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L&A GROUP: What does garden life in a real community look like?

It is the touchable tips of leaves within reach and the canopy overhead for relaxation, a free breath amidst the rainforest. It’s a created space for sharing and exchanging a natural, healthy way of life. It’s a generator of beautiful living experiences for all ages. It’s functional yet emotionally connected, a place that concerns to you. The garden is that aspect of life, and what we care about is life.





The project began at the outbreak of the Covid, a time when the entire landscape architecture design industry initiated contemplation on the essence of returning to life, and the connection between dwellings and homes.

The starting point and direction of this project were to distill the real-life needs of “home” on the foundation of residential communities. It involved a reevaluation of diverse scenarios and dwelling functionality, eliminating unnecessary landscape decorations and transitional designs. The goal was to study the rational layout of functionalities, creating living spaces that fulfill the genuine needs and usability values of homeowners.



背景 Background

广州中海 · 观澜府位于海珠区创新湾,两江交汇的中间段,是具有为数不多南向观江景的绝佳资源。项目占地面积约25791㎡,景观面积约17000㎡,由住宅区、公寓区及配套幼儿园组成。周边已规划丰富的市政及生活配套,具备形成多元滨江社区的基底条件。

Guangzhou Zhonghai · Guanlan Mansion is situated in the Innovation Bay area of Haizhu District, right in the middle of the confluence of the two rivers. It is a rare south-facing river views in the region. The project covers an area of approximately 25791㎡, with a landscape area of about 17000㎡, comprising residential areas, apartment, and a kindergarten. The surrounding area has been planned with a wealth of municipal and lifestyle amenities, providing the essential foundation for the development of a diverse riverside community.


▽总平面图 Plan



挑战 Challenge



The landscape design faced four highly challenging issues:

1.High Plot Ratio (6.9): How to optimize the utilization of landscape spaces to meet residents’ needs while alleviating the sense of visual oppression often associated with high-rise buildings.
2.Maximizing Indoor River Views: To ensure maximum indoor river views, the ground-level landscape spaces are fragmented, lacking a centralized and cohesive landscape foundation.
3.Limited Space in the Residential Area: The landscape space in the residential area is constrained, and large areas are allocated for EVA due to the presence of high-rise buildings. How to create a rich garden experience in this context is a challenge.
4.Context in a New Era Riverside Community: How to effectively leverage the advantages of resources and develop an exploratory experience for urban living in such a context as a first class riverside community in this new era.



思路 Thoughts


At the outset of landscape design, in conjunction with the planning and architectural conditions, the first step was to establish a systematic design framework. This involved creating a comprehensive design logic by assembling various subsystems. The goal was to streamline collaboration across different department of design, maximize the utilization of site resources, and develop a customized design approach for the project. This approach aimed to transform challenging conditions into design highlights for the project.



\\ 建立多维立体空间,激活边界点亮中心 \\ Creating Multi-dimensional Spatial Design to Activate Boundaries and Illuminate the Center


In the high-rise residential area, the landscape ground area is relatively constrained, and addressing the issue of landscape capacity during peak hours is crucial. Simultaneously, beneath the enclosure of the high-rise buildings. It is essential to minimize the sense of vertical spatial oppression and guide sightlines horizontally.


▽将落客雨棚与大门整体造型相融合,形成统一立面 Combine the rain canopy with the overall entrance design, creating an unified facade.



The landscape design integrates with the homecoming experience and internal circulation system, shaping a three level arrival system: hotel-style entrance – private gardens – unit entrances. Extending from the entrance gate, there is a system of sheltered walkways that not only creates a seamless arrival experience regardless of weather conditions but also serves as a medium for connecting all indoor and outdoor functions within the community. This design approach maximizes the spatial potential between building boundaries, creating individual private gardens for each building within the community.


▽从大门前场的落客处雨棚至园区内风雨连廊直至单元入户,为住户创造无风雨归家体验 From the canopy at the drop-off area in front of the entrance to the community, extending through the sheltered walkways within the estate to the entrance of each unit, creating a seamless experience for residents to return home regardless of the weather.



By utilizing the walkways to create upper-level sight boundaries, sightlines are directed horizontally, reducing the sense of visual oppression associated with high-rise buildings. This approach also generates more functional spare spaces and expands the usable landscape functional area. Residents are guided to various themed gardens, alleviating the demand for space during peak periods.


