design team:
leader designer: Duanlian Nie, Hongshi Sun
Team members: Jian Li, Qiaojia Hu, Yujia Gao, Zongjie Ye, Huiling Gu, Junhe Chen, Zexing Ai, Xianfu Pei, Ruiwen Chen, Jielian Wu, Xiaoxin Tan, Zhaocong Xie, Zhuoying Wang, Chengtong Liang, Junhao Huang
Garden Construction: Chongqing ruihetai Garden Co., Ltd
Architectural design: Beijing Yimo Architectural Design Office Co., Ltd
Project location: northeast corner of Baimahe road and Yongping Road, Fengxi new city, Xixian New Area
Design area: 7850 ㎡
Design time: May 2019
Completion time: December 2019
Note: the video, dynamic pictures and some pictures in the article are from Xingcheng residential real estate Co., Ltd. of Xixian new area
项目中使用的植物和材料Application of materials and plants in this project:
更多read more about: 山水比德 Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.