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Thanks Studio APL for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Studio APL.
力口建筑:如何在 80 年的旧仓库中,提供让人感受到宁静庭院空间,是此案的核心设计重点。 推开镶有镂空 1942 数字的大门把手进入,阳光洒落在微型室内绿景点餐与烘培教学空间。点餐后,再经过半户外庭院, 侧旁楼梯可以上到二楼艺廊空间,或是选择进去室内用餐区,坐在这里可一眼望穿石院子的全景,阳光透过栾树的树荫撒入玻璃屋内。
Studio APL: The architects designed an independent exterior courtyard as the focal point of the project, in order to breathe life into the 80 year old building. The entrance in the coffee shop by Studio APL, is made by pulling the handle embedded with the number 1942, that reveals the age of the structure. Upon entering, the visitor meets a spacious, well-lit coffee roasting room and dining room. After ordering, customers can pass by the semi outdoor courtyard, and visit the gallery on the second floor or just stay in the indoor dining space of the first floor. Sitting inside, one can gaze at the golden-rain trees that filter the sunlight.

▽建筑外围环境 Building environment

伙房花园 Courtyard Garden
The placement of the new coffee workshop enables Yamato to increase the number of seats to meet the functional needs. Previously, there was a derelict semi-outdoor warehouse with mountain-shaped large trusses in the backyard. By removing the columns, the large open area becomes a new space, in the second and third design phases.
▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing
▽项目与周边环境夜景 Night view of project and surrounding environment

在石院子里,可以选择单人靠墙的座位区,安静地享有沉思与阅读空间;四人与六人的石桌则提供多人聚会的选项,整体院子空间寄望能有包场当作婚宴轻食的场域空间。旧有仓库大跨度钢构创造了无落柱的空间;新结构的置入,以 100*100mm 镀锌方管建构了垂直向的柱子与水平向的屋顶构造系统。
Within this stone courtyard, customers can sit in a window one-seater and enjoy some reading, but there are also tables to accommodate diners who seek a place for meetings or celebrations. In addition, the courtyard can also be used as wedding venue. The original big-scale grain bin with long span structure generates a space without columns. As for the new structure, 100*100mm galvanized steel pipes were used to construct the structure system combined with vertical columns and an horizontal roof.
▽鸟瞰图 Aerial View

▽半户外庭院 semi outdoor courtyard

The site showcases an interesting conversation between the built environment and the surrounding plants. In winter, trees turn into brown, matching the color of corroded grain depository’s steel structure. In summer, green leaves of the tree in the courtyard and those of the trees outside on the street, blur the boundary of the warehouse.
▽季相变化的原生栾树 Native eucalyptus with seasonal changes

时间是记忆的剖面。每件旧的人事物都该思考如何被友善的对待与保存,竹田乡的重造旧业会持续的耕耘下去,旧的边界也逐步形塑新的院落伙房空间 。
Time is the section of memory. All old things should be considered, treated and preserved in careful manner. This reuse and redesign of the old industrial buildings in Zhu tian Township will continue to evolve, and the old boundary will gradually shape the new courtyard housing space.
▽二楼艺廊空间 2nd floor gallery space

▽施工过程 Construction process

▽平面图&剖面图 Plan & Sectoion

项目面积:104 坪
项目地点:竹田乡 屏东县 台湾
公司网址: https://jr-architects.com/、http://www.sapl.com.tw/
联系邮箱: architects.jr@gmail.com 、sapl2006@gmail.com
摄影师:王基守 Xiang 相摄影事务所、李易暹 Yi-Hsien Lee Photography、Shawn Liu Studio 铉琉工作室、力口建筑 Studio APL
Project name: Yamato café
Year completed: 2015-2017
Project area: 104 ping
Project location: Pingtung County, Taiwan, Zhutian Township
Design companies: JR Architects, Studio APL
Company website: https://jr-architects.com/, http://www.sapl.com.tw/
Contact email: architects.jr@gmail.com, sapl2006@gmail.com
Chief Architect: Huang Zhuoren
Lead designer: Li Pei-an
Design team: Huang Zhuo-ren, Li Pei-an, Li Pei-zheng, Yang Jingwen, Sung Yu-feng
Client: Yuanshun Development Co., LTD
Partners: Dingchi Architecture (Phase I), Likou Architecture (Phase I + II + III)
Photographers: Jishou Wang Xiang Xiang Photography Studio, Yi-Hsien Lee Photography, Shawn Liu Studio Xuanliu Studio, Likou Architecture Studio APL
“ 每件旧的东西与事物都该思考如何被友善的对待与保存。”
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