▽将连廊系统与单元入户形象、架空层等相结合,创造空间不断开和阖奇趣体验 Integrate the walkway system with the unit entrances, openfloor elements, and other features to create a continuous and intriguing spatial experience.

▽弱化道路系统的线性链接,转化为以平台与空间相连、场景与视点结合的空间对景 Diminish the linear connections of the road system, transform them to platforms connected with spaces, sence with view point.




The crowning jewel of the project lies in the establishment of a multiple dimension rainforest garden within the relatively expansive space available. Inside the central garden, vertical spaces are developed, featuring a multi-tiered garden experience with the addition of elevated walkways. These walkways exhibit a sleek design and serve as connectors for various community spaces, including the community lounge, rainforest library, entertaining platforms, and rainforest water features. In the limited landscape space, this approach creates multiple scene experiences, dispersing the concentration of people during peak hours.

By incorporating the distinctive plant characteristics of Lingnan, the traditional “scenic” greening approach was transformed. In the central garden, a rainforest-style planting method blends with the hardscape, creating a harmonious interplay. Coupled with the use of large-scale water features, accentuates the expression of Lingnan’s unique ambiance, enhancing the fullness and richness of the spatial greenery while elevating the visual experience.


▽通过雨林弱化桥体的体量感,将连桥每一处节点与景观功能相结合,做到空间的最大化利用。 By reducing the voluminous presence of the rainforest bridge, integrate each node of the elevated walkway with landscape functions to maximize the utilization of space while maintaining a harmonious design.

▽立体雨林花园鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽借用立体连桥营造亲水雨林场景,同时丰富社交空间的多种形式 Using the three-dimensional elevated walkways to create a waterside rainforest scene, simultaneously diversifying the forms of social spaces within the community.

▽特色雨林式的种植营造更丰满的空间绿量感,缓解因过多消防登高面所带来的绿量不足问题。The distinctive rainforest-style planting contributes to a fuller sense of green space, alleviating the issue of insufficient greenery caused by the presence of numerous EVA and high-rise building facades.

▽将客群的景观需求具象化,结合社区运营思路转化传统的室外会客厅为社区书吧;与雨林特色植物相互掩映、互为对景 Translate the landscape needs of the residents into simple features by transforming the traditional outdoor gathering space into a community library. This space should be intertwined with rainforest-themed vegetation, creating a mutual visual attraction.


\\ 室内外空间串联,营造共融生活场景 \\Connecting Indoor and Outdoor Spaces to Create Inclusive Living Scenes



Exploring valuable living spaces – A systematic organization of all ground-level functions within the project forms a ground-level functional system. Breaking down the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing spatial forms and functions to interpenetrate and interweave, creates high-quality spare spaces. Emphasis is placed on the continuity and functional interaction between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Taking into account the homecoming pathways and the sight from entrance lobbies, different landscape techniques are employed to eliminate the sense of boundaries within spaces. This is done by considering the varying scales and lighting conditions between buildings, ultimately reducing the feeling of spatial congestion caused by insufficient landscape space.


▽场地空间设计分析 Site space design analysis


▽将入户花园自然渗透至中心花园,形成动与静的虚隔。 Allow the entry gardens to naturally flow into the central garden, creating a harmonious transition between dynamic and serene spaces.

▽风雨连廊串联所有架空层,在连廊流线上塑造休憩空间,与口袋花园互为对景 The sheltered walkway connects all the open floors, shaping resting spaces along its flow, creating a harmonious interaction with pocket gardens.

▽位于归家动线上的宅间花园,利用风雨连廊与建筑雨棚的灰空间逐步过度到室外花园。The gardens located the homecoming pathways within the residences gradually transition from interior spaces using the sheltered walkways and building canopies to outdoor gardens.

▽将架空层中的茶室与室外平台、入户空间进行渗透,视线与功能相互联动 Facilitate a permeation of the tea rooms within the open floor with the outdoor platforms and entrance spaces, creating a visual and functional synergy.

▽将东侧登高面保留基本功能道路,留白处理作为今后的社区露营草坪 Preserve the essential functional road on the eastern EVA area, leaving it as undeveloped space for a future community camping lawn.


\\ 口袋花园渗透,满足真实需求 \\ Penetrating Pocket Gardens to Meet Real Needs


Addressing the limitation of space, starting from the context of real community life, the limited spaces between buildings are transformed into theme-rich pocket gardens. This approach maximizes the functional value of each space. Four pocket gardens are created – the Thought Garden, Meditation Garden, Children’s Outdoor Classroom, and Haibao Farm – all integrated with the surrounding open floor functions.


▽不同主题的口袋花园 Pocket gardens with different themes



In the Meditation Garden, taking advantage of the location in a low-traffic area, a serene and ethereal sense of scale is created through extensive softscaping. Innovative plant combinations and ecological planting techniques are employed to craft a healing and intimate social space, offering a tranquil sanctuary for reflection and relaxation.


▽从入户风雨连廊通过灰空间渗透到室外花园 From the entrance’s sheltered walkway, seamlessly penetrate through the spare space to access the outdoor gardens.



In the project, the “Haibao” IP from the exhibition area is extended to create the concept of an “Edible Garden” in more open pocket gardens. This lifestyle concept includes areas for vegetable and fruit cultivation, a light and shadow flower house, a children’s activity sandbox, and a shared kitchen on the open floor. The site design is approached from an operational perspective to establish the “Haibao Farm” and enhance homeowners’ community engagement. Within the farm, designated planting areas are allocated for homeowners to claim and maintain, while non-fixed planting areas are maintained by the property management through an automated irrigation system.


▽在海宝农场通过对不同蔬果的生态习性研究进行合理搭配 In the Haibao Farm, conduct research on the ecological habits of various vegetables and fruits to make well-planned pairings.

▽在海宝农场里形成一条闭环的功能流线:耕种—采摘—清洗—轻加工—邻里共享 Establish a closed-loop functional flow within the Haibao Farm: Cultivation – Harvesting – Cleaning – Processing – Neighborhood Sharing.

▽四点半儿童学堂外的登高面,通过组合式可移动花箱,形成不同形式的使用空间 On the EVA are outside the Four-Thirty Children’s School, create various forms of usable space by utilizing modular and movable flower boxes.


\\ 多元社区空间,彰显生活品质 \\ Diverse Community Spaces, Quality of Life


Tianji Hui Apartments: Opening up the boundaries of the apartment area, a delicate and transparent design language is employed to create an inclusive sense of space within small-scale areas. With an open entrance and integrated block design, this results in a refined, interconnected community public space.




Skyline Swimming Pool: At the rooftop of the apartment, a rooftop swimming pool is constructed, complete with facilities like private banquet areas and locker rooms. Leveraging the southern-facing resources, it offers sweeping river views, enhancing the overall functional layout of the project and showing a high quality of life.



设计师说 Designer’s Words


在面对这些新城市课题前,设计师首先应回到真实生活的维度,既要回答这些城市问题,还要用进行思路升维与空间演绎。中海广州 · 观澜府是在城市化发展的大背景下的一次创新性实践、一次对居住空间的探索实验,唤起人们享受社区,亲近自然、追求花园生活的美好向往。

In the development process of urbanization, community spaces in prime locations often face similar project conditions – high plot ratios, tall buildings, limited spaces, and core urban resources.

When dealing with these challenges, designers must return to the dimension of real life. They are not only need to address these urban issues but also elevate their thinking and spatial interpretation. Zhonghai Guangzhou · Guanlan Mansion represents an innovative practice and an exploratory experiment in residential space within the broader context of urban development. It awakens people’s desire to enjoy community, get closer to nature, and pursue the ideal of garden living in the midst of urbanization.



项目地点:广州市 海珠区
占地面积: 25791㎡
景观面积: 17251㎡
景观设计:奥雅深圳公司 设计二所
设计时间: 2020.09
竣工时间: 2023.07

Project Name: Zhonghai Guangzhou · Guanlan Mansion
Project Location: Haizhu District, Guangzhou
Project Type: Residential Community
Land Area: 25791㎡
Building Area: 8792㎡
Landscape Area: 17251㎡
Plot Ratio: 6.9
Client Name: China Overseas Property Guangzhou-Foshan Company
Landscape Design: Shenzhen L&A Design Holding Limited, Design Institute 2
Architectural Design: LWK + PARTNERS
Landscape Construction: Huayuan Landscaping
Design Time: September 2020
Completion Time: July 2023




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